View clinical trials related to Cervical Pain.
Filter by:Non-specific neck pain is the most common musculoskeletal symptom which can cause limited cervical mobility, impaired functional status and stress at work. Virtual reality and motor imagery are unique technologies which have beneficial effects on the treatment of non-specific neck pain. Virtual reality is a simulated 3D environment that enables users to explore and interact with a virtual surrounding while motor imagery (MI) is a dynamic mental process of an action, without its actual motor execution. This study aims to investigate the combined effects of Virtual Reality (VR) and Motor Imagery Techniques (MI) with Routine Physical Therapy (RPT) in patients with Non-specific neck pain. This randomized clinical trial will be carried at Railway General Hospital, Rawalpindi on 93 participants meeting the inclusion criteria included in the study through probability convenience sampling technique. 3 groups of participants assigned ramdomly will receive interventions for three days a week for 6 weeks. Group A will receive virtual reality (VR) and motor imagery (MI) along with routine physical therapy for . Group B participants will receive VR along with routine physical therapy while Group C will receive MI along with routine physical therapy. Total treatment time will be 40 minutes. Outcome measure tools will be Numeric pain rating scale to measure pain, the Tampa scale of Kinesiophobia (TSK) for the measurement of kinesiophobia and Neck disability index for disability and functional status.
The goal of this clinical trial is to investigate about the characteristics that predict response to physiotherapy treatment in patients with nerve related neck arm pain. The main question to answer is whether there is a subgroup that responds better to physiotherapy treatment. Participants will be assessed for clinical and neurophysiological characteristics prior to treatment. Afterwards they will receive 6 sessions of manual physiotherapy treatment along with home nerve gliding exercises once a week. Baseline measurements will be taken again after treatment to know if there have been any changes.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the benefit of applying dermoneuromodulation techniques in patients with non-specific chronic neck pain. BACKGROUND: Chronic neck pain is one of the most commonly reported musculoskeletal pathologies in the general population. It has an immense impact on the physical, social, and psychological aspects and quality of life of the individual and society as a whole. Dermoneuromodulation(DNM) is recently popularising touch based pain relieving approach which is a gentle, structured method of interacting with patient's nervous system to help them resolve pain, regain function, and feel better. It was developed by Diane Jacobs, a Canadian physiotherapist specialised in pain science and the treatment of painful conditions. During her 40 years of practice, Jacobs was interested in Ronald Melzack, who developed the original Gate Control theory of pain along with Patrick Wall, and who later developed the NeuroMatrix model of pain. In 2007, Jacobs made a cadaver study that defined how peripheral cutaneous nerves divide into rami, which spread outward into the underside of skin. This work inspired her to develop a new conceptual approach to manual therapy for patients with pain. HYPOTHESES We hypothesize that there will be no effect of dermoneuromodulation techniques on clinical outcomes of patients with non-specific chronic neck pain. RESEARCH QUESTION: Is there a statistically significant effect of dermoneuromodulation techniques on clinical outcomes of patients with non-specific chronic neck pain?
Case series, repeated-measures design, pilot study. Adult, female, migraine patients underwent seven Ischemic Compression Myofascial Trigger Points (IC-MTrPs) therapy sessions. The aim of the study is to investigate whether therapy of the shoulder girdle and neck muscles by deactivating MTrPs causes modification of biomechanical and biochemical variables in the blood and reduces headache in people with migraine, improving their quality of life by improving their health. People qualified for the study were divided into 3 groups according to the type of migraine: 1. CM group - patients with chronic migraine 2. EMa group - patients with paroxysmal migraine with aura 3. EMb group - patients with paroxysmal migraine without an aura. All patients underwent 7 interventions in the area of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and neck (by deactivating trigger points) performed every 2 or 3 days. They did not take any headache medications during the treatment period. However, during a migraine attack, they could undergo treatments and research measurements. Biomechanical measurements of the cervical spine, shoulder girdle muscles and blood chemistry were performed before, during and after the patients' therapy. All treatments were performed on the following muscles: - m. trapesius pars descendent (trapezius upper), - m. sternocleidomastoideus (sternocleidomastoid), - m. temporalis (temporal), - m. legator scapulae (levator scapula), - m. supraspinatus (supraspinatus), - m. suboccipitales (suboccipital).
The aim of our study is to investigate the validity and reliability of Dutch version of the Henry Ford Hospital Headache Disability Questionnaire (HDI).
