View clinical trials related to Burn Scar.
Filter by:While the literature tends to support the use of laser therapy in the management of burn scars, there is a definite lack of appropriately powered, randomized controlled trials. Laser therapy can be quite expensive when compared to other treatment modalities for burn scars, and while promising, its true usefulness has yet to be conclusively demonstrated. For this reason, our assessing the effects of fractional vascular lasers on burn scars. It has been hypothesized that the fractional vascular lasers work on mature scars to decrease scar formation, and the fractional laser works on scar that is quiescent to promote remodelling. The retexturing/ resurfacing of the laser theoretically can decrease the visibility of the mesh pattern created by meshed split thickness skin graft). Objective: To determine the benefit of fractional vascular laser treatment in improving burn scar height, texture, vascularity and pliability in late burn scars.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects (good or bad) of pulsed dye laser treatment in burn scar height, texture, redness and pliability in acute burn injury.