View clinical trials related to Frontotemporal Dementia.
Filter by:Washington University Early Recognition Center is conducting a research study to examine brain functional connectivity and network patterns in participants with dementia.
The RHAPSODY-plus project consists of two parts. In a first step carers of people with young onset dementia (YOD; onset before the age of 65) have the opportunity to use the RHAPSODY online program (Kurz et al., 2016) to inform themselves about different topics on young onset dementia. In a second step the participants will receive two individual counseling sessions via MEET (online videoconferencing) with a social worker and a psychologist. Goal is to investigate whether these counseling sessions have an additional benefit.
This study, being conducted under the auspice of the CReATe Consortium, will enroll patients with ALS and related disorders as well as healthy controls, with the goal of facilitating clinical validation of leading biological-fluid based biomarker candidates that may aid therapy development for patients with ALS and related disorders.
The purpose of this study is to provide continued access to treatment for NPC-1 after participation and completion of the Phase I trial CTD-TCNPC-101, when administered at doses of 1500 mg/kg and 2500 mg/kg by slow IV infusion over a period of 8 to 9 hours every two weeks.
Background: For people who have Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 (NPC1), cholesterol and other fats have trouble moving out of liver and other tissue cells. This makes the cells sick. Researchers want to find out if a drug called VTS-270 can help. Objective: To test if VTS-270 is safe and effective in treating chronic liver disease associated with NPC1. Eligibility: People ages 3-60 with NPC1 Design: Participants may be screened by phone or under another protocol. Participants will have visits once a month for 12 months. If they have intrathecal injections, the study may last 15 months or more. The first visit will last about 5 days. Others will last 2-3 days. Participants will get VTS-270 injected into a vein at each visit. They can also choose to have intrathecal injections. These are like spinal taps. Some visits will also include: Physical exam Urine tests Blood tests. A small tube or needle will be inserted into the participants vein to collect blood. The small tube will also be used to give the VTS-270. Hearing tests: For one test, participants will have electrodes taped to their head. These will record brain waves. Breathing tests Ultrasound of abdomen: Sounds waves will take pictures of the participant s body. Chest x-ray: This is a picture of the lungs.
AD afflicts over 5.5. million Americans and is one of the most expensive diseases worldwide. In AD the variant in which language functions are most affected are referred to as 'logopenic variant Primary Progressive Aphasia' (lvPPA). Language deficits dramatically impair communication and quality of life for both patients and caregivers. PPA usually has an early onset (50-65 years of age), detrimentally affecting work and family life. Studies have identified verbal short-term memory/working memory (vSTM/WM) as a primary deficit and cause of language impairment. In the first cycle of this award, the investigators asked the question of whether language therapy effects could be augmented by electrical stimulation. The investigators conducted the largest to-date randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, crossover, clinical trial to determine the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in PPA. The investigators found that tDCS over the left inferior frontal gyrus (L_IFG), one of the major language hubs in the brain, significantly enhanced the effects of a written naming and spelling intervention. In addition, findings demonstrated that tDCS modulates functional connectivity between the stimulated area and other networks (e.g. functionally and structurally connected areas), and that tDCS modulates the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In terms of tDCS, the investigators have been identified several predictors to determine the beneficience of tDCS including (a) PPA variant, (b) initial performance on cognitive/language tasks, particularly vSTM/WM, and (c) initial white-matter integrity and structure. These findings support the notion that tDCS benefits generalize beyond the treatment tasks and has led to the important question of the present study: How can we implement treatments to product benefits that maximally generalize to untrained but vital language/cognitive functions. To address the above question, the investigators will test recent neuroplasticity theories that claim that the benefits of neuromodulation to language-specific areas generalize to other language functions within the language network, while neuromodulation of a domain-general/multiple-demands area generalizes to both domain-general, executive and language functions. The two areas to be stimulated will be the supramarginal gyrus (SMG) and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) respectively. The left supramarginal gyrus (L_SMG) in particular, specializes in phonological processing, namely phonological verbal short-term memory (vSTM), i.e., the ability to temporarily store phonological (and graphemic) information in order. The domain of vSTM affects many language tasks (repetition, naming, syntax), which makes it an ideal treatment target and the L_SMG an ideal stimulation target, since generalization of tDCS effects to other language tasks is driven by the function (computation) of the stimulated area. By testing a fundamental principle of neuromodulation in a devastating neurodegenerative disorder, the investigators will significantly advance the field of neurorehabilitation in early-onset dementias. Aim 1: To determine whether vSTM/WM behavioral therapy combined with high definition (HD)-tDCS over the L_SMG will induce more generalization to language-specific tasks than to executive tasks, whereas stimulation over the LDPFC will induce equivalent generalization to both executive and language-specific tasks. Aim 2: To understand the mechanism of tDCS by measuring tDCS-induced changes in network functional connectivity (FC) and GABA in the LSMG and LDPFC. The investigators will carry out resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI), (MPRAGE), diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), perfusion imaging (pCASL), and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), before, after, and 3-months post-intervention. Aim 3: To identify the neural, cognitive, physiological, clinical and demographic characteristics (biomarkers) that predict sham, tDCS, and tDCS vs. sham effects on vSTM and related language tasks in PPA. The investigators will evaluate neural (functional and structural connectivity, cortical volume, neuropeptides, and perfusion), cognitive (memory, attention, executive) and language functions, clinical (severity), physiological (sleep), and demographic (age, gender) characteristics, and the investigators will analyze the effects on vSTM and other language/cognitive outcomes immediately after intervention and at 3 months post-intervention.
Establishment of individualized human cellular disease models based on induced pluripotent stem cells that reflect the broad heterogeneous phenotypic spectrum of Niemann Pick disease
This study aims to develop and evaluate in-home assistive technology that is designed to alleviate anxiety, burden, and loneliness in spousal and familial caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia.
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a therapy called High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS) for the treatment of the language deficits experienced by people with a type of Primary Progressive Aphasia. This study uses a combination of brain imaging, language assessment, language training sessions, and HD-tDCS therapy as well as placebo therapy sessions.
This is a multinational, multicenter, open-label, rater-blinded prospective Phase II study which will assess the safety and efficacy of N-Acetyl-L-Leucine (IB1001) for the treatment of Niemann-Pick type C disease (NPC). There are two phases to this study: the Parent Study, and the Extension Phase. The Parent Study evaluates the safety and efficacy of N-Acetyl-L-Leucine (IB1001) for the symptomatic treatment of NPC. The Extension Phase evaluates the long-term safety and efficacy of IB1001 for the neuroprotective, disease-modifying treatment of NPC.