It is known that tactile acuity and proprioceptive sense decrease in patients with chronic neck pain. However, sensory re-training in patients with chronic neck pain has not been given sufficient importance. The effects of proprioceptive and tactile acuity training on pain intensity in patients with chronic neck pain will be compared in this study. Eligible participants will be divided into three groups as follows: Proprioceptive Training Group (PTG), Tactile Acuity Training Group (TAG), and Control Group (CG). The randomization will be performed using the block randomization method to obtain an equal number of participants in the groups. Each participant will be evaluated two times at a 4-week interval. Participants will be evaluated regarding subjective pain intensity by using a Numerical Rating Scale, temporal summation, and conditioned pain modulation using an algometer (JTECH Medical-Algometer Commander, USA). Neck proprioception exercises will be applied to the patients in the PTG at 3 days a week for 4 weeks. Tactile acuity training will be applied to the patients in the TAG 3 days a week for 4 weeks. Between the two assessments, the Control Group will not receive any treatment.
Cervical radiculopathy is a pain and/or sensorimotor deficit syndrome that is defined as being caused by compression of a cervical nerve root .The compression can occur as a result of disc herniation, spondylosis, instability, trauma, or rarely, tumors. Patient presentations can range from complaints of pain, numbness, and/or tingling in the upper extremity to electrical type pains or even weakness. The clinical overlap between cervical radiculopathy and peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes and their nearly ubiquitous nature makes understanding of and identification of these entities mandatory for all practitioners The cervical spinal nerves exit the spinal cord and are oriented obliquely toward their respective neural foramen .The neural foramen is made up of the facet joint posteriorly and the intervertebral disc anteriorly. The superior and inferior borders are comprised of the pedicles of the vertebral bodies above and below, respectively. The foramina are largest in the upper cervical spine and gradually narrow distally, with the C7/T1 foramina being the narrowest. The most common causes of nerve root compression are spondylosis of the facet joint and herniation of the intervertebral disc.Hypermobility of the facet joint leads to ligamentous hypertrophy as well as bony hypertrophy. An increase in the size of the superior articulating process from the distal vertebra causes compression of the nerve. Intervertebral disc herniations can also cause nerve root compression from the anterior aspect of the foramen. Disc herniations can either be acute or chronic. Imaging modalities and electrophysiologic testing (EMG & NCV) play an important role in the diagnosis and localization of cervical radiculopathy. The first test that is typically done is plain x-ray. Computed tomography is the most sensitive test for examination of the bony structures of the spine. Initial strategies in the treatment of cervical radiculopathy are typically Conservative therapies including multiple pharmacologic agents, immobilization, physical therapy, manipulation, traction, and TENS . Traditionally, cervical spine injection performed under fluoroscopy or computed tomography guidance. However, these imaging tools are not able to visualize small vessels, and incidences such as brainstem or spinal cord infarction may occur. These complications are believed to be caused by inadvertent injection of therapeutic agents into the vertebral or radicular arteries. Therefore, accidental puncture of vessels must be prevented when performing neck injection procedures. Recently, high-resolution musculoskeletal ultrasound (US) can be used to identify the target root and the nearby vessels. The advantage of using US as a guidance tool is that it does not expose patients or medical personnel to radiation such as fluoroscopy or computed tomography guidance. Ultrasound allows good visualization of the soft tissue such as abnormal blood vessels in the foramen and around the nerve root, which further enables accurate needle placement and avoids the risk of intravascular injections. In addition, US-guided procedures have a shorter duration compared to those guided by fluoroscopy and do not result in contrast medium-related allergic reactions . As a result, US-guided cervical nerve root block (US-CRB) is a safe alternative treatment technique that can be used in the treatment of upper extremity radicular pain.
