View clinical trials related to Hemophilia A.
Filter by:Treatment with PF-06741086 is anticipated to demonstrate a clinically relevant advantage and/or a major contribution to patient care in comparison to current methods of treatment for hemophilia A or B because it works differently than factor replacement products and will work in the presence of inhibitors. The potential for once weekly (QW) subcutaneous (SC) administration provides for treatment options in the absence of reliable vascular access, increased convenience and may enable better compliance. Combined, these qualities should result in a reduction of bleeding episodes.
The purpose of this multicentre, randomized, double-blinded, single dose, two-way cross-over study, is to compare the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) of two different doses of the biosimilar eptacog alfa (activated) with Novoseven in 48 patients, adult and children (>12 years), not bleeding, with hemophilia A or B with inhibitors. Patients will be randomized to receive either a single dose of eptacog alfa biosimilar 90 μg/kg or 270 μg/kg and one single dose of NovoSeven 90 μg/kg or 270 μg/kg, or vice versa, with doses separated by a washout period. All patients will be followed 12 months and will receive biosimilar eptacog alfa, on demand, for every bleeding episode that should occur - or - for prophylaxis, with the aim of monitoring of inhibiting antibody formation, lack of efficacy and collection of safety data.
The aim of the HEM-POWR study is to understand better how Damoctocog alfa pegol (Jivi) is used to treat people with Hemophilia A in day-to-day life, how well the treatment is tolerated and how satisfied patients and physicians are with the treatment.
MyPKFiT is a web-based application recently developed by Baxalta for the use in patients treated with Advate. MyPkFit has its basis in Bayesian forecasting, which allows estimation of individual PK parameters by a sparse sampling schedule, where only 2-3 samples are taken between 4 and 48 hours post infusion. With myPKFiT, it will, therefore, be possible to define an individual PK curve for each patient based on just a few sampling points and hence, taking the bleeding phenotype and the life style into account, potentially adjust the prophylactic treatment accordingly to optimize cost-effectiveness.
Hemophilia is a genetic condition characterized by marked phenotypic heterogeneity. Bleeding into a joint is the single most important risk factor for the development of hemophilic arthropathy (HA). It is thought that clinical and imaging manifestations of HA are at least partially attributable to genetic polymorphisms unrelated to the hemophilia genotype. Identifying and characterizing biologic factors that could explain differences in susceptibility to joint degeneration of patients with hemophilia would help stratify patients according to the risk of degeneration of their joints and develop personalized therapeutic and prophylactic strategies. This study is conducted in China.
Background. Hemophiliac arthropathy is the main long-term physical damage in patients with hemophilia, causing disability and functional limitations. Objective. Assessment of the efficacy of a prophylactic treatment with EHL products for improving the musculoskeletal health of adult patients with hemophilia. Study Design. Multicenter observational clinical study. Method. 40 patients with hemophilia A will be included in this study. Patients will be recruited from 5 centers located in various regions of Spain (Community of Madrid, Galicia, Community of Valenciana, Málaga and Vizcaya). The dependent variables will be: bleeding frequency (self-report of bleeding), changes in the dosage of factor VIII with EHL products (rFVIIIFc), pain (measured with the visual analog scale and a pressure Algometer), degree of kinesiophobia (Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia), degree of adherence to treatment (Veritas-Pro scale), joint health (using the Hemophilia Joint Health Score), muscle strength (using a dynamometer) and functionality (using the 6-Minute Walking Test). Three evaluations will be carried out: baseline, at 6 months, and at the end of the study period, at 12 months. The evolution of quantitative variables shall be analyzed by parametric tests (t-student test) or non-parametric tests (Wilcoxon test). Pearson's correlation coefficient shall be used to obtain the correlation between the dependent and independent variables. By means of a linear regression analysis we will record the percentage influence of the clinical variables relative to the dependent variables measured in this study Expected results. The aim is to establish the effectiveness of the prophylactic treatment in the improvement of the state health, joint pain, muscle strength and functionality in patients with hemophilia.
Alprolix (rFIXFc) is a recombinant extended half-life coagulation factor product. The purpose of this non-interventional study is to describe the real-world usage and effectiveness of Alprolix in the on-demand and prophylactic treatment of haemophilia B.
The aim of this prospective, observational study is to establish a dataset on the frequency of bleeding events, as well as other characteristics of bleeding events and FVIII infusions, in patients with clinically severe hemophilia A receiving prophylactic FVIII replacement therapy as standard of care. The data collected from this study may assist in providing baseline information for comparison to the Spark's investigational hemophilia A gene therapy in future Phase 3 studies.
The participants are invited to take part in this study because they have Haemophilia B. The purpose of this study is to assess the safety and effectiveness of Refixia® about long-term routine use in patients with Haemophilia B. The participants will get Refixia® as prescribed to them by their study doctor. The study will last up to Sep 2025 for the participant. The participants may be asked to fill in the quality of life questionnaires (if they are above age of 15). The blood samples taken from the participants as part of routine clinical practice will also be used to investigate the safety for the long-term use of Refixia®.
This study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of PF-06838435 (a gene therapy drug) in adult male participants with moderately severe to severe hemophilia B (participants that have a Factor IX circulating activity of 2% or less). The gene therapy is designed to introduce genetic material into cells to compensate for missing or non-functioning Factor IX. Eligible study participants will have completed a minimum 6 months of routine Factor IX prophylaxis therapy during the lead in study (C0371004). Participants will be dosed once (intravenously) and will be evaluated over the course of 6 years. The main objective of the study will evaluate the annualized bleeding rate [ABR] for participants treated with gene therapy versus standard of care (SOC) therapy (FIX prophylaxis replacement regimen).