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Cardiac Arrhythmia clinical trials

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NCT ID: NCT03460535 Recruiting - Cardiac Arrhythmia Clinical Trials

The Rhytmia System to Determine the Precise Location and Potential Mechanism of Premature Contractions

Start date: June 14, 2017
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational

This is a purely observational project and the objectives are to record and analyze the local potentials at the site of Premature Ventricular Contraction (VPC) focus through the Rhythmia system, ti determine the short and long-term success of the procedure and compare it to the existing literature about standard procedures, to highlight the advantages of the system compared to conventional mapping and to characterize optimal pace map or activation map as achieved by the Rhythmia system.

NCT ID: NCT03405740 Recruiting - Cardiac Arrhythmia Clinical Trials

Remote Patient Management of CIEDs

Start date: May 1, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This is a Canadian multicenter randomized controlled trial to assess remote patient management. Patients will be randomized to remote patient management versus usual care, and will be stratified by RemoteView vs no RemoteView utilization, as well as by center.

NCT ID: NCT03049254 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Cardiovascular Diseases

Mayo AVC Registry and Biobank

Start date: February 9, 2018
Study type: Observational

Arrhythmogenic ventricular cardiomyopathy (AVC) is a genetic condition which affects the heart and can lead to heart failure and rhythm problems, of which, sudden cardiac arrest or death is the most tragic and dangerous. Diagnosis and screening of blood-relatives is very difficult as the disease process can be subtle, but sufficient enough, so that the first event is sudden death. The Mayo Clinic AVC Registry is a collaboration between Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA and Papworth Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals, Cambridge, UK. The investigators aim to enroll patients with a history of AVC or sudden cardiac death which may be due to AVC, from the US and UK. Family members who are blood-relatives will also be invited, including those who do not have the condition. Data collected include symptoms, ECG, echocardiographic, MRI, Holter, loop recorder, biopsies, exercise stress testing, blood, buccal and saliva samples. Objectives of the study: 1. Discover new genes or altered genes (variants) which cause AVC 2. Identify biomarkers which predict (2a) disease onset, (2b) disease progression, (2c) and the likelihood of arrhythmia (ventricular, supra-ventricular and atrial fibrillation) 3. Correlate genotype with phenotype in confirmed cases of AVC followed longitudinally using clinical, electrocardiographic and imaging data. 4. Characterize desmosomal changes in buccal mucosal cells with genotype and validate with gold-standard endomyocardial biopsies

NCT ID: NCT02943512 Recruiting - Cardiac Arrhythmia Clinical Trials

Same Day Discharge

Start date: November 2016
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study is to assess if subjects receiving a clinically indicated implanted cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator can be safely discharge home the same day of the procedure.

NCT ID: NCT01829126 Recruiting - Clinical trials for Congestive Heart Failure

Development and Prevention of Severe Heart Disease in Systemic Sclerosis

Start date: April 2013
Phase: N/A
Study type: Observational [Patient Registry]

Systemic sclerosis is an orphan, multiorgan disease affecting the connective tissue of the skin and all internal organs. Cardiac involvement, mainly characterised by small intramyocardial coronary artery involvement and myocardial fibrosis, can cause the development of impaired diastolic ventricular filling, cardiac blocks and ventricular arrhythmias, and can ensue in congestive heart failure and sudden death. Until now, no drug has been proven to have a therapeutic effect on SSc myocardial disease on an evidence-based level. Short-term trials and retrospective studies have suggested a favourable and protective effect of calcium channel blockers and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with myocardial involvement. However, no data are presently available on the prevention and treatment of severe heart disease. This observational trial is part of the collaborative project "DeSScipher", one out of five observational trials to decipher the optimal management of systemic sclerosis. Aim of this observational trial is to assess the efficacy and safety of calcium channel blockers and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in asymptomatic SSc patients with cardiac involvement.

NCT ID: NCT01780337 Recruiting - Cardiac Arrhythmia Clinical Trials

Oxytocin Effects on Cardiac Electrophysiology

Start date: January 2013
Phase: Phase 0
Study type: Interventional

In this pilot study the investigators will perform a double-blind randomized trial of intranasal oxytocin on measures of cardiac refractoriness, among individuals who are undergoing clinically indicated catheter ablation procedures for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. The investigators seek to enroll 20 patients for this study, for the purpose of estimating effect sizes for a larger future study.

NCT ID: NCT01265290 Recruiting - Cardiac Arrhythmia Clinical Trials

Optimizing Diagnostics Of Syncope Events Using Intelligent Telemetric Solutions.

Start date: February 2011
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The purpose of this study is to assess efficacy of prolonged Full Disclosure electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring and signal analysis using advanced telemetric technology to diagnose syncope in comparison with standard diagnostic procedure