View clinical trials related to Hyperemia.
Filter by:Aims: to evaluate the success rate of radial artery cannulation in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization, using different methods such as palpation, hyperemia or ultrasound-guided puncture, together or each method separately. Specifically, the success rate at the first attempt, the number of attempts with each technique and the time spent will be assessed. The hypothesis is that there are different success rates for each puncture technique when cannulating radial artery for cardiac catheterization. Methods: randomized clinical trial with four parallel groups, with operator blinding. Those patients who will have the radial artery cannulated for an interventional cardiology procedure will be selected. Once the participant agrees to be included in the study and signs the informed consent, they are randomized to one of four groups: ultrasound and hyperemia puncture, only ultrasound puncture, only hyperemia puncture, palpation puncture (control group). Subsequently, an ultrasound assessment of the participant's radial artery (diameter, depth and systolic peak velocity) will be performed. Once in the intervention room, the puncture will be performed according to the corresponding method. The puncturing operator in charge will not perform the randomization or the ultrasound assessment to avoid bias. Variables will be collected in an ad hoc questionnaire designed to respond all study aims. Regarding the sample size, accepting an alpha risk of 0.05 and a beta risk of 0.2 in a bilateral contrast, 92 subjects per group are required to detect significant differences. Therefore, the total sample size would be made up of 368 participants, estimating losses of 5%. For variables description and hypotheses contrast, the statistical program SPSS version 22.0 for Windows will be used, working with a significance level of 5%.
Read more »Prospective validation of the ultrasound-assessed internal jugular vein distensibility (JVD) ratio to identify patients with systolic chronic heart failure and right atrial pressure (RAP) of 7 or less mmHg measured by the right heart catheterization. In a calibration cohort, a threshold ratio will be identified, above which the RAP is normal with the highest accuracy. This diagnostic tool with a defined threshold of the JVD ratio will be assessed in a second prospective validation cohort.
The glycocalyx is a layer of proteins and complex sugars covering the endothelium of vessels. Its role as capillary filtration control is important. In case of alteration of the glycocalyx, experimental models and some clinical studies show an increased capillary leak responsible for interstitial edema. The analysis of glycocalyx in routine care is important to guide volume expansion. Indeed, the literature provides evidence about the poor prognosis of excess water and its impact on organ. This analysis challenge is to justify filling solution of choice according to the characteristic of this capillary leakage.