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Clinical Trial Summary

Objectives The objective of this project is to motivate patients with COPD to incorporate the habit of doing daily mindful physical activity by using the proposed home-based pulmonary rehabilitation program that integrates video guided exercises, activity monitoring daily steps and health coaching. This program will allow patients to complete Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) at home and promote behavior change and lead to a more active lifestyle for patients with COPD who have been prescribed PR. The program will be able to effectively monitor daily step count. A health coach will receive more this detailed data and will guide weekly health coaching sessions designed to increase awareness of the physical activities completed and ignite inner motivation for healthy behaviors. The proposed PR program is innovative and responds to an unmet need in chronic care for COPD patients in the context of COVID-19 pandemic and it mitigates the common accessibility barriers.

Clinical Trial Description

Specific aims will guide the proposed project: - Aim 1: To determine the feasibility of the proposed home-based PR program. We will additionally address adherence and appropriateness of the program. - Aim 2: To determine improvements in quality of life and mental health of the proposed home-based PR determined. - Aim 3: To evaluate if the average number of daily step counts increase after the home-based PR program ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT04820257
Study type Interventional
Source Karolinska Institutet
Contact Marian Papp, PhD
Phone +46706946553
Status Not yet recruiting
Phase N/A
Start date January 1, 2025
Completion date December 2028

See also
  Status Clinical Trial Phase
Not yet recruiting NCT05016466 - GOLD 0 - DLCO 1: A Look Beyond the Obstruction. Is Spirometry Enough for COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Screening?
Not yet recruiting NCT05114434 - Effect of BDP/Formoterol/G on Cough Efficacy in Moderate to Severe COPD Patients (EFFICACE)
Recruiting NCT05297279 - OMEGA - Dietary Intervention - COPD Trial N/A
Active, not recruiting NCT03658538 - Motivational Interviewing and Air Cleaners for Smokers With COPD (MOVE COPD) N/A
Completed NCT02937584 - A Study to Assess the Effects of PT001 and PT005 MDI on Specific Image Based Parameters in Subjects With Moderate to Severe COPD Phase 3