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Colorectal Neoplasms clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT04854213 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Colorectal Cancer Metastatic

PRELUDE-1 (Prospective Evaluation of Radiotherapy-induced Biologic Effects in Colorectal Cancer Oligometastatic Patients With LUng-limited Disease: Evolution of Cancer Genetics and Regulatory Immune Cells)

Start date: October 6, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

PRELUDE-1 study is a pilot intervention trial that aims to describe the immunologic and genetic evolutions induced by stereotactic body radiationtherapy (SBRT) treatment in oligometastatic Colorectal Cancer (omCRC) patients with two-three nodules lung-limited disease.

NCT ID: NCT04851119 Recruiting - Melanoma Clinical Trials

Tegavivint for the Treatment of Recurrent or Refractory Solid Tumors, Including Lymphomas and Desmoid Tumors

Start date: November 8, 2021
Phase: Phase 1/Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

This phase I/II trial evaluates the highest safe dose, side effects, and possible benefits of tegavivint in treating patients with solid tumors that has come back (recurrent) or does not respond to treatment (refractory). Tegavivint interferes with the binding of beta-catenin to TBL1, which may help stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking the signals passed from one molecule to another inside a cell that tell a cell to grow.

NCT ID: NCT04835142 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Comparison of A140 and Erbitux Combined With mfolfox6 to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of First-line Treatment for Ras Wild-type mCRC

Start date: February 24, 2021
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

Compare the objective remission rate of A140 and Erbitux combined with mfolfox6 regimen in the first-line treatment of Ras wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer for 12 weeks

NCT ID: NCT04833036 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

c-CetuIRI Versus Ersecond-line Irinotecan s-IRI-CetuIRI

Start date: October 1, 2019
Phase: Phase 2
Study type: Interventional

The primary endpoint is to evaluate the progression-free survival (PFS).

NCT ID: NCT04824053 Recruiting - Colorectal Polyp Clinical Trials

Effects of UNICLA-A2 Dairy Products on Patients at High-risk of Colorectal Cancer Development

Start date: February 28, 2022
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Dietary intervention with UNICLA-A2 milk products containing beta casein A2 protein, and higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and selenium may contribute to maintain the intestinal integrity, reduce inflammatory processes, normalize the immune system, protect against oxidative damage and equilibrate the gut microbiota in high-risk colorectal cancer patients who have undergone polypectomy

NCT ID: NCT04823793 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Fecal DNA Methylation Test for Colorectal Cancer Screening

Start date: March 31, 2021
Study type: Observational

This is an observational, prospective study using fecal DNA methylation test to define the risk of suffering from advanced adenoma or colorectal cancer (CRC) compared to colonoscopy and fecal immunochemical test (FIT). This study recruits at least 80 participants, including 40 people of healthy controls, 20 people with adenoma, and 20 people with CRC, which were confirmed by colonoscopy. All fecal specimens from participants will be examined by FIT and multi-methylated target gene detection through real-time quantitative methylation-specific PCR (qMSP). The objective of this study is to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of multi-methylated target PCR compared with the FIT and confirm the examination results through colonoscopy.

NCT ID: NCT04822506 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

PEA Promote Gastrointestinal Function Recovered After Colorectal Cancer Operation

Start date: July 31, 2021
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

To investigate whether perioperative electroacupuncture is more effective than postoperative electroacupuncture in improving gastrointestinal function after colorectal cancer operation

NCT ID: NCT04819516 Recruiting - Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Study of the Safety and Effectiveness of HIFU Combined With REGOTORI for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Start date: December 7, 2020
Phase: Phase 1
Study type: Interventional

This study intends to perform high-intensity focused ultrasound combined with REGOTORI in patients with multiline drug-resistant metastatic colorectal cancer to explore the safety and efficacy of patients. Patients receive HIFU local treatment combined with REGOTORI treatment, and receive corresponding clinical data collection at different follow-up points, including necessary data from various laboratories, CT/MRI, and immune function tests that are exactly the same as before surgery collection.

