View clinical trials related to Electroencephalography.
Filter by:The purpose of this study was to understand the effects of conventional versus acupuncture-like TENS on pain threshold, brain activities, and their relationships.
How anesthetic drugs induce and maintain the behavioral state of general anesthesia is an important question in medicine and neuroscience. Different anesthetic drugs act on different molecular targets and neural circuit mechanisms, exhibiting drug-specific EEG features. As a novel ultra-short-acting benzodiazepines drugs, remimazolam has been accepted for induction and maintenance of clinical anesthesia. Compared to the traditional benzodiazepines drugs, remimazolam combines the safety of midazolam with the effectiveness of propofol, and also has the advantages of acting quickly, short half-life, no injection pain, slight respiratory depression, independent of liver and kidney metabolism, long-term infusion without accumulation, and has a specific antagonist: flumazenil. This study aimed to investigate the differences in the characteristics of EEG oscillations during general anesthesia by comparing propofol and remimazolam.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a pervasive and lifelong developmental disorder that currently affects 1 in 54 children. Individuals with autism are often severely impaired in communication, social skills, and cognitive functions. Particularly detrimental characteristics typical of ASD include the inability to relate to people and the display of repetitive stereotyped behaviors and uncontrollable temper outbursts over trivial changes in the environment, which often cause emotional stress for the children, their families, schools and neighborhood communities. To date, there is no cure for ASD, and the disorder remains a highly disabling condition. Recently, transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a noninvasive neuromodulation technique, has shown great promise as an effective and cost-effective tool for reducing core symptoms, such as anxiety, aggression, impulsivity, and poor social communication, in patients with autism. Although the empirical findings in patients with ASD are encouraging, it remains to be determined whether these experimental data can be translated into real-world benefits. An important next step is to better understand the factors affecting the long-term efficacy of tDCS treatment - in particular, the possible risk factors associated with relapse in patients with ASD and the role of booster session tDCS as an add-on treatment to induce long-lasting neuroplastic effects in ASD.
Background: Despite surgical reconstruction and rehabilitation, individuals after a primary anterior cruciate ligament injury have a significantly increased risk of relapse. The mechanisms for this increased risk may go beyond mere physiological and biomechanical changes of the reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament. The loss of ligamentous mechanoreceptors can affect sensory feedback and consequently result in a disrupted afferent input to the central nervous system. However, research on the neuroplasticity of the central nervous system after anterior cruciate ligament injury and more specifically on the cooperation between different brain areas (=functional connectivity) in motor execution and performance is limited. Research purpose: To investigate the changes in terms of functional connectivity in the brain after sustaining an anterior cruciate ligament injury and associated reconstruction? Population: - Patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction - Healthy controls Protocol: First, all participants are required to complete several questionnaires regarding the level of anxiety and the functioning of the knee in daily activities and sports. In addition, during the baseline testing, participants will be required to perform an experiment while electrical brain activity is recorded by means of an electroencephalography (EEG) measurement. During this experiment, the participants will have to successively perform the following exercises: 10x knee extension from sitting (left and right), 10x bipodal squat from standing, 5x 30 seconds unipodal standing (left and right). The above protocol will be administered to the patient group for the first time 8 weeks after the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. When the patients do not need further rehabilitation, they will be invited a second time to execute the same protocol again. The control group will only have to carry out the above protocol once. Finally, for one year after the last test, the patient group will be contacted monthly to monitor return to sport and the occurrence of injuries.
The proposed research is to determine the clinical efficacy and neurobiological mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia in patients with sickle cell disease.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by disturbances in communication, poor social skills, and aberrant behaviors. Particularly detrimental are the presence of restricted and repetitive stereotyped behaviors and uncontrollable temper outbursts over trivial changes in the environment, which often cause emotional stress for the children, their families, schools and neighborhood communities. Fundamental to these cognitive and behavioral problems is the disordered cortical connectivity and resultant executive dysfunction that underpin the use of effective strategies to integrate information across contexts. Brain connectivity problems affect the rate at which information travels across the brain. Slow processing speed relates to a reduced capacity of executive function to recall and formulate thoughts and actions automatically, with the result that autistic children with poor processing speed have great difficulty learning or perceiving relationships across multiple experiences. In consequence, these children compensate for the impaired ability to integrate information from the environment by memorizing visual details or individual rules from each situation. This explains why children with autism tend to follow routines in precise detail and show great distress over seemingly trivial changes in the environment. To date, there is no known cure for ASD, and the disorder remains a highly disabling condition. Recently, a non-invasive brain stimulation technique, transcranial direct current Stimulation (tDCS) has shown great promise as a potentially effective and costeffective tool for reducing core symptoms such as anxiety, aggression, impulsivity, and inattention in patients with autism. This technique has been shown to modify behavior by inducing changes in cortical excitability and enhancing connectivity between the targeted brain areas. However, not all ASD patients respond to this intervention the same way and predicting the behavioral impact of tDCS in patients with ASD remains a clinical challenge. This proposed study thus aims to address these challenges by determining whether resting-state EEG and clinical data at baseline can be used to differentiate responders from non-responders to tDCS treatment. Findings from the study will provide new guidance for designing intervention programs for individuals with ASD.
This study aims to develop a consciousness measuring and monitoring device using a single-channel electroencephalogram (EEG).
One out of 10 patients undergoing surgery develops persistent post-surgical pain (PPSP). Unfortunately, available therapies for treating this pain have limited success. It is therefore of great importance to find strategies to prevent PPSP. The goal of this project is to find new screening tools that identify patients that are at risk for developing PPSP. Tissue injury and inflammation following surgery increase the excitability of spinal nociceptive neurons ("central sensitisation", CS) with pain hypersensitivity as consequence. It is thought that CS plays an important role in persistent pain. The first objective of this project is to assess in human patients if the propensity to develop CS manifested as secondary hyperalgesia before surgery is predictive for PPSP. In addition, we will test if the frequency content of the resting-state EEG reflecting the initial state of the brain will be related to the propensity for developing CS and to the presence of PPSP at two months after surgery.
No one disputes that fetal sucking in the womb is a natural human right. Available information on whether, how and when to stop children's sucking habits comes from popular cultural misunderstandings and lack of sound evidence-based results. Because Western countries regard thumb or pacifier (dummy) sucking after a given age as a shameful habit, parents feel stressed, anxious and even guilty for being unable to induce their children to stop non-nutritive sucking (NNS) habits or drag their unwilling child off the soothing-devices, such as pacifiers. Pacifier sucking substantially decreases the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome, reduces pain and crying, and prolongs sleeping time. Of major interest is the hypothesis that NNS improves proprioceptive and exteroceptive development including gait in big mammals (rhesus monkeys). Despite these benefits, available information claims the possible risks induced by prolonging NNS, including psychological shortfall, delayed language skills or dental problems. Despite these claims, authoritative clinical organizations worldwide reach no consensus on the appropriate age at which NNS habits should be stopped. Prompted by conflicting information from primary studies and reviews designed to balance the benefits and risks of NNS habits, our aim in this pilot open randomized controlled trial (RCT) is to test the efficacy of NNS in improving balance and gait in children enrolled at 12-42 months and followed for three years.
The aim of this study is to examine the effect of SSC compared to sucrose on pain induced activity in the preterm infant brain using: a) series of low intensity experimental stimuli (PinPrick);and b) medically required heel lance. Secondary objectives include determining: a) differences between behavioral pain response and pain response during heel lance; and b) rate of adverse events across groups.