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Hearing Loss, Sensorineural clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT05299892 Completed - Clinical trials for Hearing Loss, Sensorineural

Optimizing Soft Speech Recognition in Children With Hearing Loss

Start date: March 21, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Overhearing is important for vocabulary learning and speech and language development in young children. However, contemporary hearing aids are generally unable to provide adequate access to low-level auditory inputs from multiple talkers at a distance to capitalize on overhearing. A recent investigation by Jace Wolfe and colleagues showed that, even when aided, children with hearing loss had significantly poorer speech recognition at 40, 50 and 60 dBA compared to children with normal hearing. Furthermore, they showed that increasing hearing aid gain for very low-level inputs produced a statistically significant improvement in syllable-final plural recognition and a non-significant trend toward better monosyllabic word recognition at very low presentation levels. Additional research is needed to document low-level speech recognition ability of children with hearing loss as well as the potential benefit or detriment of increasing hearing aid gain for low-level inputs. A novel hearing aid technology known as Soft Speech Enhancer has been shown improve low-level speech perception in adults with hearing loss; however, the effect of Speech Enhancer on speech recognition in children is not yet known and will be evaluated.

NCT ID: NCT05292534 Completed - Tinnitus Clinical Trials

Evaluation of the Clinical Benefit of the Hearing Aids Tinnitus Feature.

Start date: June 1, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Participants with hearing loss and Tinnitus will wear hearing aids with amplification-only or with an added sound, and have their tinnitus level evaluated before and after intervention.

NCT ID: NCT05286385 Completed - Clinical trials for Hearing Impairment, Sensorineural

CP1150 Sound Processor Speech Perception Compared With the Next Generation of Signal Processing Technology

Start date: May 30, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This clinical study aims to investigate speech performance in quiet with an OTE Sound Processor with modified firmware compared with the commercially available CP1150. The study also investigates CP1110 and CP1150 with Forward Focus.

NCT ID: NCT05265260 Completed - Clinical trials for Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Bilateral

Factors Affecting Early Progress of Cochlear Implant Outcomes in Adults

Start date: April 21, 2022
Study type: Observational

The aim of this study is to understand how audiometric, cognitive and electrophysiological results relate to sentence recognition score in adults using currently a Nucleus cochlear implant.

NCT ID: NCT05244603 Completed - Clinical trials for Hearing Loss, Sensorineural

Application of Ideal Binary Masking to Disordered Speech

Start date: December 1, 2021
Phase: Early Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

Dysarthria and hearing loss are communication disorders that can substantially reduce intelligibility of speech and the addition of background noise adds a further challenge. This proposal utilizes an established signal processing technique, currently exploited for improved understanding of speech in noise for listeners with hearing loss, to investigate its potential application to overcome speech-in-noise difficulties for listeners understanding dysarthric speech. Successful completion of this project will demonstrate proof-of-concept for the application of this signal processing technique to dysarthric speech in noise, and inform the development of an R01 proposal to perform a large-scale evaluation of the technology, and clinically meaningful implications, in a broad range of disordered speech types and severities.

NCT ID: NCT05237180 Completed - Clinical trials for Hearing Loss, Cochlear

Evaluation of the Effect of a Spatial Localization Training Program on Auditory Comprehension

Start date: February 15, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Hearing comprehension under complex listening conditions is considered to be the central complaint of everyday life for patients with cochlear implants. Localization is one of the cues for listening comprehension. However, only few studies have investigated the effect of spatial localization training on listening comprehension performance in noise. None of these studies correspond to the desire to purpose training by speech therapists while using affordable equipment. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of a spatial localization training protocol in cochlear bi-implanted subjects with post-lingual deafness on their ability to understand in noise. 2 groups of 10 subjects each will be recruited: a patient group and a control group. The patient group will undergo 8 sessions of spatial localization rehabilitation lasting an average of 45 minutes each. After this programme, the pre-test and post- test results obtained will be compared.

