View clinical trials related to Congenital Bleeding Disorder.
Filter by:This trial is conducted in Europe. The aim of this trial is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two dose schedules of activated recombinant human factor VII in treatment of joint bleeds in haemophilia patients with inhibitors.
This trial is conducted in Africa, Asia, Europe, Japan, and North and South America. The aim of this trial is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of activated recombinant human factor VII analogue (vatreptocog alfa (activated)) in haemophilia patients with inhibitors.
This trial is conducted in the United States of America (USA). This study compares the effectiveness and safety of NovoSeven® to FEIBA (FEIBA VH) in haemophilia patients with inhibitors being treated for joint bleeds.
This trial is conducted in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, and the United States of America (USA). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of secondary prophylactic treatment with NovoSeven® in haemophilia A and B patients with inhibitors.
This trial is conducted in the United States of America (USA). The purpose of this trial is to investigate the dose response to recombinant factor VIIa in healthy volunteers when administered for bleed.
This trial was conducted in the United States of America (USA). The aim of this trial was to investigate safety and pharmacokinetics of escalating single doses of catridecacog (recombinant factor XIII, rFXIII) in patients with congenital factor XIII deficiency.