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Clinical Trial Summary

In order to tailor interventions, objective assessments of physical function is needed. A limitation of several of today's clinical assessments is that they require too much time and/or space. The Timed Up and Go (TUG) is a commonly used clinical test of physical function in older populations. The TUG is particularly useful due to its short administration time and the little space that is required. The TUG is however of limited value when used in higher-functioning older adults due to ceiling effects. Instrumented versions of TUG (iTUG) computes several outcome measures in addition to the traditional outcome measure which is the total duration. The aim of this study is to evaluate the construct- and discriminative validity of outcomes derived from sensor signals recorded with a smartphone during a five times repeated iTUG (5iTUG).

Clinical Trial Description

At "Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus" (RBK) in Stuttgart the investigators aim to recruit a sample consisting of 60 geriatric participants. The sample will recruited from a mix of health care settings in order to allow for cohort specific analysis.

The first 20 participants will be recruited from the inpatient rehabilitation ward at RBK. The treating medical doctor and Prof Dr Clemens Becker will inform potentially eligible participants about the possibility of being involved in this study. Should participants confirm their interest a research assistant will complete a detailed information session and obtain written informed consent prior enrolment.

Further 20 participants will be recruited through the outpatient rehabilitation clinic at RBK. The treating doctor will again inform the potential participant about the study and invite them to 6 participate. A research assistant will complete a detailed information session and written informed consent will be obtained prior enrolment.

Lastly 20 community dwelling older adults will be invited to participate. Recruitment will occur through advertisement at a locally run seniors fitness group, conducted every Thursday at RBK. Older adults who are interested in being involved will be invited to receive additional information about the study and the involved procedures before providing written informed consent and being enrolled.

All participation is entirely voluntary. Participants are free to withdraw at any time without stating a reason. Withdrawal or non-participation will not impact the care and services they are receiving or will receive from RBK now or in the future.

The following inclusion criteria will be used: community-dwelling, aged between 60 and 80 years and are able to walk 30m independently. Participants will be excluded if they report any severe cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurological, or mental diseases.

In Trondheim researchers will recruit and include 20 healthy seniors, men and women, from senior exercise groups in local fitness centres and the municipality of Trondheim. They will approach leaders or instructors of the exercise groups and ask them to contact the participants in their exercise groups to ask whether they want to take part in this study. Those who are willing will be contacted by a research coordinator. Written informed consent will be obtained prior enrolment.

Participants will be randomized to start with either the five times repeated instrumented Time up an Go Test (5iTUG) or clinical tests. The clinical tests include seven tests: the Community Balance and Mobility Scale (CBMS) (only the group of healthy participants), 8-level Balance Scale, 30s Chair stand (CS), Five times sit-to-stand (STS), Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), fast and habitual gait speed over 7 meters. Participants will complete the clinical tests according to the current standard clinical procedures. For the 5iTUG, participants will be instructed to do the Time up and Go Test (TUG) five times with 30 seconds rest between each repetition. The assessor will tell the participant when they should start walking. Participants will wear a smartphone attached with a belt to their lower back during the entire test sequence, both during the clinical tests and the 5iTUG. The assessor will demonstrate each test before the participants start. Participants can take breaks between tests or trials if needed. The assessor is experienced with testing of physical function in older adults, and will stand close to participants during all tasks especially where balance is challenged. At the end of the test-session, the assessor will administer one questionnaire about activities of daily living (ADL) function (the Late Life Function and Disability (LLFDI) questionnaire) and cognitive impairment based on screening via the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT03769220
Study type Observational
Source Robert Bosch Gesellschaft für Medizinische Forschung mbH
Status Completed
Start date December 10, 2018
Completion date September 16, 2019

See also
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