Hyperkalemia, Diminished Renal Excretion Clinical Trial
Official title:
Evidence for Potassium Restriction in Hemodialysis
EvoKe-HD is a pilot randomized controlled trial to assess the feasibility and potential for efficacy of a novel dietary approach to hyperkalemia. Contrary to the traditional recommendations limiting the intake of high-potassium whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, the investigators propose to switch the focus to foods containing potassium that is readily absorbed by the body (high bioavailability), such as potassium from additives, processed meats, milk, fruit juices and sugary drinks.
Sixty adults receiving hemodialysis treatments with blood potassium levels ≥ 5.2 mmol/L on two occasions or more in the past three months will be randomly assigned to either the novel dietary counselling or the traditional approach. Both groups will meet with the renal dietician again once a month for 20 to 30 minutes, but the content of the recommendations will be different. The intervention and follow-up period will last six months. The investigators will record pre-dialysis potassium, bicarbonate, phosphorus, calcium and parathormone levels, blood pressure, volume status, hospitalizations, medication, and dialysis prescription changes monthly and assess nutritional status and satisfaction with food at the beginning and at the end of the study. The study will be successful if 30% or more of the eligible patients agree to participate and complete the 6-month assessment. ;