View clinical trials related to Heart Disease.
Filter by:This project is part of a program project directed toward assessing cardiac effects of particulate and other ambient air pollutants. In this project patient who have recently suffered a cardiac event are being monitored with cardiac monitors for 24 hours up to 4 times during the year following their cardiac event. Similarly a second group of patients with moderate to severe heart failure will undergo similar cardiac monitoring for 24 hours, twice a week separated by 3 months. In both sets of patients home indoor pollution measures will be continuously made and used to correlate with measures of heart rate variability.
Genetically inherited heart diseases like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) are conditions affecting the heart passed on to family members by abnormalities in genetic information. These conditions are responsible for many heart related deaths and illnesses. Presently, there are several research studies being conducted in order to improve the understanding of disease processes and symptoms associated with genetically inherited heart diseases. This study is designed to determine the eligibility of patients diagnosed with or suspected to have inherited heart disease to participate in these research studies.
This study is directed at evaluating patients with "myocardial ischemia" or poor blood supply to the heart muscle due to coronary artery disease. The major objective of this study is to determine the level of safety and effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging at diagnosing coronary artery disease. In addition, this study will allow researchers at the National Institutes of Health to see a broad spectrum of disease, preserve clinical skills, and stimulate future ideas for clinical research....
There is an important need to maintain clinical skills, provide quality training and expertise, and provide an environment that stimulates ideas for clinical research. This study permits inpatient evaluation and management of patients with heart disease who do not qualify to participate in studies currently being conducted by the Cardiology Branch of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
This study is designed to screen patients with heart diseases who may qualify to participate in other research studies being conducted by the Cardiology Branch of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Patients participating in this research study will be seen on an outpatient basis and undergo a general medical evaluation, including blood tests, urine, examination, chest x-ray and electrocardiogram (EKG). In addition, patients may be asked to have an echocardiogram (ultrasound scan of the heart) and to perform an exercise stress test. Patients participating in this study will not receive any investigational treatments.
When patients receive repeated blood transfusions the level of iron in the patient s blood can rise. When iron is processed in the body a protein known as hemosiderin can begin collecting in the organs. If too much hemosiderin collects in the organs they can begin to malfunction. This condition is called transfusional hemochromatosis. An organ of particular importance in transfusional hemochromatosis is the heart. Patients born with diseases requiring blood transfusions at birth begin to develop heart problems in their teens. These patients typically only live for 17 years. Adults that require transfusions can begin experiencing heart problems after 100-200 units of backed red blood cells. Deferoxamine (Desferal) is a drug that binds to iron and allows it to be excreted from the body. It is the only effective way to remove iron from patients who have been overloaded with iron because of multiple transfusions. Previous studies have lead researchers to believe that deferoxamine, when given as an injection under the skin (subcutaneous), can be delay or prevent heart complications. Researchers plan to continue studying patients receiving deferoxamine as treatment for the prevention of heart complications associated with repeated blood transfusions. In this study researchers will attempt; 1. To determine if deferoxamine, given regularly, can indefinitely prevent the heart, liver, and endocrine complications associated with transfusional hemochromatosis 2. To determine whether heart disease caused by transfusional hemochromatosis can be reversed by intensive treatment with deferoxamine.