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Critically Ill clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT04818450 Completed - Critically Ill Clinical Trials

Impact of Gabapentin on Slow Wave Sleep in Adult Critically Ill Patient

Start date: April 19, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The investigators proposed that gabapentin will increase slow-wave sleep in adult critically ill patients. Increasing slow-wave sleep will improve the patients' outcomes (shortening ICU length of stay, improving ventilator free days, increasing delirium free days) in critically ill patients, a university hospital, Thailand.

NCT ID: NCT04711590 Completed - Critically Ill Clinical Trials

Microcirculation in Spontaneous Breathing Trial

Start date: December 5, 2019
Study type: Observational

Weaning ventilator support in critically ill patients is crucial. Both delayed extubation and unexpected early reintubation are harmful to the patients. Weaning parameters and spontaneous breathing trial are used to investigate the indication and predict the successful extubation. Hemodynamic stability and physical reserve are important indicators as well. Microcirculation parameters are known to be more sensitive to the change of hemodynamic status than macrocirculation parameters. We hypothesize that the change of sublingual microcirculation before and after spontaneous breathing trial is different between the the patients with successful extubation and the patients with failed extubation. Thus, this study measures sublingual microcirculation in patients receiving spontaneous breathing trial and record the extubation status (successful or failed). The microcirculation parameters before and after spontaneous breathing trial are compared between the the patients with successful extubation and the patients with failed extubation.

NCT ID: NCT04581655 Completed - Critically Ill Clinical Trials

ONCOTIPNET: Multicenter Study on Risk Factors and Outcome in Cancer Pediatric Patients Admitted in Italian PICUs

Start date: March 1, 2021
Study type: Observational

The study will describe characteristics of pediatric cancer patients admitted to Italian PICUs and will analyze risk factors of PICU admission, neurological outcome, and mortality. After a retrospective analysis (2019-2020), investigators will perform a prospective study over 12 months gathering data from 15-20 Italian PICUs.

NCT ID: NCT04536831 Completed - Critically Ill Clinical Trials

The Association of Vitamin D Supplementation With the Outcome in Critically Ill Children

Start date: August 29, 2019
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent in critically ill adult and pediatric population that causes multiple adverse health outcomes including higher illness severity score, increased morbidity and mortality, multiple organ dysfunction, longer duration of Mechanical ventilation, longer duration of Oxygen therapy and increased length of stay (LOS) in PICU and hospital. Vitamin D deficiency is a modifiable risk factor that can be corrected with high dose of vitamin D supplementation to improve the clinical outcome. This study is designed to determine whether random vitamin D supplementation within dose limits improves clinical outcomes in critically ill children.

NCT ID: NCT04528043 Completed - Critically Ill Clinical Trials

Infections and Colonization With the Third Group of Enterobacteriaceae in the Intensive Care Unit

Start date: April 1, 2017
Study type: Observational

There is a lack of data whether colonization and infection with Enterobacteriaceae of the third group (EB3) affect the outcomes for ICU patients. This study evaluated the effects of EB3 colonization and infection on ICU mortality, ICU length of stay (LOS) and broad-spectrum antibiotic exposure. We focused on the sub type Enterobacter regarding its a priori higher risk of resistance.

NCT ID: NCT04494789 Completed - Septic Shock Clinical Trials

Fludrocortisone Dose Response Relationship in Septic Shock - FluDReSS

Start date: February 11, 2021
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to determine the most suitable dose of Fludrocortisone in reversal of sepsis and shock associated with sepsis in patients who are admitted to the ICU. The investigators will be looking to see whether patients receiving Fludrocortisone at different doses recover quicker and spend less time in hospital and in ICU, and to understand the reasons why this happens at certain doses. Sepsis is caused by toxic substances (toxins) from bacteria and other organism entering the bloodstream from a site of infection. In some people, the infection can progress to sepsis and septic shock where the functions of organs in the body are affected. Patients suffering from sepsis and septic shock are commonly managed in the intensive care unit (ICU) where they are prescribed antibiotics as standard therapy, as well as other therapies to support the functions of the body. Fludrocortisone is a steroid that has previously shown to be beneficial to help in shock in patients in ICU, but more information is required about the exact dose that is required to achieve this. This has been shown by previous research. However, the exact role of Fludrocortisone and the best dose has not been studied adequately to date as well as the ways in how it works within the body. The study aims to look tat the dose and the way it works.

NCT ID: NCT04434287 Completed - Stroke Clinical Trials

Study of Prognostic Factors in Patients Admitted to ICU for Stroke

Start date: June 12, 2020
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Outcome of stroke patients admitted to the intensive care unit the intensive care unit (ICU) is poor and haemorrhagic stroke, fixed dilated pupil(s) and GCS <10 are associated with increased mortality and poor functional outcome. However little is known about the impact of clinical events occuring during the ICU stay (ventilator acquired pneumoniae, shock, dysglycemia....). The objective of this study was to determine the mortality rate and the functional outcomes of stroke patients admitted to ICU and to identify predictors of poor outcome in this population.

NCT ID: NCT04413474 Completed - Critically Ill Clinical Trials

Ultrasonographic Assessment of Gastric Residual Volume

Start date: January 1, 2018
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

A recent systematic review reported that the prevalence of enteral nutrition intolerance in critically ill patients ranged from 2% to 75%, and the pooled rate was 38.3%.Many randomized controlled trials have reported that the incidence of pneumonia, regurgitation and aspiration do not correlate well with gastric residual volume (GRV) monitoring. In addition, it was reported that GRV monitoring may cause more frequent obstructions in the enteral tube access, leading to greater loss of time for intensive care unit nurses and patients receiving less than the prescribed daily intake due to enteral nutrition interruptions. The most recent SCCM/ASPEN guidelines in 2016 recommended that GRV monitoring not be included in the daily care protocol, but many institutions still use it to determine whether to continue enteral nutrition or to detect enteral tube-feeding intolerance. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between ultrasonographic gastric antral measurements and aspirated gastric residual volume GRV in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients receiving enteral tube feeding via nasogastric, orogastric, or percutaneous gastrostomy tubes.

NCT ID: NCT04376047 Completed - Critically Ill Clinical Trials

Reverse Trendelenburg Position Versus Semi-recumbent Position in Obese Critically Ill Patients

Start date: January 13, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The aim of this study is to assess the effect of reverse Trendelenburg position versus semi-recumbent position on ventilation and oxygenation parameters of obese critically ill patients

NCT ID: NCT04340466 Completed - Clinical trials for Corona Virus Infection

French Multicentre Observational Study on SARS-Cov-2 Infections (COVID-19) ICU Management Study

Start date: April 3, 2020
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Since December 2019, a new agent, the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus has been rapidly spreading from China to other countries causing an international outbreak of respiratory illnesses named COVID-19. In France, the first cases have been reported at the end of January with more than 60000 cases reported since then. A significant proportion (20-30%) of hospitalized COVID-19 patients will be admitted to intensive care unit. However, few data are available for this special population in France. We conduct a large observational cohort of ICU suspected or proven COVID-19 patients that will enable to describe the initial management of COVID 19 patients admitted to ICU and to identify factors correlated to clinical outcome.