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Clinical Trial Summary

A randomized, placebo controlled double-blind, 12-week treatment trial in men with moderate to severe symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The trail is about to examine the effect of Brizo® on reduction of BPH related symptoms.

Clinical Trial Description

1. Males in good general health 50 years of age and older, with symptoms of moderate to severe benign prostatic hyperplasia. 2. 120 patients: Study arm- min. 80 patients Placebo arm- min. 40 patients Final Aim for Stat. Sig.: 75% of recruitment group (90 patients) 3. Duration - 12 weeks with 3 visits: 0,6,12 weeks 4. The following procedures are utilized: - Physical exams - visit 1,3. - Drugs/food supplement usage questionnaire - visit 1. - Product supply Control - visit 1,2.3 - Clinical laboratory tests : psa, cbc, bun - visit 1,3. - Uroflowmetry test visit - visit 1,3. - IPSS- International Prostate Symptom Score - questionnaire - visit 1, 3. - IIEF questionnaire - visit 1, 3. 5. dosage: 1 capsule twice daily (morning & evening) can be taken with or without food ;

Study Design

Related Conditions & MeSH terms

NCT number NCT05227508
Study type Interventional
Source Se-cure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Contact Ohad Shoshani, MD
Phone +972-54-9577567
Status Recruiting
Phase N/A
Start date August 2022
Completion date June 2024