View clinical trials related to Education.
Filter by:Pregnancy and childbirth are a natural life event for women, as well as a process in which physical, biological and psychosocial changes are experienced. This process causes women to perceive childbirth as an unknown and unpredictable situation, resulting in the fear of childbirth. Due to the fear of childbirth, the daily routines, professional lives, social activities and relationships of pregnant women are significantly affected. This study was planned to evaluate the effect of mobile education given in line with the "Guide to Coping with Fear of Birth" on fear of birth, birth preference and maternal satisfaction at birth. Research; It will be carried out at the T. C. Ministry of Health Gaziantep Cengiz Gökçek Gynecology and Pediatrics Hospital. Data; The first one is 28-30th of pregnancy. week, the second is 36-38. It will meet in three meetings in total, the third of which will be within 12-24 hours postpartum. Data, Personal Information Form (Annex-1), Wijma Birth Expectation/Experience Scale (W-DEQ) Version A (Annex-2), Wijma Birth Expectation/Experience Scale Version B (Annex-3) and Birth Experience Scale ( Annex-4) and Postpartum Questionnaire (Annex-5). The obtained data will be analyzed with the SPSS 22.0 program. In this study, it is thought that the training given to women with a high level of birth fear can reduce their fear of childbirth and increase maternal satisfaction at birth.
The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and specifically deep learning (DL) have shown great potentials in finding radiographic features and treatment planning in the field of cariology and endodontics . A growing body of literature suggests that DL models might assist dental practitioners in detecting radiographical features such as carious lesions, periapical lesions, as well as predicting the risk of pulp exposure when doing caries excavation therapy. Although, current literature lacks sufficient research on the effect of sufficient training of dental practitioners for using AI-based platforms. This prospective randomized controlled trial aims to assess the performance of students when using an AI-based platform for pulp exposure prediction with and without sufficient preprocedural training. The hypothesis is that participants performance at group with sufficient training is similar to the group without sufficient training.
The purpose of this study to design a board game that will enable primary school children to recognize foods by enabling them to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods by going beyond the traditional education patterns and to compare the effects of this board game-based nutrition education intervention on children's behaviors, self-efficacy, and attitudes with the control group in which no intervention was made.
Despite Canada's relative global affluence, striking Indigenous/non-Indigenous health disparities persist. Following the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada's Final Report, and the publication of the First Peoples, Second Class Treatment report, there has been a growing recognition that the Canadian healthcare system - and the healthcare professional (HCP) - Indigenous patient relationship in particular - is a critical, necessary, and promising juncture for intervention. There has been a significant increase in the number of Indigenous cultural safety trainings for HCP across Canada. However, these programs have yet to be systematically evaluated. This study will use a randomized parallel group design to understand and compare the effects of an intensive multi-modular Indigenous cultural safety training program (Arm 1); a brief, 2-hour, computer-based training session plus 2 follow-up emails (Arm 2); and primary care-related training program (Arm 3, control) for staff physicians, nurse practitioners, and resident physicians affiliated at large urban academic teaching hospitals in Toronto, Canada. 60 participants will be recruited and randomized into one of the three study arms. Participants will complete a series of surveys and questionnaires at baseline and 9-11 weeks post-intervention that include measures of explicit and implicit race bias. We predict that the educational intervention in Arm 1 will have the most positive effect, followed by Arm 2 and 3 respectively. We anticipate that the results of this study will help urban hospitals implement Indigenous cultural safety training programs that are beneficial to their staff and ultimately improve the quality of care provided to Indigenous patients across Canada.
Introduction: Violence against women is the violation of human rights faced by women of all ages, cultures and education levels everywhere. It can be experienced in many different ways, either individually or socially. Aim: The study was conducted to investigate the effects of education given to university students on their attitudes towards violence against women, and their conflict and awareness levels.
This study aimed to describe changes in EBP confidence and behavior of students from four physical therapy education programs throughout their curriculum using the Evidence-Based Practice Confidence (EPIC) Scale and the Evidence-Based Practice Implementation Scale (EBPIS).
Summary Aim: This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of education given to students using digital storytelling in safe pediatric intravenous drug administration. Method: It is a randomized controlled experimental study. The sample of the study consisted of 84 nursing students. The students included in the study were divided into two equal groups: the experimental and control groups. Digital education material of the experimental group and theoretical education was applied to the control group. Before and after the training, a post-knowledge test was made and evaluated.
Summary Aim: This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of education given to students using video in feeding with the nasogastric tube for pediatric patients. Method: It was a randomized controlled experimental study. The sample of the study consisted of 61 nursing students. The students included in the study were divided into two equal groups: the experimental and control groups. Video-supported education material of the experimental group and theoretical education was applied to the control group. Before and after the education, a post-knowledge test was made and evaluated.
This study was conducted to find out the effect of the use of podcasts in nursing education on nursing students' speaking skills, affective awareness towards instruction, and success in the course and to serve as a source for prospective studies on the topic.
type of study:A parallel-group trial design was used. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: 1. HI; The "Basic Life Support Knowledge Assessment Form" score average of the students in the intervention group participating in the VR will be higher than the control group. 2. H1; The Basic Life Support Application Evaluation Form score average of the students in the intervention group participating in the VR will be higher than the control group. A. For the classical BLS training group; Traditional BLS VR Training will be held in the classroom environment for 45 minutes in the form of a lecture, the training session will be terminated after watching the video and answering questions. Trainings will be conducted by Derya ASLAN HUYAR in terms of standardization of trainings. B.For VR BLS training group; After the introduction of VR in the VR hall, after the explanation of the basic concepts of BLS and the completion of the training through VR BLS scenarios, question-answer will be made and the session will be closed. Trainings will be conducted by Derya ASLAN HUYAR in terms of standardization of trainings.