View clinical trials related to Dental Plaque.
Filter by:The study is a Clinical Trial and the main objective is to Evaluate the effects of probiotics on oral complications induced by antineoplastic therapies in patients with head and neck cancer, attended at the radiotherapy service of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) Hospitalet and at the Dental Hospital of the University of Barcelona (HOUB), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Bellvitge campus during the period 2022- 2024. Research question: Is the use of probiotics compared to placebo effective in reducing oral complications produced by antineoplastic therapies in patients with head and neck cancer attended in the radiotherapy service at the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) Hospitalet and the Dental Hospital of the University of Barcelona, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences campus Bellvitge during the period 2022- 2024? Study population: Patients attended at the radiotherapy service of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) Hospitalet and at the Dental Hospital of the University of Barcelona (HOUB), (Master of Dentistry in Oncology and Immunocompromised Patients) diagnosed by histological confirmation of head and neck cancer and treated in the last year.Intervention: Patients who agree to participate in the study will be randomized to the intervention or control group. Two visits will be made, the first as a baseline measurement and the second after the end of the intervention. In the first visit they will be given the products either probiotic or placebo, with presentation of a box with 10 sachets. The probiotics contain: Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG, Lactobacillus casei, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. 1 x 10e10 Colony Forming Units (CFU). And the placebo composed of excipients. They are gluten free. Each patient will be given 1 sachet dissolved in water, to take 2-3 minutes of mouthfuls then swallow, after brushing, once a day, for 30 days.
The hypothesis of this study is; using the tooth disclosing agents by individuals has a positive effect on oral care and as if it is an effective method in improving oral health. Therefore, the aim of this study is to assess the effect of visual guidance of plaque disclosing agents on plaque removal efficacy for patients versus the group of patients evaluated without any tools. Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Dentistry 4th grade students are going to be invited to the study. The study will carry out with a total of 124 students. The students who are systemically healthy, drug-free, and at least 20 teeth in the mouth will be included in the study. Smokers, those undergoing orthodontic treatment, the presence of pain or infection that may prevent brushing, pregnant/breastfeeding students, and students who do not agree to participate in the study will not include to the study. After the initial records (Plaque index and Gingival Index and DMFT- caries, missing teeth due to caries, filled teeth) were obtained, the students in the study will randomly divide into 2 groups: Group 1; Control Group (n=62) After explaining the Modified Bass Technique and the use of dental floss/interface brush, students will be asked to brush their teeth. Group 2; Test Group (n=62) After explaining the Modified Bass Technique and the use of dental floss/interface brush, the teeth will stain with a plaque disclosing agent, the plaque is going to be shown in the mirror and then the students will brush their teeth. Post-operatively, periodontal parameters will be evaluated. Plaque index and gingival index will be measured immediately after brushing, 1 week, 1 months are going to be compared to baseline. A single investigator will make measurements of Gingival Index (GI, Löe and Sillness-1967) and Plaque Index (PI, Sillness and Löe-1964) using a Williams periodontal probe. Measurements will be obtained from 4 surfaces of all teeth (mesiobuccal, midbuccal, distobuccal, midlingual) except third molar teeth, and the values obtained will be summed and averaged, and the average of one tooth. Then, these values will be summed up and averaged, and the mean PI and GI of the individual will be obtained. The outcomes of the two groups will be evaluated by statistical analysis.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of auto-fluorescence imaging system to detect and quantify caries and dental plaque. Participants were advised to rinse their mouth with distilled water to exclude any chance of fluorescence from food debris. A well trained physicist majored in optical spectroscopy captured auto-fluorescence images of buccal aspects of two maxillary central incisors and occlusal aspects of four first molars from each patient in a dark room. Then they chewed a disclosing agent to assess the Quigley Hein plaque index modified by Turesky of each tooth. Furthermore, participants were also required to brush their teeth for 3min, then International Caries Detection and Assessment System(ICDAS)codes of relevant teeth to evaluate degrees of caries were recorded by an experienced dentist using a mouth mirror and explorer. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient between colorimetric parameters of fluorescence image and the plaque index and ICDAS code were calculated to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of auto-fluorescence imaging system.