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HIV/AIDS clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT03135886 Recruiting - Hepatitis C Clinical Trials

Project I Test: Implementing HIV Testing in Opioid Treatment Programs

Start date: June 12, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study will test two active evidence-based "practice coaching" (PC) interventions to improve opioid treatment programs' (OTPs') provision and sustained implementation of on-site 1) HIV testing and linkage to care and 2) HIV/Hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing and linkage to care among patients seeking/receiving substance use disorder treatment. Aims are: Aim 1: To evaluate the effectiveness of the PC interventions on improving patient uptake of HIV testing in OTPs including the incremental impact of the HIV/HCV intervention on HIV testing. Aim 2: To examine, using mixed-methods, the impact of the PC interventions on the initiation and sustained provision of HIV testing and timely linkage to care. Aim 3: To evaluate the health outcomes, health care utilization, and cost-effectiveness of the PC interventions compared incrementally to one another and to the control condition. Primary Hypothesis: 1. The two PC interventions will result in significantly higher proportions of patients tested for HIV than the information control condition during the "initial impact" period (7-12 months post-randomization or T3), controlling for the proportion of patients tested during the baseline period, T1 (Primary) and during the "sustained impact" period, 13-18 months post-randomization or T4 (Secondary). 2. The HIV/HCV PC intervention will result in significantly higher proportions of patients tested for HIV than the HIV PC intervention during the initial impact period (7-12 months post-randomization or T3), controlling for the proportion of patients tested during the baseline period, T1 (Secondary) and during the "sustained impact" period, 13-18 months post-randomization or T4 (Secondary).

NCT ID: NCT03127397 Recruiting - HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials

Contribution of "Praise Messages" to HIV Treatment Retention and Adherence Among Female Sex Workers in Ethiopia

Start date: April 20, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study evaluates the effects of praise message phone calls on antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation, adherence, and prescription refills. The investigators will use randomization to assign newly (diagnosed) HIV positive, ART naive, female sex workers (FSWs) in Ethiopia to a praise message phone call study arm or to a standard of care control study arm.

NCT ID: NCT03048838 Recruiting - HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials

A Couple-based HIV Prevention Intervention to Promote HIV Protection Among Latino Male Couples

Start date: May 2016
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Epidemiological studies have attributed the source of many new HIV and STI infections among MSM to primary partners. Despite recent emphasis on couples-based interventions, efficacious interventions for Latino male couples have yet to be tested. The proposed study builds on the PI's post-doctoral research in which he adapted evidence based intervention for Black MSM couples, Connect `n Unite, for Latino male couples using methodologically rigorous adaptation procedures. The adapted intervention, Conectado Latinos en Parejas (CLP) expands the prevention alternatives offered in previous interventions by incorporating biomedical prevention methods such as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), promoting engagement in care, adherence to treatment regimens and viral suppression (TasP) and encouraging routine HIV testing if appropriate given the couple's serostatus. The investigators will conduct a randomized control trial (RCT) to examine whether participants assigned to CLP report an increase in the proportion of HIV protected anal sex acts (operationalized as using condoms, PrEP, TasP) compared to those assigned to a Wellness Promotion (WP) time matched attention control. The investigators will recruit 150 Latino male couples from the Philadelphia MSA and randomly assign them to CLP or WP. Participants will complete ACASIs to assess behavioral and psychosocial factors and be tested for sexually transmitted infections (STI) at baseline, 3 and 6 month post intervention. The investigators will conduct optional HIV/STI testing at baseline, 3, and 6 month post intervention. The primary study activities will be conducted at a large Latino serving CBO in North Philadelphia. To our knowledge, this study will be the first to examine the impact of a couple-based intervention to increase HIV protected anal sex acts for Latino male couples capable of being scaled up and replicated in various communities to provide continuous support and protection for this heavily impacted group.

NCT ID: NCT02586584 Recruiting - HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials

The I-Score Study: Developing a New Patient-Reported Tool for the Routine HIV Care of Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy

Start date: April 2016
Study type: Observational

The purpose of this Canada-France study is to develop and validate a multidimensional patient-reported measure of perceived barriers to antiretroviral therapy adherence for HIV-positive patients undergoing treatment that will be theoretically founded, easy to use and helpful to clinicians in their medical decision-making, in a clinical or research setting.

NCT ID: NCT02514707 Recruiting - HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials

Outcomes of HIV Infected Individuals After Ten Years on Antiretroviral Treatment

ART Long Term
Start date: January 2015
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

Study Title: Outcomes of HIV infected individuals after ten years on antiretroviral treatment Short Title/Study ID: ALT cohort Protocol Version and Date: Version 1.0 June 2013 Clinical Phase: NA Methodology: Prospective observational study Study Duration: 01 January 2014- 30th June 2025 Study Centre(s): Single centre (Infectious Diseases Institute, Kampala, Uganda) Number of Subjects: Enrollment of 1,000 study participants. All patients discharged from the IDI Research cohort (10 years of follow up on ART) will be offered to participate in the study. Additional patients with similar characteristics will be enrolled from he clinic Diagnosis and Main Inclusion Criteria: HIV patients above 18 years and in their 10th year of ART Main Exclusion Criteria: ART started outside IDI Study Product, Dose, Route, Regimen: ART will be provided according to standard of care at IDI and according to the WHO and Ugandan guidelines Duration of follow up: 10 years Reference therapy, Dose, Route, Regimen: Not applicable Recruitment Schedule: 1 January 2014- 30 June 2015 Statistical Methodology: Time to event analysis (end of treatment, failure, death, switch, occurrence of drug toxicities) including Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox regression will be performed. Endpoints will be correlated with characteristics at ART start and at study enrollment. Possible confounding variables, if available, will be considered. GCP Statement: This study will be conducted in compliance with the protocol, the current version of the Declaration of Helsinki, and ICH-GCP as well as all national legal and regulatory requirements.

NCT ID: NCT02119702 Recruiting - HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials

Adolescent Master Protocol for Participants 18 Years of Age and Older (AMP Up)

Start date: April 2014
Study type: Observational

This is a prospective cohort study designed to define the impact of HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy (ART) on young adults with perinatal HIV infection (YAPHIV) as they transition into adulthood. A group of of perinatally exposed but uninfected young adults from a similar sociodemographic background and age distribution will be enrolled for comparison.

NCT ID: NCT02070900 Recruiting - HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials

Does Provision of Point of Care CD4 Technology and Early Knowledge of CD4 Levels Affect Early Initiation and Retention on Anti-retroviral Treatment (ART) in HIV Positive Pregnant Women in the Context of Option B+ for PMTCT?

Start date: January 2014
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The study will be conducted at 32 health care facilities in three provinces in Zimbabwe and will compare the impact of the provision Point of Care CD4 technology and early knowledge of CD4 levels on retention at 12 months, with or without POC CD4 and a programmatic mentoring package. Option B+ will be implemented at all sites and 16 intervention sites will receive POC CD4 machines and visits from a team of clinical mentors. The study also aims to assess rates of ART initiation and time to ART initiation of HIV positive pregnant women in settings implementing option B+ with or without POC CD4 and related counselling/support; rates of retention in care of HIV positive mothers at 6 months post ART initiation in settings implementing option B+ with or without POC CD4 and related counselling/support; rates of ART initiation and retention at 6 and 12 months post ART initiation according to different levels of CD4 count; cost of retaining HIV positive pregnant women until 6 and 12 months; acceptability and feasibility of POC CD4 as an adjunct to good clinical care of HIV positive pregnant women.