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Clinical Trial Summary

To evaluate neurological findings with TSPO-PET and MRI in patients who have been exposed to indoor air pollutants and have potentially neurological symptoms.

Clinical Trial Description

Health problems related to indoor air pollutants have been studied for several decades but there is still not sufficient scientific evidence to prove the association between many of the described symptoms and exposure to mold and other air pollutants. This research aims on studying the activation of microglia and inflammation in the brains of individuals exposed to indoor air pollutants having neurological symptoms with MRI and TSPO-PET imaging, questionnaires and biomarkers and compare the findings to individuals having neurological conditions without exposure to indoor air pollutants as well as healthy controls. ;

Study Design

NCT number NCT05111678
Study type Observational
Source Turku University Hospital
Status Completed
Start date April 1, 2021
Completion date March 31, 2024