There are about 9702 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Poland. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
This study will evaluate the efficacy of tezacaftor in combination with ivacaftor (TEZ/IVA) in participants with cystic fibrosis (CF) aged 6 through 11 years, who are homozygous for the F508del mutation (F/F) or heterozygous for F508del with an eligible residual function mutation (F/RF).
This study is designed to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetics of UTTR1147A compared with vedolizumab and with placebo in the treatment of participants with moderate to severe UC. This study will consist of two parts, Part A and Part B. Part A will test the induction of clinical remission and Part B will test the durability of clinical remission.
An international, multicenter, epidemiological, observational study investigating the prevalence of Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) disease among participants with recurrent episodes of abdominal pain of no obvious etiology.
This is a study designed to evaluate efficacy and safety of Benralizumab in reducing the Oral Corticosteroid (OCS) use in adult patients with severe asthma who are receiving OCS with or without additional asthma controller medications.
This multicenter, non-inferiority trial randomized, double-blind, active controlled parallel group study evaluates the hypothesis that the home regular use of a toothpaste containing microcrystalline hydroxylapatite (HAP) (test toothpaste) provides a caries preventive effect in caries-active children with primary dentition age 3-6 which is comparable to the caries preventive effect provided by the regular use of a fluoridated tooth paste (F) (control toothpaste) over observation periods of max. 336 days. Caries development will be assessed according to the clinical criteria of the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). Condition or disease: Intervention Procedure: Tooth Brushing HAP or Procedure: Tooth Brushing F
Ascertain the starting dose of Mircera given subcutaneously for the maintenance treatment of anemia in pediatric participants with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on dialysis or not yet on dialysis when switching from stable subcutaneous (SC) maintenance treatment with epoetin alfa, epoetin beta, or darbepoetin alfa.
A long term study to demonstrate the safety of Tildrakizumab in Subjects with Psoriatic Arthritis who Have Previously Completed Study with Tildrakizumab
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact on pyrexia-related outcomes of an adapted pyrexia adverse event (AE)-management algorithm, as well as safety, efficacy and health-related outcomes.
This study will look at the change in participants' body weight from the start to the end of the study. The weight loss in participants taking semaglutide (a new medicine) will be compared to the weight loss of participants taking "dummy" medicine. In addition to taking the medicine, participants will have talks with study staff about healthy food choices, how to be more physically active and what you can do to lose weight. Participants will either get semaglutide or "dummy" medicine - which treatment participants get, is decided by chance. Participants will need to take 1 injection once a week. The study medicine is injected with a thin needle in a skin fold in the stomach, thigh or upper arm. The study has two phases: A main phase and an extension phase.The main phase will last for about 1.5 years. Participants will have 15 clinic visits and 10 phone calls with the study doctor. Extension phase: Approximately 300 participants will continue in the extension phase in the following countries only: Canada, Germany, the UK and selected sites in the US and Japan. These participants will be in the study for about 2.5 years.They will not receive treatment, but will attend another 5 follow-up visits with the study doctor.
The purpose of this study was to assess the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of IONIS-GHR-LRx in up to 60 participants with acromegaly.