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Clinical Trial Summary

Advances in information communication technologies (ICT) allow for ICT-assisted health promotion to become more common. Integrating ICT in health promotion has been suggested to offer many advantages compared to traditional approaches to promote family well-being. Research has also shown the positive effects of game-based approaches in enhancing health promotion interventions, especially with children. We will develop and assess a digital family game with theme-based mini-games to enhance family communication and well-being.

Clinical Trial Description

With growing emphasis on the development and maintenance of healthy lifestyles, the family role has increasing importance. A family-based health promotion strategy can be instrumental in helping disseminate and reinforce knowledge and behaviours on family well-being and better equip families to protect themselves and promote family well-being amidst the pandemic. This study aims to use a game-based approach to enhance knowledge and behaviours on family well-being. We will conduct quantitative and qualitative evaluation. The findings would provide preliminary evidence of the feasibility and effectiveness of such an approach in a family-based context. It would also guide the direction for future health education and awareness trials and related projects and campaigns for health promotion efforts and to help improve family well-being in the Hong Kong community and elsewhere. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT04550065
Study type Interventional
Source The University of Hong Kong
Contact Agnes Y Lai, PhD
Phone 39176779
Status Recruiting
Phase N/A
Start date September 1, 2020
Completion date December 2022

See also
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