View clinical trials related to Breast Diseases.
Filter by:General anesthesia and morphine based pain medicine analgesia has been the mainstay of practice in breast cancer surgery at Women's College Hospital. There is evidence to suggest that patients have a better recovery, with less pain and nausea and vomiting when nerve blocks or freezing of nerves are given in addition to a general anesthetic. Specifically for breast cancer surgery, evidence has suggested that the use of paravertebral blocks provide patients with a better quality of recovery after surgery. The aim of this study is to examine whether patients who receive the nerve blocks using an ultrasound machine in addition to general anesthesia have a better quality of recovery than patients who receive a general anesthetic alone. The hypothesis is that patients receiving ultrasound-guided paravertebral blocks (PVB) with propofol-based general anesthesia (GA) will have a better quality of recovery than patients receiving general anesthesia-opioid-analgesia. Quality of recovery will be assessed using a modification of the QoR-27, a validated instrument to assess postoperative recovery in an ambulatory surgical population.
Specific Aim: To assess the quality of recovery of patients following early discharge (18 hrs) after pedicled TRAM flap breast reconstruction. Quality of recovery will be assessed using a 27-item validated questionnaire, QoR-27 at discharge, and on Post Operative Days (POD) 2, 4 and 7. In addition a 100 mm Visual Analog Score (VAS) for Pain will be completed on discharge from the recovery room, discharge from hospital and on POD 2, 4 and 7. Clinical Relevance: Postoperative recovery is a complex process related to various outcomes such as physiological endpoints, incidence of adverse events and change in psychological status. Previous studies of recovery after surgery and anesthesia have focused primarily on the physiological endpoints and the incidence of adverse events. Much of the work has occurred in specialties dealing with chronic disease states such as cancer, rheumatology and musculoskeletal disorders. There is clearly a need to focus on recovery outcome measures in the ambulatory population for postoperative recovery. Here the investigators propose to measure postoperative recovery outcomes within the first week following a TRAM flap reconstructive procedure using a validated postoperative quality of recovery instrument (QoR-27) and a 100 mm VAS for pain.
- History of clinical breast pain for at least the last six months. - At least six days of moderate or severe breast pain per cycle. - Fibrosis, cysts, nodules involving at least 25% of the surface of one breast. - Euthyroid with no prior history of thyroid disease. - Six months of daily therapy with molecular iodine. - Placebo controlled vs active (1:1).