NCT ID: NCT05230498 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Sensorineural Hearing Loss, Bilateral

Study of Sound and Speech Perception in New Cochlear Implanted Subjects Using or Not an Anatomy-based Fitting

Start date: February 15, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Main objective: Compare the recognition of environmental sounds with an anatomy-based fitting and with a default fitting adult patients newly implanted with a MED-EL cochlear implant. Secondary objectives: Compare speech recognition in quiet with an anatomy-based fitting and with a default fitting in adult patients newly implanted with a MED-EL cochlear implant. Compare speech recognition in noise with an anatomy-based fitting and with a default fitting in adult patients newly implanted with a MED-EL cochlear implant.

NCT ID: NCT05215197 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Hearing Loss, Sensorineural

Intracochlear Platelet-rich Fibrin Application in Cochlear Implantation

Start date: January 31, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Fibrosis due to surgical trauma is a common problem with cochlear implants. Fibrosis limits the effectiveness of implant and increases the power consumption. Our aim in this study is to benefit from the anti-inflammatory effects of autologous platelet-rich fibrin to reducing the fibrotic cascade.

NCT ID: NCT05198713 Completed - Clinical trials for Hearing Loss, Sensorineural

Evaluation of Hearing Aid Benefit

Start date: January 18, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The present study will investigate the benefit of hearing aids for speech intelligibility (in both quiet and noisy environments) compared to the unaided condition. Participants will include adults with moderate to moderately severe hearing impairment. The participants will complete laboratory-based speech intelligibility assessments with binaural hearing aids and without hearing aids.

NCT ID: NCT05196022 Recruiting - Cochlear Implants Clinical Trials

Hear Again, Work Again

Start date: December 10, 2021
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Project synopsis: This prospective cohort study investigates impact of (1) hearing loss and (2) cochlear implantation on cost and health state on one hand, and employment, productivity and social wellbeing on the other hand in a professionally active group using validated questionnaires. Participants: The investigators aim to include 100 professional active adults between 18 and 65 years old. All participants have a bilateral severe-to-profound sensorineural or mixed hearing loss. Due to several reasons such as an optimal hearing aid fitting, the presence of a residual hearing or physical contra-indications, half of these participants will not be implanted with CI. Additionally, 100 participants with a single-sides deafness (SSD) in the acute or chronic setting (SDD present for at least three months) will be included. Study design Study measures: All audiological tests and patient-reported outcome measures will be included in this test protocol and repeated throughout the follow-up visits depending on aided or unaided setting. The cognitive evaluation will be executed during the first and last test moment. The investigators anticipate that the protocol will take 1 hour per follow-up in the hospital (audiological testing and to go over the questionnaires), plus an extra hour at home to fill out the questionnaires. For the cognitive tests, an extra hour in the hospital will be scheduled. Hypothesis As a primary endpoint, the investigators anticipate demonstrating that severe-to-profound hearing loss has a significant impact on sick leave and self-reported productivity. Health state will also be analyzed as a secondary endpoint because the investigators anticipate only marginal improvement (if any) on these instruments due to the lack of sensitivity and responsiveness, even in this population. The investigators will also determine the rate of usage and non-usage at this long-term follow-up to demonstrate the utility of cochlear implants. Statistical analysis IBM SPSS Statistics (IBM; Armonk, NY) will be used for the statistical analyses. The participants' hearing profiles will be summarized using descriptive statistics (median, and range). In view of the sample size, non-parametric tests and linear mixed models (to describe evolution in time and difference between groups) will be used. Quantitative data will be presented as median and range (minimum and maximum). Descriptives will be used to summarize the outcomes of the subjective data logging. For the speech perception in noise results, a Wilcoxon signed-rank test will be used. In addition, to correct for the multiple speech in noise test configurations, Holm's correction will be applied. The level of significance will be set at p.0.05. Data storage REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure, web-based application designed exclusively to support data capture for research studies. REDCap provides an interface for data entry (with data validation) and audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export procedures. Data will be pseudomized before storage in REDCap.