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Intimate Partner Violence clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT06415968 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Intimate Partner Violence

Prevalence and Characteristics of Intimate Partner Violence Against Individuals Seeking Hematological Consultations

Start date: June 2024
Study type: Observational

Intimate violence against individuals, which is particularly marked among women, is one of the most widespread human rights violations in the world. The Women Abuse Screening Tool (WAST) self-questionnaire is a screening tool validated in French. Our preliminary data describing the association between intimate violence against women and the first attack of unexplained venous thromboembolic disease, show a significant frequency of positive responses to the WAST among women attending a biological hematology consultation at the CHU de Nîmes, for reasons of hemostasis disorders (8% out of the first 200 cases). The study authors wish to establish the prevalence of this situation among patients presenting to the CHU de Nîmes for hematological exploration and management. They hypothesize that the prevalence of violence against individuals seen in Hematology consultations is higher among individuals with hemostasis pathologies (hemorrhagic and thrombotic pathologies) than those with cellular pathologies, and higher among women than men.

NCT ID: NCT06414070 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Intimate Partner Violence

Developing and Testing the Jenga Dada Intervention in Kenya

Start date: June 17, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study aims to work with women's economic empowerment groups within the community to address reproductive coercion and intimate partner violence and promote economic self-sufficiency among women (aged 15+ years). Based on the investigators' previous research in the United States, Bangladesh, and Kenya, the ARCHES (Addressing Reproductive Coercion in Health Settings) intervention is a highly effective clinic-based model to improve women's ability to use family planning and cope with abuse. Due to common requests for community-based support, content from the ARCHES intervention along with Girls Invest, an economic empowerment intervention implemented in the US and Nigeria, is being adapted to develop Jenga Dada, which means "Build a Woman Up" in Kiswahili, to be delivered to women's economic empowerment groups. The study will conduct formative research among women's economic empowerment group members, develop the Jenga Dada intervention, and conduct a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial to assess preliminary efficacy of the intervention on proximal outcomes (i.e., self-efficacy) and feasibility and acceptability.

NCT ID: NCT06252909 Not yet recruiting - Depression Clinical Trials

Treating Common Mental Disorders in Women in Mozambique by Addressing Intimate Partner Violence in Couples

Start date: September 1, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Adapting mental health treatments to address modifiable interpersonal problems has the potential to improve and sustain outcomes in low-resource settings where treatment gaps persist. This K23 Award will prepare the candidate to become an independent investigator with high-impact public health research and expertise in couple-based interventions that address interrelated mental health problems and intimate partner violence in couples by gaining expertise in engagement and treatment of men, adapting an evidence-based treatment for common mental disorders to address IPV in couples, designing and conducting randomized controlled trials with couples, and professional skills development. This work has applicability for low-resource low-income countries and US populations that experience couple-based violence and the mental health treatment gap. With its focus on intimate partners, the intervention also has the potential to benefit health and wellbeing of children.

NCT ID: NCT06178016 Not yet recruiting - Clinical trials for Intimate Partner Violence

Efficacy of Bystander Intervention Program in Nursing Students

Start date: September 19, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The research will be conducted in a randomized control group experimental research design. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the bystander intervention program developed for dating violence in nursing students. The Bystander Intervention Program will be developed after a literature review on the subject and taking into account previous evidence-based research. The population of the study will consist of Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Department of Nursing, Turkish Program 1st year students (N=130). In the sample size calculation, the data reported in similar studies in the literature were used (Rothman et al. 2018). The representativeness of the study was calculated as β=80%, α=0.05 (effect size: 0.6), and a total of 80 samples were calculated as a result of power analysis, 40 intervention, and 40 control groups. Participants will be assigned to the experimental or control group by computer-based simple randomization method. Data will be collected between September, 19 2024, and December 19, 2024. Data will be collected face-to-face using the Individual Information Form, Bystander Efficacy Scale, Intention to Help Scale-Short Version, Bystander Behavior Scale (For Friends), and Program Evaluation Form. The data obtained from the research will be evaluated with the SPSS package program.

