View clinical trials related to HIV.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to provide medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) with buprenorphine and naloxone, or bup/nx, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention, and/or hepatitis C treatment for persons who inject opioids accessing syringe services programs (SSPs), as part of a comprehensive harm reduction program, and assess the acceptability and feasibility of using telemedicine to implement the program. The initial visit will be conducted in person or remotely via telemedicine given COVID-19 protocols at the SSP site in Greensboro, North Carolina (NC); follow-up visits will be conducted via telemedicine.
The open trial will examine the feasibility and acceptability of a brief, empirically-supported acceptance-based behavioral therapy intervention to promote retention in care for out-of-care people with HIV who use substances.
In the Kingasa study, the investigators will use a factorial design in order to evaluate both an intervention to increase male partner HIV testing and an intervention for pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV to provide real-time HIV VL load and ART adherence counseling. Specifically, the investigators will evaluate a) whether invitations to wellness visits increase the proportion of male partners who test for HIV and b) whether POC HIV VL tests increase viral suppression among pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV. The research team will also assess the impact of providing male counselor phone call follow-up to men in the wellness visit arm to encourage linkage to HIV care and prevention after HIV testing. Women will be randomized 1:1:1:1 to receive a) standard of care interventions with an invitation letter for male partners for fast-track visit for HIV testing and laboratory HIV testing for women at enrollment and every 6 months until 12 months postpartum, b) invitation letter for male partners for fast track visit for HIV testing and POC VL tests for women at enrollment and every 6 months until 12 months postpartum; c) invitation letter to male partners for wellness visits and laboratory-based HIV VL testing for women at enrollment and every 6 months until 12 months postpartum; and d) invitation letter to male partners for wellness visits and POC viral load testing for women at enrollment and every 6 months until 12 months post-partum. Women who are randomized to receive POC VL will receive same-day ART adherence counseling and those randomized to receive lab-based VL will receive VL results at their next visit with ART adherence counseling based on their VL results.
Hypothesis: - Hypothesis 1 : Regarding the recentness of preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) implementation with an uptake of 20% and according to the first consultative meeting, awareness and acceptability of PrEP seems to be low in key-populations of Cambodia - Hypothesis 2 : Individual, social and structural barriers and facilitating factors of PrEP implementation as perceived by health workers and community-based organizations would be similar to what was observed worldwide 4,8. - Hypothesis 3: Some subgroups of key-populations are difficult to reach in health facilities. Community organizations can play a critical role to provide PrEP information, initiation and counselling with the support of new technologies. - Hypothesis 4: Community organizations might lack financial, logistical and skill capacities to deliver PrEP in good conditions Main objective: • To qualitatively evaluate the knowledge, awareness, perception, experience and acceptability of PrEP among key populations (entertainment workers (EW), men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender women (TW)), and among healthcare and community workers in charge of key populations Secondary objectives: - To better understand the characteristics, needs and expectations of community-based organizations (CBOs), in order to define the optimal conditions for community-based PrEP implementation - To identify tools that could be useful to increase PrEP awareness and acceptability, especially new technologies (apps, websites) Methodology: Qualitative study Focus groups with key-populations, healthcare and community workers Semi-directive interviews with decision makers and policy makers Estimated enrolment: 10 participants per focus group, 8 focus groups, 80 participants in focus groups, 6 interviewed persons, 86 participants in total Study population: Men who have sex with men (MSM), entertainment workers (EW), transgender women (TGW), healthcare workers, community workers, decision and policy makers
The investigators propose A Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial of scalable interventions for ART delivery in South Africa- the SMART ART study-a randomized study to test adaptive ART delivery for persons with detectable viral load and/or not engaged in care.The types of differentiated service delivery (DSD) that will be examined in this study are incentives, community-based ART, and home delivery. The study plans to enroll up to 900 participants-people living with HIV and who are eligible for ART and living in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The study aims to maximize the proportion of ART eligible persons living with HIV who achieve viral suppression at 18 months. The study will also evaluate the preferences of clients and providers for differentiated service delivery, and evaluate the cost effectiveness of adaptive HIV treatment for those who are not engaged in care.
