View clinical trials related to Edema.
Filter by:The goal of this randomized controlled trial is evaluate the out come of: - Low dose (< 100 mic/min )versus - High dose (> 100 mic/min) of nitroglycerin in management of patients with acute pulmonary edema presented to Emergency Department of Alexandria University Hospitals. The main questions it aims to answer is: - Time of resolution of high blood pressure, hypoxia, tacchypnea - Need for invasive mechanical ventilation, ICU admission
Non-immune hydrops fetalis (NIHF) is diagnosed on prenatal ultrasound when abnormal fluid collections are seen in the fetus. NIHF carries significant risks of stillbirth, preterm birth, and postnatal morbidity and mortality, particularly when the etiology remains unknown and critical opportunities for focused care and implementation of treatments are missed. In contrast, when an etiology is found, both pre- and postnatal management are directly impacted: counseling is focused, risks to the fetus and neonate are accurately anticipated, surveillance and in utero available treatments such as intrauterine transfusions are implemented, and postnatal treatments are promptly initiated to optimize outcomes. The overarching hypothesis is that discovering the precise etiologies of NIHF will create critical opportunities to improve outcomes through earlier, targeted pre- and postnatal care. Several important steps remain in order to uncover the genetic etiologies for cases remaining unsolved and improve care for these pregnancies. The study team proposes a multicenter collaboration to discover additional genetic diseases and novel variants underlying NIHF in a prospectively enrolled, large and diverse cohort utilizing whole genome sequencing (WGS) and RNA sequencing. The team will further perform comprehensive phenotyping to: a) collect detailed postnatal phenotypes and outcomes, b) re-analyze WGS data utilizing postnatal phenotype to identify diagnoses missed when sequencing algorithms incorporated only phenotype, and c) expand the phenotypes of all genetic in utero in utero diseases the investigators identify to optimize prenatal diagnosis and yield of genomic testing during pregnancy. Such a focused and comprehensive approach to the evaluation and diagnosis of NIHF has not previously been performed, particularly in a large and diverse cohort, and it is expected that this work will significantly improve the ability to understand and reshape the perinatal care for NIHF. This work will lay the foundation for redefining the approach to prenatal diagnosis, management, in utero and postnatal care for NIHF, and will create future opportunities to develop novel diagnostic algorithms and approaches to manage the complications of specific diseases underlying in utero NIHF.
This study is a randomized controlled trial, with two parallel arms. The open-label study will be conducted in accordance with the helsinky statement and good clinical practice standards. The main objective is to compare the reduction of postoperative edema following Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) between patients undergoing postoperative treatment with pneumatic compression (PC, experimental group) and patients undergoing postoperative treatment with antithromboembolic exercises. (AE, control group). We also aim to compare the pre-post treatment variations of joint function measurements (joint excursion), referred pain and functional capabilities. 48 patients will meet the criteria listed below will be recruited. Inclusion criteria: - total hip arthroplasty under election regime - aged between 50 and 80 at the time of recruitment, both sexes. Exclusion criteria: - obesity (BMI> 30); - other orthopedic or neurological pathologies that modify walking ability; - pathologies that modify balance (neurological and / or vestibular); - contraindications to the use of the medical equipment used in the study; - inability to understand and sign informed consent. Participants will be assigned, through a block randomization, to one of the two study groups: experimental group will undergo pneumatic compression treatment (PC), control group will perform antithromboembolic exercises (AE). For both, the treatment will last 10 working days, starting from the first post surgery day (T0). The PC will undergo two daily 30-minute sessions of sequential pneumatic compression (I-Press®, I-Tech Medical Division, Martellago, Italy) while AE will perform two supervised antithromboembolic exercises sessions daily lasting 30 minutes. All participants will carry out the antithrombotic prophylaxis in use at the department of orthopedics: drug therapy, graduated compression stocking and indirect electrostimulation (T-One Rehab®, I-Tech Medical Division, Martellago, Italy). Assessments of edema, joint range of motion, pain and functional capabilities will be made at T0 and at the end of the treatment (T1).
