View clinical trials related to Gastroenteritis.
Filter by:Many ambulatory networks are mainly based on diagnoses made by first-line physicians not specifically trained to join the network. Here we aim to set up a surveillance network on pediatric infectious diseases with an investment in teaching with specific trainings of participating pediatricians, increasing in use of point of care tests, and automated data extraction from the computers of the pediatricians.
Video discharge instructions (VDI) have been suggested as a useful strategy to improve discharge instructions in pediatric emergency units. The goal of this study is to evaluate if the addition of VDI to usual verbal information improved the comprehension of information provided to caregivers of patients who consult for acute gastroenteritis (AGE). An open-label, parallel, randomized trial was designed, enrolling patients who consult for AGE. First, caregivers answer a written test concerning AGE characteristics and management. They are randomly allocated to a control group, which receives verbal discharge instructions, or to an intervention group, which additionally receives video discharge instructions. After discharge, caregivers are contacted by telephone and answer the same test. Main outcome measure is difference between test scores in the first and the second tests, secondary endpoints are how many caregivers score 5/5 on the second test, as well as rate of return visits and caregivers satisfaction with the information received.
Children with clinical signs of severe dehydration will be examined by ultrasound in a supine position during admission. Children aged between 1 and 15years will be divided into three weight groups: 10-20kg, 20-30kg, 30-50kg. Early after admission 1st measurement of diameters of vena cava inferior (VCImax, VCImin) during breathing cycles and diameters of both venae jugulares (VJI dx max, min, VJI sin max, min) before and after passive leg raise maneuver will be recorded. After a defined fluid infusion within 60 minutes, a second examination will be evaluated and compared with the first one. The investigators considered also echocardiography to measure CO changes however they wanted to make it as simple as it might be at emergency during the night shift without an experienced cardiologist.
This project is a randomised trial in order to determine if "gamification" can result in behaviour change for healthcare workers in the residential aged care setting. The app is for Age Care and care workers at the front line who are working to protect those most vulnerable to COVID-19. There are 2 groups in this trial on group will receive current and accurate information from an app. The other group will receives the app with the addition of a gamification competent, this will include rewarding experiences for staff doing safety behaviours and wellbeing behaviours. The purpose of the gamification is to create a calming and reassuring experience that injects positivity and joy where possible during this stressful time.
This is a Phase 3, multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the efficacy and safety of lirentelimab (AK002), given monthly for 6 doses, in patients with moderately to severely active Eosinophilic Gastritis and/or Eosinophilic Duodenitis (formerly referred to as Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis) who have an inadequate response with, lost response to, or were intolerant to standard therapies
This study evaluates the impact of infectious diseases molecular-based stool testing compared to conventional stool testing on reducing the need for contact precautions among hospitalized patients. Half of patients' stools will be tested with the molecular assay , while the other half will be tested with conventional testing.
A total of 450 subjects were enrolled, divided into four age groups, including 18-59 years, 6-17 years, 3-5 years, and 6-35 months. There are three types of the test vaccine component in each age group. A total of 30 people in each dose group were vaccinated with the test vaccine or placebo 1 or placebo 2, respectively, in a ratio of 3: 1: 1. The 18-59-year-old, 6-17-year-old, and 3-5-year-old age groups were vaccinated 2 times at a time interval of 28 days. The 6-35 month age group is divided into two groups, Group 1 is inoculated with 2 doses interval of 28 days each, and Group 2 is inoculated with 3 doses interval of 28 days.
This phase III trial aims to assess the efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of Rotavirus RV3 Vaccine (Bio Farma) in neonates, lot-to-lot consistency, and antigen interference with co-administered EPI vaccines
This is a safety and infectivity study of experimental human Norovirus genogroup GII.4 administered to 48 healthy non-pregnant adults, 18-49 years of age, negative for COVID-19 by antigen testing at the time of norovirus challenge. Subjects will be admitted to the Vaccine Research Center inpatient facility and challenged with a dose of human norovirus GII.4 challenge strain. The challenge study will be conducted in 3 cohorts of approximately 16 subjects each, 15 subjects will have a functional FUT-2 gene (secretor positive) and 1 subject will have a non-functional FUT-2 gene (non-secretor). Subjects in Cohort 1 will receive 3.5x10^3 copies of norovirus, in Cohort 2 will receive 3.5x10^4 copies of norovirus and in Cohort 3 will receive 3.5x10^5 copies of norovirus. Based on the illness rate of subjects meeting the primary outcome measure in secretor - positive subjects of the initial cohort, the decision will be made with regards to dosing of the second and the third cohorts. Study duration is approximately 12-18 months with subject participation duration of 6-8 months. The primary objective of this study is to determine the optimal challenge dose of Norovirus GII.4 CIN-3 Batch No.: 01-16C3 to achieve illness in > / = 50% of subjects (illness is defined as norovirus infection determined by positive Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and either: a) > / = 3 loose or liquid stools, in a 24-hour period, b) > / = 300 gm of loose or liquid stool in a 24-hour period or c) and/or any episode of vomiting), during the inpatient period.
This study evaluates a new drug, new enteroadsorbent polymethylsiloxane (Enterosgel) in the treatment of rotavirus gastroenteritis in children. Half of the participants received a new drug, polymethylsiloxane and half of the participants received standard treatment - probiotic L. reuteri (BioGaia).