View clinical trials related to Disease Progression.
Filter by:The goal of this observational study is to learn about epidemiology, biologic markers, disease subtypes and possible prognostic factors in essential tremor (ET) patients. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: - The prevalence of ET-plus compared to ET in a prospectively collected ET population. - To assess in detail the heterogenous group of ET patients using comprehensive clinical (motor and non-motor scales, questionnaires), imaging [magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), sonography of substantia nigra and cerebral vessels], neurophysiological (tremor analysis, digital spiral drawing) and laboratory markers (sGFAP, sNfL, routine laboratory parameters). - To assess possible non-invasive markers of neurodegeneration in ET patients (optic coherence tomography, alpha-synuclein in olfactory mucosa) Participants will be asked to undergo the above mention evaluation at baseline and at follow-up approx. 5 years later. Researchers will compare the findings within the ET group to independently existing cohorts of healthy controls and/or patients with other movement disorders like Parkinson's disease.
The primary goal of the present prospective cohort study is to evaluate the effect of varying incidences of BOP at implant sites across 15 months of maintenance visits on the probability of peri-implant disease progression. Over 15 months, participants will attend 6 visits where clinical measurements and maintenance care will be performed every 3 months.
The interstitial lung diseases (ILD) are a heterogenous group of conditions with varying degrees of inflammation and scarring (fibrosis) of the lungs. ILD progression is unpredictable, making prognostication challenging. A proportion of patients will develop inexorably progressive disease termed progressive fibrosing ILD (PF-ILD). Forced vital capacity (FVC), a lung function variable, is routinely used to monitor disease progression. However FVC can be a poor disease marker as it can be influenced by patient effort and can be difficult to perform. High resolution computed tomography (HRCT) is a necessary investigation for suspected fibrotic-ILD, making it a promising tool for research. A quantitative-CT (qCT) approach uses computer software to analyse HRCT scans and has advantage over visual radiologist assessments which are limited by inter/intra-observer variance. The investigators will undertake a feasibility study to determine whether baseline and longitudinal qCT can predict and quantify disease progression in fibrotic-ILD. The endothelial glycocalyx (EG) is a mesh-like layer that lines the small blood vessels. Injury to this layer has been implicated in non-thoracic fibrotic diseases. Telomeres are repetitive genetic sequences which cap chromosomes preventing their damage during cell replication. Prematurely shortened leucocyte telomere lengths (LTL) have been demonstrated in a wide range of ILDs. We will evaluate role of measuring EG health and LTL in disease prognostication. Adult participants with fibrotic-ILD from 3 centres in England will be recruited alongside healthy controls. Case (disease) participants will undergo investigations at 0, 6 and 12 months from recruitment including: - HRCT with quantitative analysis (qCT) - Lung function testing - EG and LTL measurement - Health related quality of life assessments The primary outcome will assess the correlation of disease progression status measured by standard of care (FVC) with baseline qCT and EG assessment. Healthy controls will only undergo EG assessment at all time points. Feasibility outcomes will be assessed including recruitment, consent and attrition rates. The results will inform a subsequent multi-centre study to assess the clinical benefit of disease monitoring with the measures assessed in this study.
The goal of the project is to determine the difference in immune activation and HIV reservoir size between People living with HIV (PWH) on tenofovir-containing antiretroviral therapy (ART) versus PWH on nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI)-sparing ART. Tenofovir (TFV), a phosphonated nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI), is being used for oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). The investigators will test this hypothesis: tenofovir, and perhaps NRTIs in general, stimulate a type I/III interferon also in PWH who take these drugs. Because chronic interferon stimulation may promote the survival and proliferation of cells with integrated provirus, the investigators also hypothesize that these drugs antagonize decay of the HIV latent reservoir in PWH on ART. Consequently, the researchers hypothesize that PWH who have switched from NRTI-containing ART to NRTI-sparing ART exhibit lower type I/III interferon pathway activation and lower latent HIV reservoir size. The investigators also hypothesize that independently of treatment, the extent of type I/III interferon activation correlates with latent HIV reservoir size. Thus, the proposed study seeks to answer these two questions. Can the gastrointestinal epithelium be impacted by ART, and contribute to chronic immune activation and expansion of the HIV-1 reservoir? If so, what therapeutic approaches can the investigators implement to reduce the HIV-1 proviral load? The data will reveal pathways that can be targeted therapeutically to treat chronic immune activation in PWH. The findings of this study will immediately translate to optimize the standard of care in PWH.
Stroma is a fibrous, tough, transparent and the thickest layer of the corneae. The stroma is composed of organised collagen, which maintains transparency. Keratocytes are located between the lamella collagen fibers and secrete an extracellular matrix, which includes collagen, proteoglycan, crystalline proteins to maintain corneal transparency.
Investigators are going to conduct a randomized controlled trial that myopic children are randomly allocated into two groups: combined use of 1% atropine and 0.01% atropine (experimental group) and 0.01% atropine (control group) in order to explore a better way to control myopia progression and eliminate adverse effects at the same time, provide reliably evidence for clinical guideline of atropine use in children, and investigate the mechanism of atropine on eyes.
Determine safety of plasma infusion or exchange in APOE 44 patients.
The Researchers are trying to determine the paths of change in imaging biomarkers of Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and their associations with rate of cognitive and functional decline.