This is a national, prospective study designed to investigate the genetic etiologies of non-immune hydrops fetalis (NIHF) and other birth defects. At least half of prenatally diagnosed NIHF cases remain of unknown etiology after standard work up, and a substantial proportion of other birth defects remain of unknown etiology as well. The investigators are performing exome sequencing (ES) for the affected fetus or neonate in unexplained cases, as well as enrolling cases with a genetic explanation to represent the full spectrum of diseases underlying NIHF and other birth defects.
Purpose: Cystoid macular edema (CME) in retinitis pigmentosa (RP) has been managed in several ways with little success. The aim of our study was to report the use of intravitreal dexamethasone implant in a large series of patients with RP and CME. Setting: Retrospective case series. Methods: Cases were diagnosed as RP based on the classic fundus triad of bone-spicule pigment deposits (intraretinal pigmentary migration), retinal vessel attenuation, waxy pallor of the optic disc along with night blindness and attenuated ERG amplitudes (delays in rod or cone b-wave implicit times). Family history of RP and family screening for RP were important in establishing the diagnosis in eyes with some diagnostic challenge. CME was diagnosed by intravitreous fluorescein angiography IVFA and spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). BCVA was monitored using Snellen visual acuity chart and CME was monitored by SD-OCT on follow-up visits.
The purpose of this study is to determine if patients undergoing a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) experience a clinically significant reduction in healing time when treated post operatively with a specific form of micro and nano-ampere current. The results of this trial will provide a basis for generalizing its outcomes to apply to other joint replacements and revisions by reducing edema and inflammation and therefore will result in a shorter time to heal. The study will compare electrically treated and non electrically treated patients by using digitally based measurements to determine objective reductions of lower extremity edema including intra and inter cellular shifts in fluid distribution, increased range of motion (ROM) and muscle strength, and improved functional tests of ambulation.
Objectives: To compare the efficacy of monotherapy with anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (ranibizumab or bevacizumab) with combined therapy with anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and end-point-management grid laser photocoagulation for diabetic macular edema. Study design: Open-label non-randomized interventional study. Study overview: This study aims to look at the efficacy of treating diabetic macular edema (DME) with either anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor(anti-VEGF) monotherapy, compared with combination therapy with anti-VEGF and End-Point-Management (EPM) grid laser photocoagulation, over a period of 6 months. Various sites from across Asia (Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong) will participate. Depending on the availability of EPM laser, sites can either contribute to the 'Anti-VEGF monotherapy' arm, or to the 'Combination therapy' arm.
The aim of the study is to find out prevalence of diabetic macular edema (DME) in patients with diabetes mellitus in Slovak Republic.The outcome of the project will be epidemiology survey, prevalence of wet form of Diabetic Macular Edema in relation to duration of diabetes, type of diabetes, treatment (insulin vs. OAD or combination) etc. and identification of prognostic factors leading to development of DME.
The aim of this study is to test the effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) HBOT (100% oxygen; 2.0 ATA; 90 minute total exposure) and compare against a hyperbaric sham treatment (HBST) (patient's breathing room air; 2.0 ATA; 90 minute exposure) in reducing edema and ecchymosis. HBOT will be applied as a single pre-operative and a single post-operative treatment for patients undergoing eyelid surgery. Briefly, patients will be exposed to HBOT 2-4 hours prior to undergoing surgery, 2-4 hours post-surgery and healing will be assessed at day 3, 10, 21, 30 & 90 days after surgery. Edema and ecchymosis will be assessed in a time series to determine the extent that HBOT reduces these clinical signs. The primary null hypothesis to test will be that no differences in scores will exist between treatment and control at day 3, 10 & 21 post-surgery. A secondary null hypothesis to test is the time required to change a score will be no different between the two groups. HBOT=hyperbaric oxygen therapy; HBST=hyperbaric sham treatment