HIV Positive Youth That Are Newly Engaged in Care Clinical Trial
Official title:
Project ACCEPT: Engaging Newly Diagnosed HIV+ Youth in Care
The proposed study is a two-group randomized repeated measures design that will examine the
efficacy of Project ACCEPT (Adolescents Coping, Connecting, Empowering and Protecting
Together) to improve engagement in care among youth newly diagnosed with HIV at five AMTU
sites across the United States. Youth will be randomized into one of two study arms; Project
ACCEPT, the intervention, or HEALTH, the health education attention-controlled comparison
condition. Both arms consist of two individual sessions followed by six group sessions and a
final individual session which is expected to take approximately nine weeks after which
youth will have four follow-up visits at the following time points:
- post intervention (immediately after the last session);
- 3 months post the last session;
- 6 months post the last session; and
- 12 months post the last session. The trial will be repeated in up to three waves.