View clinical trials related to Erectile Dysfunction.
Filter by:Research study designed to learn about and compare Shockwave therapy (SWT) vs placebo (no shockwaves) treatment in men with moderate to severe erectile dysfunction (ED) after Radical Prostatectomy
The purpose of this research is to determine the pure or additional effects of penile shockwave therapy with low intensity linear shock wave machine for penile curvature (and/or erectile dysfunction) vs patients' undergoing other treatments (including Xiaflex therapy, patients that have undergone older generations of SWT, or medical treatment).
To determine if testosterone deficient men who are using daily Tadalafil (a phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitor), will have a significant improvement in erectile function and satisfaction with erectile dysfunction treatment when using on-demand Testosterone Nasal Gel (TNG) prior to sexual activity compared to placebo.
This study is to see if applying low-level laser light can provide improvement in erectile dysfunction
The purpose of this study is to assess functional outcomes post operatively after the use of BioDFence® G3 during robotic radical prostatectomy.
The aim of this study is the safety and efficacy of autologous very small embryonic-like stem cells(VSELs) to organic erectile dysfunction, such as those associated with metabolic syndrome or the treatment of prostate cancer.
MoreNovaED is a Linear Shockwaves (LISW) device in which shockwaves are focused onto line segments for improved organ coverage. Shockwaves produced by MoreNovaED are aimed at the left and right corpora cavernosa and the crura. The study is aimed at determining the safety and effectiveness of this new type LISW in the relief of ED.
This is the first clinical trial of Dr. Pyke's Supplement for Stream (S4S), a proprietary combination of Panax ginseng extract, L-citrulline, beta-sitosterol and vitamin D3, to investigate its effects on prostatism and erections, and its tolerability, when taken daily and twice-daily for 2 weeks.
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate changes in erectile function (EF) before versus after 8 bi-weekly treatments of Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (LIESWT) via IIEF-EF (the Erectile Function domain of the International Index of Erectile Function) scores.
Erectile and Cognitive function by using the questionnaire and assessment form before sinus conversion