View clinical trials related to Emergence Delirium.
Filter by:To observe whether preoperative olfactory training can reduces the incidence of postoperative delirium in elderly patients undergoing orthopedic surgeries, a prospective randomized controlled study method will be used in this study.
This project is a retrospective evaluation of the routine data of patients who underwent a kidney transplant at the Charité Campus Mitte between January 2015 and December 2019 (until the corona pandemic).
The hypothesis of this study is that providing continuous binaural beats with a phase difference in alpha frequency during anesthesia can reduce the incidence of emergence agitation in pediatric patients. To test this hypothesis, the occurrence of emergence agitation will be compared between the group that received binaural beats and the group that did not receive binaural beats.
PostOperative Delirium (POD) is the most common neuropsychiatric complication following cardiac surgery and may be related to morphine consumption. PostOperative Delirium (POD) prolongs hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LOS) and increases morbidity and mortality. No study has been conducted to demonstrate the effect of regional anesthesia using catheters inserted before sternotomy.
Postoperative delirium (POD) is a critical complication of major surgery and affects up to 70% of surgical patients over the age of 60 years. The additional healthcare costs associated with delirium exceed €50,000 per patient per year due to prolonged hospital stay, increased risk of long-term care or institutionalization, and the risk of developing dementia or cognitive impairment . Therefore, prevention of POD is a major goal in the perioperative setting. The investigator proposes this randomized study to evaluate the interest of a reduced anesthetic depth to prevent short-term cognitive disorders after cardiac surgery in elderly subjects. Method: Patients over 75 years old scheduled to undergo one of the cardiac surgeries of interest (valvular, coronary bypass, aortic or combined surgery) will be randomized to 2 paralell arms : - Perioperative anesthesia with a BIS (Bispectral index) target of 35 - Perioperative anesthesia with a BIS(Bispectral index) target of 55 The presence of mental confusion will be determined by CAM-ICU ( Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU ) at day 3 post procedure. Ancillary study: To assess cognitive status at inclusion, discharge and third post operative month using the MOCA(Montreal Cognitive Assessment ). Conclusion:The hypothesis of this study is that a lower depth of anesthesia will reduce post operative delirium in the first three days in patients older than 75 years who are planned for valvular, coronary artery bypass, aortic or combined cardiac surgery .
This study involves collecting exhaled breath containing hundreds of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are present in very low quantity (parts per billion). VOCs in the exhaled gase carry information to indicate individual's risk for Postoperative Delirium and its severity. Our long-term objectives are to identify breathomic patterns for prediction, early detection, and stratification of POD during pre- and post-operative phases.
Comparative study between nebulised dexmedetomidine and nebulized midazolam in reducing preoperative anxiety and emergence delirium in children undergoing lower abdominal surgeries
Postoperative delirium (POD) and postoperative neuropsychological dysfunction are frequently noted in critically ill patients undergoing elective or emergency surgery and treated in the intensive care unit (ICU). Delirium is a serious complication that prolongs hospital stay and contributes to poor outcomes and increased risk of death. The pathomechanisms of delirium are still not very well recognized and there are several theories that seem to explain it. The most important pathomechanisms of delirium are associated with cerebral ischaemia, disorders in acetylcholinergic system, disorders in neuronal plasticity and oxidative stress. Cerebrolysin, a mixture of various peptides obtained from the structural proteins of the pig's brain, possesses strong antioxidative and neuronal protective properties. Cerebrolysin is recommended to treat patients with dementia, after cerebral ischemia and after brain trauma. It has been documented that Cerebrolysin reduces the severity of secondary brain damage after ischemia, improving neuronal plasticity and then cognitive function, and reducing severity of oxidative stress. Based on these properties it can be speculated that Cerebrolysin may reduce the risk of postoperative delirium in patients undergoing elective surgery, which are associated with a high risk of postoperative delirium.
In the course of a scientific accompanying program, the project pursues the goal of gaining further insight into a possible connection between various influencing factors and the development of postoperative delirium. Against this background, in addition to the primary goal of exploring delirium rates, we aim to identify associations between other secondary end goals like the internal circadian time or the heart rate variability and the occurrence of postoperative delirium. For this purpose, patients of the QC-POD (NCT04355195) sample will be studied.
The study is a parallel group, double blind, randomized trial. Subjects will be recruited from individuals undergoing elective surgery for orthopedic, abdominal, urologic, gynecologic or spine reasons. Out of 92 subjects, one experimental group of 46 subjects will receive 20 mg Suvorexant beginning the first in-hospital night ("day 0") and continuing for their hospital stay. If the dose is not well tolerated (e.g., daytime sleepiness), then the dose may be decreased to 10 mg of Suvorexant. For blinding purposes each arm will receive two tablets (two 10 mg tablets or one 10 mg tablet and a placebo). The other control group of 46 subjects will receive placebo (two tablets) and treatment as usual.