There are more than 498,563 clinical trials published worldwide with over 60,000 trials that are currently either recruiting or not yet recruiting. Use our filters on this page to find more information on current clinical trials or past clinical trials (free or paid) for study purposes and read about their results.
This study consists of two parts: 1) Part 1, a retrospective part on 250 consecutive patients following allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplant (allo-HSCT) at the Royal Melbourne Hospital from 2012 to 2017, inclusive, and 2) Part 2, a prospective part on 120 allo-HSCT patients from 4 sites in Australia: the Royal Melbourne Hospital, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Austin Hospital, and Westmead Hospital. In Part 1, medical records of allo-HSCT recipients will be evaluated to determine the incidence and clinical outcomes of CMV viremia post HSCT, including both the direct (CMV disease) and indirect (such as invasive fungal infection, other viral infections, bacterial infection) effects on clinical outcomes. In Part 2, allo-HSCT participants at risk of CMV disease will be assessed to determine the association of host CMV-specific immunity with clinical management and outcomes over one year post allo-HSCT. The overall aims of the study are to establish if CMV infection in allo-HSCT patients are associated with poor clinical outcomes; and whether measurement of immunological functions could provide an early indicator to identify patients at risk and appropriate timing for initiation of CMV treatment.
Patients with tics will be asked to complete a series of validated questionnaires (in electronic and/or paper format) regarding symptoms and conditions often associated with Tourette syndrome, including premonitory urges, sensory experiences, inattention, obsessive-compulsive tendencies, anxiety, and depression. Participants will also be asked to complete a quality of life assessment. This series of questionnaires will be administered annually.
Osteochondral lesion of talus (OLT), osteoarthrosis and impingement/instability syndrome are most common ankle joint pathologies. This study analyses outcome after various different operative treatment of aforementioned pathologies. Investigators hypothesis is that patient characteristics, type of lesion and surgical technique affect the result of treatment. The investigators will compare subjective (questionnaire) and objective (clinical examination) status of patient before and after operation.
The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness and optimization of various FDA approved products.
The intersection of smoking and HIV/AIDS poses a serious public health threat in Vietnam. Vietnam is dealing with these two challenges with parallel rather than integrated plans. Using a computer-tailored texting intervention, study investigators seek to promote the use of an underused, available, government-funded resource (the Quitline) and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) that the quitline provides, thus, promoting cessation among PLWH.
The goal of this observational study is to learn about the role of bedside lung ultrasound in infants born prematurely with breathing problems. The main question this study aims to answer is: Can bedside lung ultrasound performed in the first month of life predict the development of chronic lung disease in premature infants?
Objective: The comparison of surgical outcomes conventional hysterectomy and manipulator-assisted hysterectomy Study design: Prospective randomized controlled trial. Allocation to either group occurred via computer-generated random numbers. Sequentially numbered, opaque envelopes were prepared according to randomization. The patients were unaware of whether they would undergo a conventional hysterectomy or manipulator-assisted abdominal hysterectomy for their surgical procedure. The research coordinator unveiled group assignments upon individual patient recruitment by opening the corresponding envelope. Study population: Inclusion criteria were patients aged 40-70 years who underwent hysterectomy for benign gynecological indications. Primary outcomes: (1) Operation Time. Secondary outcomes: (1) Postoperative early pain (Visual Analog Score (VAS) at 6th and 24th hours of the surgery) (2) intraoperative complications, (3) postoperative complications
The objective of the current study, Vital@Work, is to keep employees in the Netherlands vital on the long term by preventing work-related mental health problems. Therefore, we test an evidence based Participatory Approach (PA) to compose a mental health program tailored to behavioral, organizational & contextual (BOC) determinants of individuals and populations at risk. The PA is investigated in four different organizations, which differ in sector, size (small and large organizations), type of organization (private or public) and type of work. The varied organizations, each characterized by unique BOC-determinants, provide an opportunity for researching tailored intervention activities that aim to effectively prevent work-related mental health problems. By identifying common factors across these diverse organizations, we aim to grasp patterns of mechanisms for interventions to mental health at work. By doing this, we come closer to opening black box of how and why interventions work and thus closer to tailoring interventions to needs of both individuals and organizations
The purpose of this research is to investigate multiple facets of non-traumatic and traumatic orthopaedic health issues. Studies under this protocol will investigate a variety of research questions concerning traumatic and non-traumatic health issues in the Orthopaedic Hand and Upper Extremity Service.
The purpose of this study is to switch from insulin to oral sulfonylurea in patients with apparent type 1 diabetes or maturity onset diabetes in the young that are insulin treated. The molecular cause will be DNA variants in the HNF1A, HNF4A, or HNF1B genes that are of unknown significance (VUS, class 3) or known to be pathogenic (class 4 and 5).