View clinical trials related to Brain Diseases.
Filter by:The potential long-term effects of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) are poorly understood. Repeated concussions have been associated with an elevated incidence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) along with a reduced age of onset. As repetitive TBI has been studied, a syndrome has now been identified: chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). There are growing concerns about the long-term neurologic consequences of head impact exposure from routine participation in contact sports (e.g., boxing, football). Brain autopsies of athletes with confirmed CTE have demonstrated tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary tangles and neuropil threads (known as tauopathy). The relationship between exposure to repetitive head impact and the subsequent development of chronic neurodegenerative disease has not been established. Further, as the diagnosis of CTE (defined by the presence of tauopathy) is presently made after death at autopsy, clinical tools and biomarkers for detecting it remain to be defined. With the advent of FDA-approved PET amyloid imaging, clinicians and researchers are now able to estimate plaque density in the brains of living patients. However, there are critical limitations to amyloid imaging. Current evidence suggests that markers of the presence and severity of tauopathy may be able to address these limitations. The study will utilize both [18F] Florbetapir and [18F]-T807 PET imaging to investigate amyloid and tau accumulation in subjects with a history of concussions. In order to determine whether problems with cognition and memory are seen within the populations defined for the study, the researchers will administer a core battery of neurocognitive testing. This battery will assess cognitive abilities commonly affected by TBI, including processing speed, reaction time, new problem-solving, executive functions, attention and concentration, and learning and memory. These tests, in conjunction with the imaging, will be able to determine whether regional brain activity is associated with specific cognitive problems. The researchers will obtain PET and neurocognitive data in 3 cohorts: subjects with a history of TBIs, subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and no TBI history, and healthy controls. The investigators aim to determine whether individuals with TBI are on the same trajectory of neurodegenerative disease seen in AD or in CTE. Because of the overlap in clinical/cognitive and some behavioral symptoms in AD and CTE, an additional biomarker tool is needed to prevent misdiagnosis. Accurate diagnosis is crucial in order to provide patients with appropriate treatment.
Determine whether the concentrations of UCH-L1 and GFAP measured in umbilical cord blood and in blood 0-6 hours postnatal accurately predict the extent of neurodevelopmental deficits and/or death at 18-20 months.
This is a pilot study to test feasibility and safety of intravenous infusion of autologous umbilical cord blood cells in the first 72 hours after birth if a neonate is born with signs of encephalopathy.
The purpose of this study is to determine if FMT can reverse Hepatic Encephlopathy (HE) in cirrhotic patients who continue to have breakthrough episodes of HE despite maintenance therapy with lactulose and/or rifaximin or metronidazole.
The primary objective of HOPE is to improve the accuracy of outcome prediction in anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy following cardiac arrest by bringing under close scrutiny some of the existing methods used for this purpose (e.g. somato-sensory evoked potentials). HOPE is the first multicenter prospective cohort study on coma prognosis to control for the effect of a possible self-fulfilling prophecy at the ICU and to cover the acute and neurorehabilitation phases with a long-term follow-up longer than the usual three or six months.
The hypothesis is that a subgroup of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalopathy (CFS/ME) have a chronically activated immune system and may benefit from B-lymphocyte treatment using the monoclonal anti-CD20 antibody rituximab with induction and maintenance treatment.
Background: - Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a brain disease caused in part by head injury. The brain changes from CTE can only be seen at autopsy. Researchers want to test a new brain scan to help diagnose CTE in living patients. Objective: - To determine if a new type of brain scan can detect changes that occur in chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Eligibility: - Adults age 18 60 with previous head injury or participation in certain sports. Design: - Participants will be screened with: - Physical exam - Blood and urine tests - Tests of thinking, mood, and memory - 30-minute magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scan. A magnetic field and radio waves take pictures of the brain. Participants will lie on a table that slides into a metal cylinder. They will get earplugs for the loud knocking sounds. - Visit 1: Participants will have a 70-minute PET scan of the brain with a small amount of a radioactive chemical. That will be injected through an intravenous tube (catheter) in each arm. A catheter will also be put into an artery at the wrist or elbow. - Participants will lie on a bed that slides in and out of a donut-shaped scanner. A plastic mask may be molded to their face and head. Vital signs and heart activity will be checked before and during the scan. - Blood and urine will be taken before and after the scan. - Participants will be checked on by phone the next day. - Visit 2: Participants will repeat Visit 1 with a different chemical and no artery catheter. - Visit 3: Participants may have a spinal tap. Some fluid will be removed by needle between the bones in the back.
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive degenerative brain disease with symptoms that include memory loss, problems with impulse control, and depression that can lead to suicide. As the disease progresses, it can lead to dementia. Currently CTE can only be diagnosed postmortem where an over-accumulation of a protein called tau is observed. There is now a new experimental measure that makes it possible, for the first time, to measure tau protein in the living human brain using a novel positron emission tomography (PET) ligand, [F-18] AV-1451 (aka, [18F]-T807). The main objective of this study is to use a novel PET approach to measure tau accumulation in the brain. The presence of CTE at autopsy in deceased National Football League (NFL) players has been well documented. Accordingly, we will conduct this study in a group of retired NFL players who have clinical symptoms of CTE and are suspected of having CTE based on high levels of tau in their spinal fluid and abnormalities seen on research brain scans. We will compare them with a control group of former elite level athletes who have not experienced any brain trauma, deny any clinical symptoms, and who have completely normal spinal fluid tau and amyloid levels, and brain scans. We will also include a group of subjects with AD. All participants will be recruited from ongoing studies, headed by the Partnering PI of this proposal, Dr. Robert Stern, at the Boston University Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy and the Alzheimer's Disease Center. We will use both a beta amyloid PET scan ([18F]-florbetapir) and a tau PET scan ([18F]-T807) on consecutive days. With the beta amyloid scan we expect little or no evidence of amyloid in the NFL players with presumed CTE, and no evidence of amyloid in the control group of athletes with no history of repetitive brain trauma. In contrast we expect to see beta amyloid accumulation in the AD patient brains. With the new tau ligand, we expect that the NFL players with presumed CTE will show elevated levels of tau protein in the brain, which will not be observed in athletes without a history of brain trauma, but which will be seen in the AD patients' brains. Another goal is to use the latest MRI technologies to develop specific tau imaging biomarkers that correlate with the PET and spinal fluid tau measures but without the radiation of PET or invasiveness of spinal taps. The development of these surrogate imaging markers of tau, is critically important to diagnosing CTE. This in turn will lead to studies relevant to treatment and prevention of this devastating disease. Finally, as an exploratory method of examining possible genetic risk for CTE, we will also use cutting edge genetic analysis of blood samples from subjects in this proposal and compare tau load, measured by PET tau ligand uptake and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) p-tau level, with a measure of genetic susceptibility to tau load, referred to as the genetic risk score for tau.
Hepatic encephalopathy is responsible for sleep disturbances and daytime sleepiness. The purpose of our study is to assess sleep quality, quantity, sleep schemes and physical activity in patients suffering from HE, before and after a 2 weeks treatment with rifaximine, which is currently given to lower blood ammoniac levels.
The aim of this study is to determine whether lactulose, L-ornithine L-aspartate, and rifaximin are effective in the prevention of the development of hepatic encephalopathy in cirrhotic patients with acute variceal bleeding