View clinical trials related to Fatty Liver.
Filter by:This phase 1b, Open-Label Study is to assess the safety, efficacy of miricorilant in patients with presumed Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
This is a double-blind, randomised, multi-centre, placebo-controlled, comparative, phase IIb trial. The trial will be conducted with three treatment groups in the form of a parallel group comparison and will serve to compare oral treatment with either 1500 mg/d or 1000 mg/d norUDCA tablets vs. placebo tablets for the treatment of NASH.
The purpose of this study is to understand the role of GLP-1 in the pathogenesis of T2D in youth and explore their potential salutary effects and ability to delay the progressive loss of ß-cell function and reduce hepatic steatosis in youth with prediabetes/new onset T2D and NAFLD.
The term non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is used to describe a range of chronic liver diseases that range from steatosis to steatohepatitis, advanced fibrosis, cirrhosis, or excessive alcohol consumption or other causes of steatosis. In this spectrum, Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), which defines liver damage accompanied by steatosis and inflammation (hepatitis), is one of the most common causes of chronic liver disease worldwide, especially in developed and developing countries, and is present in 15-35% of the general population. Individuals diagnosed with NASH primarily experience deterioration in liver functions, but patients are also affected in terms of vascular structures, immunopathological responses, functional and psychosocial conditions. It is seen that in addition to intrahepatic lipid content, inflammatory markers, liver enzymes, and liver functions, cardiopulmonary endurance, physical activity level, and muscle strength are also affected in these patients, so it is evaluated for the diagnosis and planning of the treatment of the disease. There is no drug with proven efficacy in the treatment of the disease. Since a significant proportion of NASH patients have obesity, Type II Diabetes Mellitus or dyslipidemia, the focus of treatment is to control risk factors or protect the liver from harmful factors such as TNFα. Therefore, the mainstay of treatment, for now, seems to be weight control with a lifestyle change, including regular exercise training and diet control. Exercise intervention is considered an essential component of NAFLD treatment, however; there are a limited number of published articles showing the effects of exercise training in the management of NASH. In addition, the physiological effect of exercise has still not been clarified because NASH is accompanied by metabolic problems such as obesity and T2DM. This study, it is aimed to bring innovation to the literature in understanding the physiological effects of exercise for this disease group by examining the effects of resistance exercise training in addition to aerobic exercise on intrahepatic lipid content, liver functions, inflammatory markers, muscle strength, functionality, and biopsychosocial status in individuals with NASH diagnosis who do not have an additional metabolic problem.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been extensively studied in the context of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) due to its higher prevalence and its association with obesity and syndrome metabolic, a well-established risk factor for NAFLD. Although several studies have reported the accumulation of liver fat in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D), the prevalence, etiology, and the consequences of NAFLD in patients with T1D are poorly characterized, requiring more studies in this field. In addition, liver involvement at the metabolic level in patients with T1D raises the differential diagnosis between NAFLD and glycogen hepatopathy (GH), a rare complication associated with the poorly metabolic control of diabetes and probably underdiagnosed, since the ultrasound pattern is the same than the NAFLD. The investigators have designed a cross-sectional observational study with the objective of describing the prevalence of metabolic liver diseases (NAFLD and GH) in the population of patients with T1D in the healthcare area of Hospital del Mar and Hospital de Vilafranca, as well as studying the relationship of these pathologies with the degree of metabolic control, the presence of metabolic syndrome and the presence of micro and macrovascular complications.
This is a multinational, multicentre, prospective, non-interventional study (NIS) in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients with concomitant metabolic syndrome treated with Legalon® combined with diet and exercise.
The aim of the prospective observational DISTEMI-Study in people with and without Diabetes mellitus (DI) after new onset of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) aged 18-80 years at inclusion into the study is to characterize in detail the clinical, metabolical, immunological and vascular phenotype, investigate the interplay between myocardial remodelling and the metabolic phenotype, monitor the progression of the disease and compare the phenotype of STEMI people with diabetes mellitus to people with prediabetes and glucose tolerant people.
This is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, and positive control clinic trial which explores the efficacy and safety of ornithine aspartate granules in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease against silymarin capsules. The hypothesis is that the ornithine aspartate granules have similar or better efficacy than the silymarin capsules.
This study is a randomized, placebo-controlled, double blinded pilot study to assess the effect of consuming plant sterol or plant stanol esters (3 grams/day) for 6 months on ALT concentrations in subjects with elevated ALT concentrations, i.e. who are at risk to develop NASH.
The study is stratified cluster randomized trial. The study population will include adults with T2D and presumed NASH.