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NCT ID: NCT04642209 Not yet recruiting - Anesthesia Clinical Trials

Aggregometry in Elderlies With Hip Fracture and Receiving Clopidogrel

Start date: December 1, 2020
Study type: Observational

In elderly patients, hip fracture should be surgically treated within 48 hours from admission, since its deferral worsens the mortality. However, sometimes patients are affected by cardiovascular or cerebral comorbidities, deeming necessary the use of antiplatelets and/or anticoagulant therapies. Clopidogrel is a second-generation thienopyridine antiplatelet drug which exerts its effect by the inhibition of the platelet's purinergic receptor P2Y12 preventing adenosine diphosphate (ADP) from stimulating it. Guidelines recommend to withhold clopidogrel for 5 days before the possibility to perform neuraxial anesthesia, which is frequently the optimal perioperative management of a fragile patient. It should be mentioned however that around 30% of patients are resistant to clopidogrel and they show a normal platelet reactivity despite the antiplatelet therapy. Therefore, in principle, these patients do not require to defer surgery. We have therefore hypothesized that some patients taking clopidogrel might anticipate surgery before 5 days and within 48 hours, following a protocol based on the assessment of coagulation and platelet aggregation through thromboelastography (TEG) in combination with an ADP Platelet Mapping assay kit. After hospital admission for femur fracture, eligible patients would be evaluated by the anesthesiologist and the orthopedic physicians for anesthesia and surgery. Immediately a sample of blood should be collected for TEG with ADP Platelet Mapping test. If both MA-ADP and platelets aggregation (%) will be within normal values, the patient could be considered as candidate for immediate surgery (within 48 hours) with neuraxial anesthesia and ultrasound-guided antalgic femoral nerve block. If MA-ADP and/or platelets aggregation (%) are lower, risk for mortality should be assessed. If the patient would be considered at high risk for mortality, he/she would undergo to general anesthesia and peripheral antalgic block to not postpone surgery. Otherwise, surgery would be postponed until the normalization of both MA-ADP and platelet aggregation.

NCT ID: NCT04617665 Not yet recruiting - Anesthesia Clinical Trials

Effects of One-handed and Two-handed Mask Ventilation Techniques on Global and Regional Lung Ventilation

Start date: November 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Two-handed mask ventilation has been shown to provide higher tidal volume than one-handed mask ventilation. The effects of the two techniques on respiratory mechanics during induction of general anesthesia, however, still need to be determined.

NCT ID: NCT04617249 Not yet recruiting - Anesthesia Clinical Trials

Median and Paramedian Anesthesia in Cesarean Section

Start date: November 5, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The number of cesarean sections worldwide has markedly been increasing since 1985.Intrathecal anesthesia is preferred by most anesthesiologists over general anesthesia

NCT ID: NCT04473846 Not yet recruiting - Anesthesia Clinical Trials

Propofol-fentanyl-ketamine (PFK) Combination Versus General Anesthesia Using Propofol and Fentanyl in Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Procedures.

Start date: August 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

Conscious sedation provides adequate control of pain and anxiety for the majority of routine endoscopic procedures as well as adequate amnesia. Sedation practices vary widely, with some colonoscopists advocating sedation only for the most difficult cases of colonoscopy, while others prefer using deep sedation or general anaesthesia for colonoscopy. However, many physicians are still using moderate sedation for the majority of patients. The use of propofol, a short acting anesthetic agent, for conscious sedation provides a considerably more rapid onset of action and shorter recovery time, for which it is believed to be a safe drug of choice for patients undergoing endoscopic procedures. Although propofol cannot be used as a single agent for moderate sedation, it can be effectively titrated to moderate sedation after administration of small doses of narcotics and sedatives. The aim of this study is to compare between general anesthesia and deep sedation using propofol-fentanyl-ketamine (PFK) preparation in terms of perioperative vital signs, intraoperative awareness, post-operative pain scores, and the use of analgesia postoperatively.