NCT ID: NCT04813913 Recruiting - Oncology Clinical Trials

VASCular Impact of Angiogenic Treatment in Patients With Advanced Colorectal Cancer

Start date: May 5, 2019
Phase: Phase 4
Study type: Interventional

Antiangiogenic treatments are used in many tumor locations such as metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) with a significant improvement in carcinological results on overall survival and / or progression-free survival. However, their use is characterized by an increase in side effects and in particular cardiovascular effects such as high blood pressure (hypertension). One of the main classes of antiangiogens used in this indication is that of monoclonal antibodies, the leader of which is bevacizumab (Avastin®, Roche, Bale, Switzerland). Bevacizumab works by inhibiting endothelial vascular growth factor-dependent neoangiogenesis (vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF). In the reference studies, the inhibition of VEGF, whether extracellular (monoclonal antibody directed against VEGFA) or intracellular (receptor inhibitors with tyrosine kinase activity), induces hypertension of all grades, observed in 25% to 40 % of patients including 8 to 17% of severe grades (≥ grade 3 NCI-CTCAE). In terms of pathophysiology, inhibition of VEGFA results in a decrease in the availability of nitric oxide (NO) at the endothelial level and the appearance of arteriolar rarefaction. This induces an increase in peripheral resistance responsible ultimately for an increase in blood pressure. The occurrence of hypertension induced by anti-VEGF treatment seems to be predictive of the carcinological response in certain oncological situations such as metastatic breast cancer9, glioblastoma and mRCC. Furthermore, it has also been shown that there is an early attack on the elastic conductance arteries (branches of the aorta and its main ones) characterized by an increase in their rigidity in patients exposed to a VEGF receptor inhibitor with tyrosine activity. kinase or bevacizumab. This increase, whose poor prognostic impact is known at the cardiovascular level is largely independent of the rise in blood pressure and reflects a direct toxicity of treatments at the level of the artery wall. This increase in rigidity, refused when the pressure rises, would be predictive of a low carcinological response rate at 6 months. However, these data are based on populations that are heterogeneous in terms of carcinology and the position prior to or concomitant with other antineoplastic treatments. In this context, the evaluation of arterial stiffness in the same patient population would make it possible to better define the involvement of the conductive arteries in a clearly defined clinical situation. Joint measurements of the plasma concentration of the treatment as well as those of factors derived from the endothelium and circulating tumor markers which, to our knowledge, have never been carried out in these patients, would make it possible to better specify the mechanisms of involvement and the links between exposure, arterial toxicity and carcinologic efficacy of bevacizumab. Of course, in order to assess more precisely the inherent impact of chemotherapy on the conductance arteries, the evolution of arterial stiffness must take into account the possible effects in patients receiving, for essentially clinical and biological reasons, systemic treatment without antiangiogenic.

NCT ID: NCT04813627 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Colorectal Cancer Stage III

Epidemiological Study to Monitor Study Participants With Resected Stage II (High Risk) or Stage III Colorectal Cancer for Circulating Tumor DNA Before, During and After Their Treatment With Adjuvant Chemotherapy

Start date: July 2, 2021
Study type: Observational

This is a multi-site epidemiological study designed to monitor circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) status in participants with Stage II (high risk)/III colorectal cancer (CRC) following resection/prior to adjuvant chemotherapy (AdCTx), during the course of AdCTx and for a period of 630 days thereafter, according to CRC stages and disease characteristics. Participants receive no therapeutic intervention as part of this study. This study will identify participants who might be potential candidates for the clinical trial BNT122-01 (NCT04486378), a study of RO7198457 after completion of standard AdCTx in this patient population. Based on the eligibility criteria for that trial, this study will identify participants with confirmed Stage II (high risk)/III CRC that are positive for ctDNA after resection and are therefore at high risk of disease recurrence to enrich the BNT122-01 study cohort. These participants will have the option to enter screening for BNT122-01 at Screening Visit 2 of that trial if they meet the eligibility criteria of BNT000-001 during screening. Data from the assessments from BNT000-001 will be carried across to the BNT122-01 trial where feasible.