NCT ID: NCT06074068 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Intimate Partner Violence

Father-Focused Intervention for Reducing Family Violence and Symptoms in Children

Start date: January 11, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this clinical trial is to test the efficacy of Fathers for Change (F4C) compared to standard Batterer Intervention for fathers with a history of Intimate Partner Violence. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: 1. Is F4C more efficacious than standard BIP in reducing family violence and child mental health impairment? 2. What are the trajectories of therapeutic change targets across interventions? 3. Does father's emotion regulation and reflective functioning mediate the relationship between the two interventions and child-related outcomes? Participants will be randomized to either Fathers for Change on Batterer Intervention.

NCT ID: NCT06071299 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Intimate Partner Violence

Impact of Family-Centered Care for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

Start date: January 10, 2024
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of the study will be to determine how participation in Family-Centered Care (FCC) compared to Child-centered care (CCC) will affect caregiver engagement in IPV-based community services, caregiver perceptions of empowerment and survivor-defined practice, and clinical outcomes for children exposed to IPV.

NCT ID: NCT06059196 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Intimate Partner Violence

Adapting, Expanding and Evaluating ARCHES in Kenya

Start date: September 29, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Document evidence, via cluster randomized controlled trial, of the effectiveness of the ARCHES intervention, a brief, clinic-based counselling intervention demonstrated to reduce intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion and promote women's reproductive health, as scaled in government health facilities in Kenya, to (1) decrease unintended pregnancy, (2) increase family planning uptake and use/continuation, (3) decrease experiences of reproductive coercion and intimate partner violence of women and girls aged 15 to 49 years seeking family planning services, and, to (4) improve quality of care, (5) increase gender equitable attitudes, and, (6) increase self-efficacy to provide comprehensive family planning counseling among providers trained in ARCHES.

NCT ID: NCT05968534 Not yet recruiting - Depression Clinical Trials

MOSAIC (MOthers' AdvocateS In the Community) for Pregnant Women and Mothers of Children Under 5 With Experience of Intimate Partner Violence (MOSAIC Plus) Open Trial

Start date: July 31, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this R34 exploratory research proposal is to conduct formative work for a larger randomized controlled trial (RCT) evaluating the effectiveness of the "Mother AdvocateS In the Community (MOSAIC) Plus" intervention to reduce depressive and PTSD symptoms and prevent additional IPV among pregnant women and mothers with children under 5 experiencing IPV. The MOSAIC Plus intervention will integrate IPT principles and skills into the MOSAIC intervention in order to expand it to address consequences of IPV, including depression and PTSD symptoms. The proposed open trial will enroll 15 pregnant women who report experience of IPV in the past 6 months, and who screen positive for elevated depressive and/or PTSD symptoms. The intervention lasts 6 months after enrollment.

NCT ID: NCT05947539 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Alcohol Use Disorder

Improving HIV Care Engagement Among Ugandan Adolescent Girls and Young Women: The Kisoboka Mukwano Intervention

Start date: July 1, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study will develop and pilot test a couples-based intervention to help adolescent girls and young women living with HIV (WLHIV (15-24 years) living in Uganda access HIV care and improve the outcomes of their HIV treatment by targeting male partner alcohol use to reduce IPV risk.

NCT ID: NCT05893277 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Alcohol Use Disorder

Harmony: A Combined MI and BCT Intervention to Reduce Intimate Partner Violence and Alcohol Use in South India

Start date: October 12, 2023
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The goal of this randomized clinical trial is to test an intervention consisting of a combination of behavioral couples therapy and motivational interviewing to improve communication and reduce conflicts between couples and decrease harmful drinking among spouses in urban primary health centers, South India. The intervention will be delivered by nurses in primary health centers who will be supervised by a clinical psychologist. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: - Do the wives of the couples in the intervention report less intimate partner violence (IPV) after 12 months, compared to wives in couples in a control group? - Do the husbands of the couples in the intervention show less alcohol consumption after 12 months, compared to husbands in couples in a control group? Husbands will participate in Motivational Interview (MI) sessions targeted at reducing their alcohol use. Husband and wife will participate in Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT) targeted at improving their marital relationship. These intervention participants will be compared to a control group who will receive only referral information for intimate partner violence and an educational session and referral for alcohol use disorder. All participants will participate in quantitative interviews at baseline, and every three months thereafter, for a period of one year. In-depth qualitative interviews will be done with a subgroup of couples to try to understand how the intervention led to the observed outcomes.