View clinical trials related to Interstitial Pneumonia.
Filter by:The use of lung ultrasound is instrumental in the evaluation of many chest pathologies and its ability to detect pleuro-pulmonary pathology is widely accepted. However, the use of ultrasound to explore the state of the peripheral lung parenchyma, when the organ is still aerated, is a relatively new application. Horizontal and vertical artifacts are separate and distinct artifacts that can be seen during ultrasound examination of the lungs. While the practical role of lung ultrasound artifacts is accepted to detect and monitor many conditions, further research is needed for the physical interpretation of ultrasound artifacts. These artifacts are diagnostic signs, but we don't fully understand their origin. The artifactual information deriving from the surface acoustic interaction, beyond the pleural line, in the ultrasound images of the normally aerated and non-deflated lung, represents the final result of complex interactions of acoustic waves with a specific three-dimensional structure of the biological tissue. Thus, the umbrella term "vertical artifacts" oversimplifies many physical phenomena associated with a pathological pleural plane. There is growing evidence that vertical artifacts are caused by physiological and pathological changes in the superficial lung parenchyma. Therefore, the need emerges to explore the physical phenomena underlying the artifactual ultrasound information deriving from the surface acoustic interaction of ultrasound with the pleuro-pulmonary structures.
Read more »Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is a major polyphenol of green tea that possesses a wide variety of actions, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic, pro-apoptotic, anti-tumorous, and metabolic effects via modulation of a variety of intracellular signaling cascades. In addition, preclinical studies have also emphasized the antiviral activity of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), including SARS-CoV-2. In previous studies, we found that EGCG can prevent and cure radiation-induced normal tissue damage in tumor patients. In clinical studies, we found that EGCG can prevent and treat radiation-induced acute radiation esophagitis, acute radiation skin injury, acute radiation oral mucositis with high safety. Thus, we designed this phase I-II clinical study in order to investigate the possible role of EGCG in the treatment interstitial pneumonia in tumor patients.
In recent months, more and more studies suggest tele-rehabilitation as a means to be exploited to reduce the risk of contagion. The intent of our study is to verify the effectiveness of a tele-rehabilitation intervention through the application of a respiratory rehabilitation program supported by contact with physiotherapists, in patients with outcomes from SARS-CoV-2 infection discharged from the various medical departments and taken over by physiotherapists after physiatric evaluation. Faced with the same rehabilitation program prescribed to all patients, the primary objective of our study is to detect whether patients supported by remote rehabilitation after hospitalization improve both adherence to the rehabilitation program and cardiorespiratory endurance and dyspnea symptoms assessed with the Six Minute Walking Test scale (6MWT). This test is validated for multiple pathologies, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, the clinic of which could be comparable to the outcomes of coronavirus interstitial pneumonia as suggested by the literature. The secondary objectives concern the assessment of the impact of physical exercise assisted by tele-rehabilitation detected through: the assessment of the quality of life (Saint George Respiratory Questionnaire );the assessment of autonomy in daily life activities (Barthel Index Dyspnea Scale), the evaluation of the variation in thoracic expansion and lung volumes (with COACH , an instrument for respiratory physiotherapy that measures the inspiratory volume in ml); the evaluation of muscle strength and endurance (One Minute Sit To Stand) ; the detection of dyspnea during the execution of the exercises (Modified Borg scale); the assessment of the functionality of the lower limbs (Short Physical Performance Battery)
Read more »In the late 2019 a new Coronavirus was identified as the cause of a group of atypical interstitial pneumonia cases in Wuhan, a city in the Chinese province of Hubei. In February 2020, the World Health Organization designated COVID-19 disease, which stands for Coronavirus 2019 disease. Following the progressive spread of the infection in other countries of the world, WHO declared the Pandemic on 11 March 2020. Italy was the first European country involved in the spread of the infection and among those with the highest number of victims. The Coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 has, as its main target organ, the respiratory system, being able to determine a serious acute respiratory syndrome similar to that of the cases found during the SARS epidemic of 2003: hence the name of the virus as SARS-CoV-2. The diagnosis of SARS-COV-2 infection is made by direct detection by PCR of viral RNA on different biological materials from patients with suspicious symptoms, and the first level diagnostic test is generally the nasopharyngeal swab. However, even if the specificity of the nasopharyngeal swab is high, its sensitivity can be affected by technical causes (sampling mode), as well as by intrinsic factors related to the method. The purpose of the study is to identify the clinical, laboratory and imaging characteristic which are similar or which can differentiate the hospitalized patients affected by COVID-19 pneumonia (with positive PCR on naso-pharyngeal swab) and patients with pneumonia with negative PCR for COVID-19. To do this, the investigators will compare the clinical, laboratory and imaging characteristics between interstitial pneumonia secondary to SARS-COV-2 infection, confirmed by molecular biology investigations (viral RNA research by PCR on nasopharyngeal swab) and cases of interstitial pneumonia negative to the nasopharyngeal swab.