Cervical medial branch radiofrequency ablation (CMBRFA) is an effective treatment for cervical facet pain. The efficacy of CMBRFA was proven by studies published in the late 1990's and early 2000's. Patients were selected by a strict, labor-intensive placebo-controlled, diagnostic block protocol and were treated using a conventional monopolar cannula that was positioned parallel to the medial branch, two to three lesions per medial branch nerve and both sagittal and oblique passes. Since the original CMBRFA publications, patient selection for CMBRFA is less strict, and new RFA cannulae have been developed to improve efficiency and safety while maintaining a large ablative lesion. Current clinical patient selection criteria for CMBRFA tend to be more relaxed than described in early research studies. However, subsequent research has shown that when selection criteria are too relaxed, outcomes are poorer. A recent cross-sectional study reported that when CMBRFA is done in patients selected by >80% pain improvement after dual medial branch blocks, outcomes are similar to patients selected with a stricter selection protocol (100% pain relief) similar to the original CMBRFA studies. Although, the cross-sectional study suggests an appropriate selection criteria, it has not been used in any prospective studies. The Trident multi-tined cannula is a recent technology that produces a large ablative lesion distal to the triple-tined tip. This design allows a perpendicular/lateral approach to CMBRFA and only requires a single lesion at each medial branch. This differs from the conventional cannula, which produces it's most extensive ablative lesion along the cannula with minimal distal projection. As a result, it requires a parallel approach with multiple burn cycles at the same medial branch. The perpendicular approach with Trident and single lesion cycle at each medial branch are appealing for safety purposes and efficiency however, it's efficacy has not been directly compared to the standard conventional cannula. Problem: There are no randomized controlled trials comparing novel technologies like Trident cannula to the previously studied conventional cannula in patients selected with a more practical selection criteria. Purpose: To compared procedural characteristics, pain, and disability outcomes of CMBRFA using either a Trident or conventional cannula in patients with confirmed facet mediated pain (defined by ≥80% symptom reduction after dual medial branch block). Central Hypothesis: Trident cannula during CMBRFA will result in noninferior improvements in pain and function compared to conventional cannula but will significantly reduce procedural discomfort, time and radiation exposure. Specific Aims: 1. Determine the proportion of patients with a successful pain response (defined as ≥50% improvement in index pain) to Trident (T-CMBRFA) versus conventional (C-CMBRFA) at 3, 6, and 12 months. 2. Determine the proportion of patients with a successful functional response (defined as ≥10% reduction on neck disability index [NDI]) to T-CMBRFA versus C-CMBRFA at 3, 6, and 12 months. 3. Determine the proportion of patients with a successful perception of improvement (defined as a score ≥6 on the Patient Global Impression of Change [PGIC]) to T-CMBRFA versus C-CMBRFA at 3, 6, and 12 months.
As the head and neck cancer (HNC) survival rate has increased and therefore, the focus of post-treatments is to improve the quality of patients' life by decreasing the side effects. Treatment of HNC leads to acute and chronic soft tissue damage, and functional loss. However, patients with HNC need having rehabilitation throughout the post-treatment phase so as to improve functional outcomes because of the long term side effects. Chronic shoulder morbidity is one of the complications after surgery due to spinal accesory nerve injury. Moreover, pain, dysphonia, and musculoskeletal impairments are observed in the individuals after the treatments and the patients also have trouble swallowing problems, loss of taste, dry mouth, trismus, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue during and after therapy. Since there is limited research on the usage of manual therapy techniques in HNC patients, this study aims to investigate muscle changes after surgery and the effectiveness of physiotherapy on muscle material behaviour from a biomechanical perspective by using shear wave elastography. In this respect, the hypothesis is: H0: Physical therapy interventions do not impact mechanical properties of muscle, pain, quality of life, cervical and shoulder functionality in HNC patients after neck dissection. H1: Physical therapy interventions will improve mechanical properties of muscle, pain, quality of life, cervical and shoulder functionality in HNC patients after neck dissection.
Background: Skeletal muscle-type pain is one of the main reasons for consultations in health centers. In Chile, it is estimated that the prevalence reaches 33% in men and 50% in women, increasing considerably with age, with cervical pain being one of the main conditions, estimating that 80% of the population has experienced cervicalgia at some time. lifetime. The main symptom is neck pain and restriction of movement, mainly affecting the mobility of the upper cervical region. Although there are studies evaluating the effectiveness of manual techniques, there are currently no studies evaluating the effects on cervical muscle activity and pressure threshold. Therefore, the objective of the present investigation is to evaluate the immediate effects of a manual therapy technique on the threshold pressure of muscular trigger points and on the muscular activity of the upper cervical region in patients with chronic pain and restriction of cervical mobility. higher. Methods: Clinical trial, randomized, prospective, double-blind study (patient and evaluator). The participants (21 subjects) were divided into 2 groups. The control group will receive a C0-C0 placebo mobilization technique and the experimental group will receive the C0-C1 mobilization technique. In both groups the technique will be carried out by mobilization cycles of 15 seconds and 3 seconds of rest for a total period of 5 min. Pressure threshold, activation of the superficial deep musculature and articular range of the upper cervical region will be measured.