This study is a pilot test of enhancements to the standard of care for providing PrEP in Ugandan fishing communities. The specific aims are to conduct a mixed-methods study assessing enhancements to the standard of care for providing PrEP in fisherfolk communities in Lake Victoria, Uganda.
Black women have a significantly higher risk of acquiring HIV compared to their non-Black counterparts. The purpose of this study is to refine and test a mobile HIV Prevention and Reproductive Health app developed specifically for Black women.
There are over 73,000 adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) in Uganda constituting 4% of the worldwide population of ALHIV. HIV remains a leading cause of death among adolescents despite widespread availability of antiretroviral medication. Generally, ALHIV have poor outcomes with higher rates of loss to follow up compared with other age groups. Mortality rates and loss to follow up are highest during the transition period. Transition success may be maximized for ALHIV who are better prepared to negotiate care in adult HIV clinic settings. This study proposes to develop a self-management intervention for ALHIV transitioning to adult HIV care and test the impacts of the intervention on HIV outcomes. Conducting the proposed studies in this application will complement my prior training in psychiatry while filling key gaps in three areas: (a) behavioral science theories and their application to behavioral interventions, (b) adaptation and design of behavioral interventions, and (c) testing of behavioral interventions through randomized trials. To fill these gaps, the investigators will conduct qualitative research to elaborate a conceptual framework of the barriers faced by ALHIV transitioning to adult HIV care in Uganda (Aim 1), develop a self-management intervention that will enable ALHIV to successfully transition to adult HIV care (Aim 2), and assess feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effects of the self-management intervention on HIV outcomes for ALHIV transitioning to adult HIV care (Aim 3). This study will be the first to develop a self-management intervention targeting the critical transition period from pediatric to adult HIV care in sub-Saharan Africa and the first to use a randomized design to test the effect of a self-management intervention on health outcomes among ALHIV in Uganda who are transitioning to adult HIV care. These findings will have significant public health impact by optimizing health outcomes for a key population in the global HIV epidemic. The proposed research will serve as the basis for a competitive R01 grant proposal, submitted in year 4, to conduct a fully-powered, randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a behavioral intervention to improve retention in care and viral suppression among ALHIV in Uganda who are navigating the critical period of transition to adult HIV care.
The study is a prospective cohort of young MSM who are followed for 2 years either in-person at the PRISM Health Research Clinic and/or virtually with telehealth study visits. Follow-up visits occur as frequently as every 3 months, or as appropriate to clinical needs of HIV PrEP or STI PEP. The investigators will enroll men who may decide to start or stop PrEP, change from daily oral PrEP to on-demand oral PrEP or from on-demand oral PrEP to daily PrEP, to start or stop STI PEP at any point in the study period, or injectable PrEP as an alternative to daily oral PrEP or on-demand oral PrEP. All men will be provided with the study's mobile smart phone app to support early identification of risks for PrEP discontinuation, to provide information about STI PEP and document usage patterns of on-demand oral PrEP and STI PEP, and to support easy linkage to support services for PrEP counseling and addressing concerns or questions about STI PEP and injectable PrEP.
This is an open label study to evaluate the safety and immune response to a booster dose of Ad26.ZEBOV Ebola vaccine in HIV+ adults from Kenya and Uganda. Only participants who have received the 2-dose Ebola vaccine regimen "Ad26.ZEBOV/MVA-BN-Filo " in the VAC52150EBL2002 vaccine trial about 4 years ago are eligible to take part. Approximately 50 healthy HIV+ adults, aged 18 - 50 years at the time of the parent trial, will be invited. Participants will first be asked to provide consent to participate in this study. Upon receiving the booster vaccination, participants will be followed up for approximately 28 days (+/- 3 days) to collect information on side effects and provide blood samples for antibody measurement. This study is designed to provide descriptive information regarding vaccine safety and immunogenicity. There is no formal treatment comparisons and no formal testing of statistical hypothesis.