There are about 249 clinical studies being (or have been) conducted in Ghana. The country of the clinical trial is determined by the location of where the clinical research is being studied. Most studies are often held in multiple locations & countries.
The goal of the study is to determine whether important clinical outcomes differ among women who access a combined medical abortion regimen from a pharmacy when compared with those who access it from a facility.
Adolescent girls in the Upper Manya Krobo (UMK) district, Ghana are disproportionately burdened by ill-health in relation to their male counterparts. Research also shows that this demographic lacks access to nutrition education and health services. This research aims to assess the feasibility and influence of an intervention that utilizes a participatory video education model on adolescent girls' nutrition knowledge, dietary habits and health behaviour. To address our research objectives, we will conduct a school-based cluster randomized control pilot trial with adolescent girls, 12-16 years of age, who are part of existing girls' clubs in 20 schools of the Upper Manya Krobo district. The intervention group (10 schools) will use a participatory video education model and the control group consists of standard-of-care education received in regular girls' club gatherings. The intervention groups develop a storyboard and produce a short 5-7 minute film on a nutritional issue. These videos can be used by teachers as a means of sharing nutrition information with students and in stimulating discussion around the nutrition topic. Baseline and end line surveys will be conducted to assess nutrition literacy indicators and nutrition behaviour. We will use surveys to assess nutritional knowledge and attitude; food frequency questionnaire to record dietary intakes; and in-depth interviews with participants and school staff to assess challenges and strengths of the nutrition education model being delivered.
The Duke research team will work with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and lead the design and implementation of a cluster-randomized trial in Northern Ghana to assess the impact of the Integrated Mothers and Babies Course & Early Childhood Development (iMBC/ECD) intervention on the mental wellbeing of mothers of children under 2 and their children's attainment of age-appropriate developmental milestones.
Ghana, a Low-Middle Income Country (LMIC) situated in the heart of West Africa started a national health insurance scheme in 2003.The scheme was designed to provide a comprehensive benefit package inclusive of surgical care and to protect against the need to pay out of pocket at the point of service. As of 2013, close to 40% of the population of Ghana was actively enrolled and ongoing plans to expand coverage by the government. This study tests the extent to which the national health insurance scheme of Ghana provides financial risk protection against catastrophic payments as a result of access to surgical care.
The DOLF Ocular Changes after Ivermectin study will investigate the kinetics of O. volvulus microfilaria (Mf) in the eye following treatment with ivermectin. The primary objective is to determine the proportion of participants with complete Mf clearance from the eye at 3 and 6 months following treatment with ivermectin (IVM).
This evaluation will aim to generate a body of evidence that will determine performance characteristics of the current PrCr dipstick test and the feasibility of its use in target ANC settings. Data will be used to inform further product development and/or support development of an introduction framework, including the process and associated resources needed for incorporation of the PrCr test into future larger-scale demonstration studies as well as to support early product launch. The objectives of the evaluation are as follows: Primary objective: Assess the accuracy of the PrCr dipstick test for detection of proteinuria in representative antenatal care settings in Ghana. Exploratory objectives: - Understand the feasibility of integrating the use of the PrCr test into ANC services in Ghana. - Explore the potential for improved ANC management of PE/E using the PrCr test in intended ANC settings versus the current standard of care used for proteinuria screening, protein-only determination via a low -cost urine dipstick test.
This pilot study aims to introduce three interventions directed toward mitigating anemia among women in Ghana, including: 1) multi-sectoral behavior change, 2) strengthening market engagement of fish processors, 3) improving fish smoking technology and practices. These interventions will be implemented among female fish processors, a population that represents a promising focal area for intervention within fisheries value chains, which have been identified as a uniquely promising sector for intervention to mitigate anemia among women. The investigators expect that the findings from this study will inform understanding of how best to design, implement, and evaluate interventions into fisheries and other animal-source food value chains in Ghana and across sub-Saharan Africa to address anemia and other nutritional and health concerns.
The study is designed to assess the impact of an educational intervention program on the knowledge, attitude and behaviour towards pregnancy prevention based on Health Belief Model amongst adolescent girls in Northern Ghana. It is a randomised clustered controlled trial to be conducted on Senior High School students in Northern Ghana The study hypothesises that knowledge, attitude and behaviour of adolescents towards pregnancy prevention will differ between the groups.
Household air pollution (HAP) is a top-priority public health problem in developing countries. According to the most recent comparative risk assessment, 3.5 million people die prematurely each year as a result of HAP exposures. While uncertainties remain regarding causal links between HAP exposures and health, the time is ripe for focused research into effective interventions. Limited past research has shown that the demand for clean cookstoves is low, and that households continue to use traditional hearths even when they have clean stoves. The investigators propose to harness an existing cohort in Ghana to study factors that increase the adoption of clean cookstoves, and to test strategies to promote adoption and continued use.
KAE609 will be evaluated primarily for hepatic safety of single and multiple doses in sequential cohorts with increasing doses.This study aims to determine the maximum safe dose of the investigational drug KAE609 in malaria patients.