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Filter by:This study examines youth's motivation for food or social rewards after a brief episode of simulated ostracism. The investigators hypothesize that youth who think about a friend after being ostracized will mediate their decision to resort to food, which is typically evidenced in socially isolated overweight youth.
The investigators aim to study potential racial differences in renal phosphorus handling by provocatively testing urinary phosphorus excretion using parathyroid hormone infusions in healthy white volunteers compared to healthy black volunteers.
Children diagnosed through the FAS DPN clinic (who receive non-study services through the clinic/referrals) will receive baseline assessment. The baseline assessment for the child will include: medical issues (including medication), intellectual assessment, academic achievement, language, social functioning, executive functioning, neurological assessment, perceived self-confidence, and behavioral observation of parent-child interactions (videotaped and coded). For caregivers, baseline assessment will include: demographics, medical histories, educational history, current services, satisfaction with services, knowledge of FAS, stress, parenting competence, and family functioning.
Children will be randomly assigned to a Parent-assisted social skills training or Wait list. Baseline and post intervention rating will be obtained from teachers.