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Filter by:Subarachnoid morphine (SAM) is the gold standard for treating postoperative pain after cesarean delivery (CD) but it has undesirable side effects, that's why the aim of our study is to identify whether ultrasound-guided Quadratus lumborum block type 3, a new regional anesthetic technique that blocks the abdominal wall neural afferents, can provide at the same time better postoperative analgesia after CD with less side effects
In this proposed study, the investigators are looking to conduct a prospective, randomised, double-blind, non-inferiority trial, to study single-shot pectoral plane (PECs) blocks versus continuous local anaesthetic infusion analgesia versus a combination of PECs blocks and local anaesthetic infusion analgesia, when it comes to providing analgesia for most forms of breast surgery. Breast surgery is common, and the optimal form of analgesia is currently unknown. Techniques involving local anaesthetic, such as pectoral plane (PECs) blocks and infusion pumps, are growing in popularity, as they reduce the amount of opioid medications used. Opioids are associated with nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, drowsiness and constipation, and as such, opioid-sparing analgesic regimens postoperatively are becoming more common. These regimens will typically involve paracetamol, a NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), and a local anaesthetic technique. Pectoral plane blocks involve a once-off injection of local anaesthetic at two locations within the chest wall, typically done after the patient undergoes general anaesthesia, but before the commencement of surgery. Local anaesthetic infusion pumps involve the insertion of a catheter into the wound at the end of surgery, before the patient emerges from general anaesthesia, that constantly emit local anaesthetic over a defined period of time. Each technique is considered extremely safe, and is considered acceptable as a form of pain relief in patients undergoing breast surgery. There are no published works comparing pectoral plane blocks with local anaesthetic infusion pump analgesia, and the investigators see a gap in the knowledge base that can be addressed. This study will allow efficacy, safety and cost of the three techniques to be compared. The investigators feel the study design is robust, and statistical analysis based on previously published works in the area of postoperative analgesia has allowed the study to be powered appropriately. Patients undergoing breast surgery are a vulnerable group, and this is recognised via the provision of a comprehensive Patient Information Leaflet and a commitment to respecting the process of Informed Consent. The investigators also recognise this is a stressful period in a woman's life, and the study will be conducted in a sensitive and compassionate manner. The study has been designed to be prospective, randomised, and double-blinded. The anaesthetic will be standardised in relation to analgesic and anti-emetic agents administered, in order to minimise variables. Chronic post-surgical pain is a growing area of research, and the follow-up telephone interview at 3-months will allow investigation of this. A Data Record Form will be utilised for data collection, which will subsequently be analysed statistically. Data will be handled sensitively, securely, and by the minimum number of researchers. A plan is in place for destruction of data at an appropriate time. While there will be no direct benefit to participants, including monetary considerations, this research study will add to the knowledge-base surrounding analgesia for breast surgery.
Pain after abdominal surgery can be extensive. Pain control is an important component of patient comfort and participation in rehabilitation. Multimodal analgesia methods have shown to reduce postoperative pain, and have been addressed to be a crucial part of the Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) protocols. Quadratus lumborum block (QLB) is a posterior abdominal wall block which analgesic efficacy has been shown for abdominal surgeries, and also for different laparoscopic procedures, such as ovarian surgery. The aim of this study is to assess QLB's analgesic efficacy for laparoscopic colectomy surgeries, using serial pain score assessments and overall opioid consumption; its effect on patient satisfaction; and its effect on the development of postoperative respiratory complications. This study is a prospective clinical trial assessing the effect of application of QLB as a regional analgesic technique for primary laparoscopic colectomy, in comparison to a historical retrospective cohort.
Pregabalin, an anticonvulsant is widely used for treatment of neuropathic pain. Recently, it was reported that premedication of pregabalin before general anesthesia is effective to reduce postoperative pain. Up to date, there is no study about the effect of premedication of pregabalin on the spinal anesthesia. Therefore, in this study, investigators investigate the effect of premedication of pregabalin on the spinal anesthesia.
To determine the postoperative analgesic efficiency of bilateral superficial plexus block, patients are divided into two groups. Study group received bilateral superficial plexus block, where control had none. Visual analog scale, opioid consumption and presence of nausea-vomiting are recorded.
Interscalene block with local anesthetic impairs ventilation (unilateral diaphragmatic dysfunction). Single injection of local anesthetic induced transitory dysfunction (< 24h). The investigators hypothesized that continuous interscalene block would prolonged ventilatory impairment