View clinical trials related to Child Development.
Filter by:The goal of this clinical trial is to test the effect of a pre-primary education parent group intervention in children with and without disability in Nepal Bangladesh and Tanzania. The main question it aims to answer are: - What is the impact of a parent group intervention on primary school readiness in children aged 5-6 years old in three LMICs? - What is the feasibility and accessibility of a parent group intervention for these children? Participants will attend parent group sessions every two weeks for a total of 9 sessions. Researchers will compare a control group to see if there are impacts on school readiness and child development.
This implementation research study aims to evaluate the impact and implementation of a group-based parenting program for improving early child development and caregiver outcomes. This study is enrolling primary caregivers with children 0 to 24 months of age to promote caregiver knowledge and skills about nurturing care for young children and support caregiver psychosocial wellbeing. Parenting groups will leverage existing community group networks and be facilitated by trained volunteers for 20 total sessions (groups will meet twice a month for 10 months). ChildFund Kenya and its community partners will implement the program in Busia and Homabay counties. The research study design will involve a cluster-randomized controlled trial and a qualitative implementation evaluation. This research is being led by Emory University with funding from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
This one-stage individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis study will aim to determine whether high-dose docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) enteral supplementation during the neonatal period is associated with the risk for severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) at 36 weeks' postmenstrual age (PMA) compared to control, in contemporary cohorts of preterm infants born at less than 29 weeks of gestation. The association between high-dose DHA and severe BPD will also be explored in important subgroups according to sex, gestational age, small-for-gestational age and mode of delivery.
The goal of this clinical trial is to compare outcomes between participants in the single-session psychotherapy for young kids (SPYKids) conditions and participants in the services as usual (SAU) condition. The main questions it aims to answer are: - What is the feasibility and acceptability of SPYKids compared to services as usual? - What are the changes in child mental health between the SPYKids group compared with the SAU group? Participants will - Fill out questionnaires at baseline, immediately post-program, approximately one month after the baseline assessment, and three months after the baseline assessment - Meet with a parent coach in a virtual 90-minute session to discuss coping strategies relevant to their identified concerns Researchers will compare participants in the SPYKids group with participants in the Services as Usual group to see if there are changes in child well-being, parent well-being, and parent self-efficacy.
This cluster-randomized trial aims to evaluate the impact of the Moments That Matter® (MTM) Program on early child development and caregiving outcomes in two selected counties in western Kenya.
This study involves a long-term outcome study of the Catholic Health Initiative St. Joseph's Children (CHI SJC) program using a randomized control study. The purpose of this study is to determine the short-term and long-term impact and effectiveness of the CHI SJC program. The CHI SJC program has not been studied to determine program effectiveness. The investigators intend to follow families and their children until the children in the study graduate from high-school or turn 19 years of age. The study, as a template, uses the eight outcome domains listed and described in the Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness website ( These eight domains are: - Child development and school readiness - Family economic self-sufficiency - Maternal health - Reductions in child maltreatment - Child health - Linkages and referrals - Positive parenting practices - Reductions in juvenile delinquency, family violence, and crime The investigators expect to observe significant differences among the two groups with respect to the primary outcome domains listed. The investigators expect study group members randomized to the CHI SJC program will perform better on the eight outcome domains. Other hypotheses include: Other Hypotheses: Hypothesis 1. Randomization to CHI SJC will be associated with higher quality functioning and better child health and well-being. Hypothesis 2. Randomization to CHI SJC will result in more connections to community resources. Hypothesis 3. Randomization to CHI SJC will result in improved indications of maternal health and positive parenting practices. Hypothesis 4. Randomization to CHI SJC will be associated with higher measures of family economic self-sufficiency. Hypothesis 5. Randomization to CHI SJC will be associated with increased school readiness and school progress and attainment. Hypothesis 6. Randomization to CHI SJC will be associated with reductions in juvenile delinquency, family violence, and crime. The study will collect outcome data in the same way and, at the same time, from treatment and control group members. Data collection will primarily be comprised of a set of self-report questionnaires and a review of administrative records that target the outcome domains described earlier. Study group members will be assessed at baseline, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months, 3 years, 5 years, 8 years, 12 years, 15 years, and at high-school graduation or 19 years of age.
As a follow-up to the RAPIDIRON Trial (NCT05358509), and in combination with the RAPIDIRON-KIDS Study (NCT05504863), this study will involve infants of RAPIDIRON Trial participants recruited at one site in Karnataka and is designed to implement a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol and incorporate neuroimaging measures. Implementation of this study will promote an understanding of the effects on fetal and neonatal brain development, including iron deposition in brain tissues, when a woman is treated for iron deficiency anemia (IDA) by either (a) providing her oral iron tablets and instructions for use; or (b) administering a single-dose IV iron infusion for the treatment of IDA during pregnancy.
An intervention study to provide in-the-moment parenting tips with the goal of increasing healthy parent-child interactions leading to resiliency in high-risk children. Specifically, in a sample of parents participating in HV programs, the investigators will use a smartphone app (mHealth app) to deliver daily tailored messages with tips on monitoring and promoting child development. Daily assessments of parents' emotions, parenting behaviors, and interactions with their children will also be collected via the app. During the 4-week EMA study, parents will receive either 2 weeks of the mHealth intervention + EMA data collection followed by 2 weeks of only EMA data collection or to receive 2 weeks of only EMA data collection followed by 2 weeks of mHealth intervention + EMA data collection.
The PLAYshop program is a novel, brief, theory-based, parent-focused physical literacy intervention, that can help mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity of children from diverse and vulnerable families who have been disproportionally affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Primary Research Question: Among vulnerable families (e.g., lower socioeconomic status), does the PLAYshop program increase parental capability, opportunity, and motivation to support preschool-aged children's physical literacy development, compared to controls?
The overarching objective of this research is to detect poor growth and delayed development early in childhood by developing an automated growth-screening algorithm. The screening algorithm will be created using cohort data and piloted for feasibility and acceptability in Tower Hamlets. The ultimate goals are to detect linear growth failure and delayed development early to identify two groups of children: first, children with serious underlying medical disorders, in whom earlier diagnosis and management would improve clinical outcomes; and second, children whose poor growth and/or delayed development is a manifestation of socioeconomic disadvantage, in whom targeted pre-school interventions may improve long term health and education outcomes.