Read more »The investigating group aims at performing an observational, prospective study that involves the evaluation of circulating biomarkers predictive of clinical evolution in patients suffering from COVID-19 disease. In particular, the aim will be to verify whether there are transcripts or cytokines / chemokines in peripheral blood, modulated differently in patients with COVID-19, distinguished on the basis of the evolution towards more severe clinical pictures that require patient intubation or that show signs of cardiovascular damage. The study will be based on the transcriptional analysis of the entire genome and serum protein to evaluate the expression of a broad spectrum of cytokines and chemokines. Genome analysis will allow the genotype to be correlated to the identified gene expression profiles.
The recent pandemic due to the SARS-CoV2 results in a pulmonary infection in major symptomatic patients. Because of the large number of patients and the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome (which seems to occur in almost 5% of patients), there is a real challenge to improve physician ability to screen between patients those who will require specific surveillance and those who can be sent back home. The recent French official recommendation of the French radiology society prescribe that chest X-ray do not have any place in the COVID-19+ management whereas the WHO stipulate that ultrasound machines may be useful for these patients [1-2]. Moreover, scattered recent publications tend to stress the interest of quick ultrasound imaging for COVID-19 suspected patients for screening purpose [2-5]. The aim of this observational historico-prospective study is to assess the risk of severe clinical outcomes (admission in continuous care unit (USC), invasive respiratory assistance, death) in patients suspected or diagnosed COVID-19+ as a function of initial pulmonary ultrasound abnormalities. These clinical outcomes are assessed through phone calls at D5, D15, M1. The secondary objectives are: - Assessing the concordance between the severity of pulmonary lesions as detected by pulmonary ultrasound devices and the ones detected by CT-scanner, for patients who will undergo these two examinations. - Assessing the compared performances in detecting ultrasound pulmonary lesions for patients suspected or diagnosed COVID-19+, between an experimented operator and a newly trained operator. - Evaluate in suspected or COVID-19 patients, the risk of clinical worsening based on pulmonary ultrasound abnormalities during follow-up of hospitalized patients. - Evaluate the ultrasound evolution profiles of pulmonary lesions in patients whose clinical evolution is favorable. - Evaluate the incidence of thromboembolic events in patients who worsen secondarily.
Read more »Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features (IPAF) is a chronic interstitial lung disease (ILD) with some laboratoristic and/or clinical features of autoimmune disease, but without meeting criteria of connective tissue disease (CTD), and with no other causes of ILD. Despite recent efforts to standardize the diagnosis of IPAF, subjects with IPAF represent a very heterogenous group of patients, whose prognosis and clinical course are far from being clear. It also remains to be clarified what proportion of IPAF patients develop clear features of CTD over time. The aim of this observational trial is to define the clinical course of patients newly diagnosed with IPAF by prospectively following them for a period of 3 years, at 6-month intervals. The primary outcome will be 3-year lung transplant-free survival. The secondary outcome will be the proportion of patients who develop clinical and laboratoristic features clearly meeting criteria for a diagnosis of CTD at 3 years from the time of diagnosis of IPAF. Predictors of survival will also be studied.
Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features (IPAF) was defined in 2015 by the Working Group of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS) as interstitial pneumonia with some clinical and/or serological features suggesting presence of an underlying autoimmune disorder. However, ofiicial criteria for diagnosis of an autoimmune disease are not met. Aims of the study: 1. Determine the incindence of IPAF in comparison with interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) and classic autoimmune diseases (ADs) in polish pulmonological centers. 2. Clinical, serological, functional and radiological and histopathological characteristics of IPAF patients. 3. Analysis of diagnostic strategies towards specific IPAF subgroups. 4. Characterictics of potencial diagnostic, predictive and prognostic features of IPAF. 5. Prospective assessment of IPAF patients in the courseof 5 years in order to determine stability of the diagnosis and potential progression to other diseases, e.g. ADs.
After randomization, the subjects undergo flexible bronchoscopy either with fractionated propofol administration or with propofol-TCI. Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, and oxygen requirement are measured continuously during the procedure and thereafter. Cumulative propofol dose, and induction, procedure, and recovery time are noted continuously during and after the procedure.
There is a rare condition causing scarring of the lungs termed interstitial lung disease. This comprises a group of conditions which can be divided into separate diseases. The aim of this study is compare a group of patients (the cases) with 2 types of this disease (fibrotic non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)) with patients without the disease. The study will look at the 2 groups and their exposures to factors such as medications, smoking, previous jobs, previous medical problems and specifically heart disease and any operations or procedures involving the heart. There have been previous studies showing a link between heart disease and scarring of the lungs. This study will look at whether this association is stronger in one or the other type of lung scarring diseases.