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Clinical Trial Summary

Hepatobilliary manifestations as extraintestinal manifestations of IBD are sometimes underdiagnosed which can impair patient prognosis

Clinical Trial Description

Non alcoholic fatty liver is aliver disease most commonly found in patient with IBD most commonly without intestinal activity. On the other hand primary according cholangitis is the most common specific with IBD commonly with ulcerative colitis. and is commonly overlap with autoimmune hepatitis IBD therapy can also be a cause it can lead to hepatic toxicity and some drugs like ant TNF can cause hepatitis b virus activation. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT04613479
Study type Observational
Source Assiut University
Contact Hussein Elamin
Phone 01004084187
Status Not yet recruiting
Start date December 1, 2020
Completion date June 1, 2022