View clinical trials related to Education.
Filter by:Breast feeding is the primary step for healthy generations. Breast milk protects against diseases of childhood period starting from infancy till adulthood. Inspite of the benefits of breast milk due to various reasons a lot of women all around the world and in our country can not begin breast feeding and leave it at an early stage even if they start once. According to Turkey Population and Health Investigation (TPHI) data of 2013; while the rate of only breast feeding among; 0-1 month babies is 57.9%, among babies under 6 months this rate falls to 10.0%. In the case of maternals not carrying out the whole breast feeding conditions situations such as milk secretion decrease, troubles related to breast, babies declining breast and ending breast feeding at an early stage are seen. These problems are related to the self-effıcacy that maternal feels towards breast feeding. The researches show that in addition to the maternal, father`s attitude throughout pregnancy is also effective on starting breast feeding, sustaining and maintaining it efficiently. With this research it has been aimed to evaluate the effect of individual and group breast feeding training of future mother and father at postpartum period on breast-feeding self-effıcacy and attitude. Research data has been gathered at Turkey Public Hospitals Institution Izmir North Public Hospitals Association of T.R Ministry of Health Tepecik Education and Reserach Hospital between the dates 01 March-30 September 2014. As a result; it has been seen that breast feeding training is not alone enough to improve self sufficiency and attitude, and maternals have to be supported by health staff at postpartum period in hospital. It is suggested to include also fathers to the breast feeding training provided at pregnancy period.
An education model with a homemade jugular venous catheterization model will be compared to the conventional training model for ultrasound-guided central jugular line catheterization. The study will include 60 residents to be divided into two groups with stratified random sampling. Training session for the control group (Group 2) will include a lecture about the subject, a demo video presentation, and practice of visualization of right jugular vein on a real human subject. Training session for the model group (Group 1) will include the same as GControl with the addition of the puncture practice on the homemade jugular venous catheterization model(HJVCM) with ultrasound guidance. Both groups will be tested with another HJVCM individually and the results of the success and fail parameters will be compared.
H0: Preconceptional preparatory training period between pregnancies with and without women is no difference in terms of changes in health behavior. H1: Preconceptional preparatory training period between pregnancies with and without women there is a difference in terms of changes in health behavior.
Design: A pre-post mixed methods pilot study. All participants granted access to a breaking bad news mobile learning resource (VitalTips). Baseline and post-intervention questionnaires, pre- and post-intervention simulated patient encounters, and post-intervention semi-structured interviews. Objective: To assess if a selected breaking bad news mobile learning resource can improve the ability of clinicians to break bad news. Population/Eligibility: 15-20 junior doctors and nurses working within two NHS hospitals trusts and one private hospital in England. Duration: 25th February 2019 to 8th July 2019.
This study aims to evaluate the impact of spaced education, delivered via a smartphone application, on provider prescribing patterns.
To determine if there is any carry over difference between the type of education provided about common treatment techniques for patients with low back pain. This will be looked at right after treatment and when patients return on their second visit after they do a common exercise program for a few days.
A total of 72 type 2 diabetes who began insulin therapy using a pen injector participated in this study. The experimental (n = 36) and control (n = 36) groups received multimedia and regular health education program. Four structured questionnaires were used, and videotapes were applied to demonstrate injection skills.
Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) accounts for 70-90% of all diagnosed traumatic brain injuries (TBI) affecting approximately 50-300 per 100.000 individuals annually. Persistent post-concussion symptoms are reported in 15-80% of hospital admitted and outpatient treated populations, affecting labour market attachment, academic achievement, income, socio-economic status, social interactions, home management, leisure activities and cohabitation status. The association between mTBI and long-term trends in cohabitation status, income, academic achievement and socio-economic status has not been thoroughly explored. Previous studies focus on children's academic performance after severe TBI and only few studies include early adulthood and patients with mTBI. Trends in divorce rates are frequently conducted on severe injuries or populations consisting of veterans. Additionally, all studies have failed to apply a national register based design. Aim The aim of the study is to examine the long-term associations between mTBI and trends in cohabitation status, academic achievement and socio-economic status between pre-injury rates and observed rates at 5 years post-injury. The hypothesis was that by 5 years mTBI would be associated with increased odds of marital breakdown, decreasing academic achievement, decreasing income, decreasing socio-economic status compared to the general population in Denmark. Methods: The study is a national register based cohort study with 5 years follow-up of patients with mild traumatic brain injury from 2008 - 2012 in Denmark. Population: Patients between 18-60 years diagnosed with concussion (ICD-10 S06.0) were extracted from the Danish National Patient Register between (2003-2007). Patients with major neurological injuries and previous concussions at the index date and 5 years before the index date (1998-2007) were excluded. Patients who were not resident in Denmark 5 years before and during the inclusion period were also excluded (1998-2007). Data will be retrieved from several national databases, including: the Danish national patient register, Danish Civil Registration System (CRS), the Danish Education Registers, the Income Statistics Register and the Employment Classification Module (AKM). One control of the general population were matched for each case on sex, age and municipality. Outcome measures are: Cohabitation status, Education, income and socio-economic status.
The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness and usefulness of a simple one word mnemonic in the memory retention of the different components of the Canadian CT Head Rule (CCHR) in senior medical students and interns. The CCHR, a clinical decision rule used by emergency physicians to determine the need of head CT in the context of minor traumatic brain injury (mTBI). A rapid recall of the rule in the clinical setting would be expected to improve its utilization and overcome one of the barriers in its implementation. This would ultimately result in better utilization of resources and reduction in unnecessary exposure to radiation.
The primary goal of this PCORI proposal is to evaluate the impact of enhanced provider and clinical staff training to address the health disparities of SGM CHC patients to ultimately improve their health outcomes because CHCs are a key part of the U.S. health care delivery system for underserved populations. The current application proposes to test an intervention designed to understand how CHCs, including front line staff and safety net clinical providers, can identify and provide optimal care for their SGM patients, and will determine whether enhanced training of CHC staff in best practices for the provision of primary care for SGM patients will improve their clinical outcomes. The time is right for routinization of SOGI measures in EHRs and evaluation of the optimal methods to train primary care providers in the best practices for the care of SGM patients.