NCT ID: NCT04426227 Not yet recruiting - Anesthesia Clinical Trials

Gaze Training on Task Performance Regional Anaesthesia

Start date: August 1, 2020
Phase: Phase 3
Study type: Interventional

Regional anaesthesia is the performance of spinal, epidural or peripheral nerve blocks to allow patients to undergo surgery awake and to provide post-operative pain relief. Anaesthetists inject local anaesthetic using specialist needles close to nerves to prevent transmission of pain. Hand-held ultrasound is often used by anaesthetists to direct these needles to the correct position i.e. close to, but not in the nerve itself. If the needle is not adequately seen using the hand-held ultrasound it may pierce the nerve causing permanent nerve damage and significant patient harm. Within the time and resource constraints of postgraduate medical training, it would be advantageous to optimise expertise acquisition of practical skills with a cheap, self-directed educational intervention. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine whether gaze training is associated with improved performance of an ultrasound-guided needle task. The investigators hypothesise that improved gaze control will translate to better technical performance of an ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia task.

NCT ID: NCT04379141 Not yet recruiting - Anesthesia Clinical Trials

Ultrasonic Measurement of IVC and IJV in Predicting Hypotension After Anesthesia Induction

Start date: May 8, 2020
Study type: Observational

This research is expected to study ultrasonic measurement of internal jugular vein and inferior vena cava, which can be used as a good index to predict hypotension after anesthesia induction, and its measurement method is simple and quick.

NCT ID: NCT04364542 Not yet recruiting - Postoperative Pain Clinical Trials

Suprascapular Nerve Block Efficacy for Shoulder Surgery

Start date: May 10, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study evaluates the analgesia induced by suprascapular nerve block in comparison to interscalene nerve block in arthroscopic rotator cuff repairs. The experimental and the control group will receive the suprascapular nerve block and interscalene nerve block, respectively.

NCT ID: NCT04318457 Not yet recruiting - Anesthesia Clinical Trials

The Application of Response Surface Model on Sedative Procedures

Start date: March 23, 2020
Study type: Observational

The purpose of this study is to find the application of Response Surface Model on Sedative Procedures.

NCT ID: NCT04284098 Not yet recruiting - Anesthesia Clinical Trials

PECS Block With Bupivacaine Vs Bupivacaine and Dexmedetomidine in Modified Radical Mastectomy

Start date: March 1, 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

The incidence of breast cancer as well as the need for surgical treatment has increased. Breast cancer surgery (BCS) is associated with many complications such as increased incidence of acute and chronic postoperative pain, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), delayed hospital discharge. Acute postoperative pain is an integral risk factor in the development of chronic pain after BCS. Inadequate pain control can impact patient recovery including impaired pulmonary and immune function with an increased risk of ileus, thromboembolism, and myocardial infarction. General anesthesia (GA) is the technique that commonly used for breast surgeries. The downside of GA includes inadequate pain control with high incidence of PONV . Also postoperative opioid for postoperative pain usually associated with many complications Regional anesthesia for breast surgery holds a great promise for breast cancer patients in terms of improved acute pain control with chronic pain prevention. It offers adequate analgesia while minimizing opioid consumption. This study was designed in order to assess the efficacy and safety of PECS block as a supplement to GA in modified radical mastectomy (MRM) . Also to assess its role in decreasing the amount of opioid in the intra- and postoperative period after MRM. Also to assess its role in decreasing postoperative complications after BCS such as postoperative nausea and vomiting, delayed hospital discharge,and acute postoperative pain. Also to assess the role of dexmedetomidine in prolongation of the analgesic effect of PECS block.

NCT ID: NCT04224259 Not yet recruiting - Anesthesia Clinical Trials

Ultrasound Pre-scan to Reduce Needle Redirection During Right Jugular Vein Cannulation

Start date: February 2020
Phase: N/A
Study type: Interventional

This study aims to define a simple, safe, and effective ultrasound pre-scan technique for right internal jugular vein (RIJV) cannulation. After placing the patient properly, the operator puts a linear ultrasound probe at the mid neck in short-axis view. With the IVJ in the center of the screen, the operator makes marks at both ends of the transducer (mark A and B), and then rotates the transducer 90 degrees counterclockwise. After finding IJV in long-axis view with transducer vertical to the ground, other two marks are made at both ends of the transducer (mark C and D). After proper preparation, the operator recognizes the cross point made by the imagined lines of marks AB and marks CD (point E). The needle is inserted vertically to the ground at point E. Inclusion criteria are adult patients receiving general anesthesia in need of central venous cannulation.The primary endpoint is the number of needle redirection, and secondary endpoints include first attempt success rate, artery puncture, complication, number of wire attempt, number of skin insertion, venous access time, catheterization time, and malposition. The hypothesis is that this ultrasound pre-scan method would have a fewer number of needle redirection, a higher first-attempt success rate, as well as less complication, number of redirection.