View clinical trials related to Hernia, Ventral.
Filter by:This observational, retrospective study aims to examine surgical outcomes in non-elective surgery for incisional hernia. The main questions it aims to answer are: - 30-day morbidity - short- and long-term surgical outcomes Data will be retrospectively collected from participating centers and compared. Researchers will compare surgical outcomes of the minimally invasive and laparotomic approaches to see if there are relevant differences in surgical outcomes.
The aim of this study is to measure the mesh shrinkage and the visualization of the mesh with MRI scan at 1 month and 13 months after robot assisted preperitoneal hernia repair using the visible CICAT mesh (Dynamesh®).
A comparison of ventral hernia repair with Strattice and Fortiva mesh.Primary The study team aims to determine the hernia recurrence rates for RTI Surgical biologic mesh (Fortiva) compared to Strattice. Also the study team aims to determine the mesh related complications for RTI Surgical biologic mesh (Fortiva) compared to Strattice
The primary objective of the study is to demonstrate that hernia recurrence (VH) repair with non absorbable mesh concomitant to Bariatric Surgery (BS) decreases the risk of VH, with or without surgical repair, during the first two years after BS when compared to VH suture repair without mesh. As secondary objectives, the study aims to assess the impact of concomitant VH repair with non absorbable mesh versus suture repair in morbidly obese BS candidates on the following measures: - hernia recurrence at 1 year after randomization; - reoperation for hernia recurrence at 2 years after randomization; - strangulated hernia, surgical infection and mesh bulging at one year after randomization; - postoperative morbidity and mortality at 90 days after randomization; - benefit-risk ratio; - chronic pain at three months, six months, one year and two years after randomization; - quality of life during the two years after randomization; - incremental cost utility ratio; - short- and mid-term weight loss. To study if the efficacy of mesh versus suture VH repair differs according to the type and size of VH and to the surgical technique.
This is a randomized trial comparing open retromuscular ventral hernia repair to robotic retromuscular ventral hernia repair.
The purpose of this study is to gather information on methocarbamol as a pain management treatment for ventral or inguinal hernia repair. Methocarbamol has been part of the pain management treatment for both inpatient and outpatient procedures at Prisma Health. This study will compare the outcomes of patients who receive methocarbamol, those who receive the standard opioid pain management treatment, and those who receive methocarbamol plus the standard opioid pain management treatment. Participants will be randomized into one of the study groups listed below. Primary ventral hernia repair or inguinal hernia repair: Group 1: standard opioid after surgery Group 2: methocarbamol after surgery Open or robotic ventral hernia repair outpatient: Group 1: standard opioid after surgery Group 2: standard opioid plus methocarbamol after surgery Open or robotic ventral hernia repair inpatient: Group 1: standard opioid at discharge Group 2: standard opioid plus methocarbamol at discharge A total of 200 participants will be included in the study. Participation will last for about 30 days after surgery.
Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair (LVHR) may be associated with chronic pain, seroma formation, bulging and failure to restore abdominal wall function. These outcomes are risk factors for hernia recurrence and poor quality of life (QoL). Our study evaluates whether robotic-assisted ventral hernia repair (rVHR) diminish these complications compared to LVHR with primary closure of the defect (hybrid).
While studies have shown improved postoperative pain control with TAP blocks after inguinal and ventral hernia repair, data comparing Liposomal bupivacaine (Exparel) to bupivacaine alone in formulation of the TAP block is particularly scarce. Therefore, we designed a prospective, randomized trial comparing the postoperative pain control in minimally invasive ventral and inguinal hernia repair patients who receive an Exaparel-based TAP block compared to the traditional bupivacaine (Marcaine) TAP block.
This study aims to evaluate the potential role of physical therapy in improving outcomes after ventral hernia repair.
The SYN 20-01 Study is a non-interventional, prospective, multicenter, multicohort, international, post-market clinical investigation looking into the assessment of GORE® SYNECOR Biomaterial in focused patient populations and in long-term application. Patients with ventral / incisional hernia amenable to hernia mesh repair will be enrolled into two cohorts (US and EU cohort) and followed-up over the period of 60 months.