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Clinical Trial Summary

Stroke can drastically impact the ability to walk and keep your balance. In addition people with chronic stroke feel social isolated, become less satisfied with their walking and lose confidence in their ability to move without falling.

Ned new treatments are needed for walking and balance. Dancing is a fun, social activity that has similar benefits to traditional exercise. Another benefit of dancing is the use of music, which improves mood, increases motivation and can even improve motor performance. Finally, moving in synchrony with other people during dancing can make people feel connected. We believe that dance classes can benefit people with stroke, but few studies have been done.

The objective of our project is to conduct a randomized controlled trial to test whether dance can improve balance and walking for people with chronic stroke. The investigators are also interested in whether dancing improves people's confidence in their ability to do activities without losing their balance (i.e. balance confidence), decreases their feelings of isolation and increases their quality of life.

Clinical Trial Description

This study is a randomized controlled trial to investigate the effects of an adapted dance program for people with chronic stroke. Participants with stroke living in the community will be randomly assigned to either the dance group or the control group. Participants will attend classes 2 times a week for 12 weeks. The primary outcomes are change in balance balance (measured with the Mini BESTest) and change in gait speed. Participants will be assessed before and after the 12 week program. ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT04069481
Study type Interventional
Source University Health Network, Toronto
Contact Wade Michaelchuk, MSc
Phone 416-597-3422
Status Recruiting
Phase N/A
Start date January 1, 2019
Completion date December 31, 2021

See also
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