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Filter by:This study aimed to detect tongue swelling induced by the pressure exerted by tongue depressor; swelling detection was made through tongue surface area measurement using ultrasonography (USG) in pediatric patients who underwent adenoidectomy surgeries.
Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections caused by Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, or hookworm, affect approximately 1.5 millions individuals primarily in tropical and subtropical regions. STHs infections have been associated with delay in growth and development in children. The prevalence in Indonesia varied from 45% to 65%, but in poor sanitation areas the prevalence can increased to 80%. World Health Organization currently recommends mass treatment with benzimidazoles and health hygiene education to control the disease. In this study we evaluated the effectiveness of single and four-monthly health hygiene education to STH reinfection rates among school-aged children in Mandailing Natal district, North Sumatera province, Indonesia.
Prospective, monocentric, observationnal study. The primary objective of this study is to identify if presurgical child or/and parental anxiety is predictive of chronic postsurgical pain in abdominal or urologic ambulatory surgery.
This study aimed to detect tongue edema induced by the pressure exerted by tonsillar retractor; edema detection was made through tongue area measurement using ultrasonography (USG) in pediatric patients who underwent tonsillectomy surgeries.
The objective of the LEGO®Bricks MRI project is to study a new play-based tool for use in children preparing to undergo MRI and evaluate its ability to reduce the need for anesthesia. A randomized study design will be employed in the experimental "Child Life" (CL) group, in regard to which Child Life intervention patients will have. Age matched controls will be found retrospectively, and will be patients of the same age, undergoing their first non-contrast brain MRI with no Child Life intervention. Patients in the CL group will be prepped by a Certified Child Life Specialist with the use of one of the following 2 tools, to be randomly selected: 1. LEGO Bricks model MRI (A model of the MRI machine and adjacent control room made out of LEGO bricks) 2. Mock MRI tube (A six foot long pop-out play tunnel for children, with a diameter of around 17 inches to simulate the MRI magnet bore)
During general anesthesia, temperature monitoring is critical especially in pediatrics. Recently developed 3M™ Bair Hugger™ skin temperature which is applied on temporal artery is correlated with core temperature measure by esophageal prove in several studies. Conventional skin temperature over carotid artery is also correlated with core temperature in several studies. The purpose of this study is comparing 2 methods of temperature monitoring in pediatrics. First, conventional core temperature measure by esophageal stethoscope. Second, 3M™ Bair Hugger™ applying on carotid artery.
Ascites in liver cirrhosis is explained by increased production of vasoactive substances leading to renal vasoconstriction and salt and water retention. The retained water then accumulates in the peritoneal cavity under the effect of portal hypertension and low albumin. Refractory ascites is defined as ascites that cannot be mobilized or prevented from early recurrence after large-volume paracentesis despite medical therapy and dietary sodium restriction. Midodrine is an α1 receptor agonist that can improve systemic and renal hemodynamics in non-azotemic cirrhotic patients by counteracting mesenteric vasodilatation, which is accentuated in cirrhosis.
The study aims to compare the efficacy of using gamification for oral hygiene in children at home environment.
Lidocaine is widely available and is a very commonly used local anesthetic. When administered intravenously, lidocaine infusions have anti-inflammatory effects and have significantly decreased the reliance on opioid use for adequate pain management in adult abdominal and spine surgeries. A major advantage of lidocaine infusion is that it is not associated with a significant side effect profile.The role of lidocaine in pediatric acute perioperative pain remains limited.
EEG signals have been collected and studied since the early 1990's as a way of assessing brain function at a gross level. As early as the 1930's a derivative of the raw EEG signal - event-related potentials (ERPs) - have been computed. The current research is primarily focused on three ERP components: the N100, P300 and N400. Each of the three ERPs have been studied in the academic laboratory for multiple decades. Through this research, a strong understanding has been developed regarding what can affect these components (e.g. task set, emotional state, etc.). However, these signals within various pediatric populations (e.g., those with persistent mTBI symptoms or multiple concussions) are not well characterized. Being able to safely and effectively employ the NeuroCatch™ Platform in a post-concussive pediatric cohort could provide researchers with the potential to elucidate the persistence of objective measures of impairment, patterns of recovery, and chronicity of problems due to mTBI in children. Secondly, understanding the degree to which these neurophysiological components fluctuate over time is crucial to the understanding of brain functioning. However, for this type of technology to be useful in quantifying brain health in this population,the degree to which a post-concussive pediatric brain naturally fluctuates in its processing capability must be quantified. NeuroCatch™ Platform has the ability to measure changes in several domains of brain function. These cognitive processes are foundational blocks for some of the highest cognitive processes: information integration and executive functioning.