View clinical trials related to Anesthesia, General.
Filter by:The purpose of this study is to analyze raw electroencephalogram in infants younger than 2 years old undergoing general anesthesia using sevoflurane.
In the study, patients of both sexes between the ages of 18 and 60 who will undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy will be examined. In this patient group, the change in the inspiratory and expiratory diaphragmatic thickness before and after laparoscopic cholecystectomy operation in the upper transabdominal block group will be examined.
This is a prospective randomized controlled trial comparing high flow nasal cannula and buccal oxygenation as method of oxygenation during apnea in children.
Preoperative anxiety is a major concern for patients who undergo surgery. To accurately identify anxious patient is therefore crucial to improve perioperative patient care. Preoperative anxiety remain highly difficult to quantify in current practice. Many patient fail to express their anxiety and the assessment of the level of anxiety is mainly based on heteroevaluation by caregivers. Nurse anesthetists provide closed support to patient prior to the induction of anesthesia. The aim of the study is to assess whether nurse anesthetist accurately assess patient preoperative anxiety from arrival to the operating room to the induction of anesthesia.
Propofol is one of the most widely used anesthetics for its fast onset and quick elimination. The conventional speed of its induction dose often causes severe hemodynamics fluctuations with hypotension and arrhythmia. The recommended dosage on the drug insert comes from group pharmacokinetic studies which does not apply to the specific situation of every patient, so the investigators emphasize individualized medication. The investigators have observed the titration of propofol in general anesthesia induction, and found that the dosage was less and the hemodynamics was becoming more stable. At the same time, the investigators found that the hemodynamics still has obvious fluctuations in the titration of the administration rate recommended in the instructions. The investigators intend to further compare the effects of propofol titration administration at different rates for hemodynamics and stress during the induction period of general anesthesia, and find a safer and more appropriate rate of administration.
The aims of this multi center retrospective study was to determine: - whether the sex ratio of the offspring of female assistants in anesthesia-resuscitation differs from that of the population at large - whether the assistants' work environment at the time of their offspring's conception influences the sex of their offspring
This study administers sugammadex sodium to pediatric patients under general anesthesia with rocuronium. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis are performed based on plasma concentration of sugammadex sodium and monitoring of neuromuscular blockade.
This study evaluates the validity of pupil diameter as an indicator of pain during surgery under general anesthesia.
Because the optic nerve is surrounded by the cerebrospinal fluid, increase / decrease in the intracranial pressure can be examined by an increase / decrease in the optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD). Non-invasive trans-orbital ultrasonography has been used to measure the ONSD and shown to be useful in differentiating patients with increased intracranial pressure (> 20 cmH2O). Arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO2) is closely related to cerebral blood flow. According to the textbook, an increase in PaCO2 in the range of PaCO2 = 25 mmHg to PaCO2 = 75 mmHg can cause a change in intracranial pressure by proportionally increasing cerebral blood flow. Because end-tidal CO2 partial pressure (ETCO2) reflects PaCO2, a significant correlation may be expected between the ETCO2 and the ONSD. Previous studies in adult patients showed that ONSD was sensitively increased / decreased according to short-term hypercapnia (ETCO2 = 50mmHg) or hypocapnia (ETCO2 = 30mmHg) for 10 minutes and normalized at normal ETCO2 (40mmHg). Therefore, the reactivity of the ONSD according to the change of the ETCO2 was confirmed in adult patients. In normal pediatric patients, ONSD is expected to respond to changes in ETCO2. However, no previous study has confirmed this. In addition, the reactivity of ONSD was not studied in neonates and infants with open fontanelle. In this study, the investigators will performed trans-orbital ultrasonography in pediatric patients with normal intracranial intracranial pressure aged 18 years or younger scheduled for surgery under general anesthesia. The ONSD will be measured at three ETCO2 levels; 35mmHg, 40mmHg, and 45mmHg.
In anesthesia the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications is frequent, especially in cardiac surgery where the incidence can reach 10%. Respiratory morbidity in cardiac surgery is favored by multiple factors and is higher compared to anesthesia in "general" surgery. The prevention of these complications is a major challenge in the management of patients. Influence of driving pressure level on respiratory morbidity was first demonstrated in management of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in resuscitation. More recently, this notion has been introduced in anesthesia, with a correlation between increase driving pressure level and increase of post-operative respiratory complications. A method should reduce these levels of driving pressure: performing lung recruitment maneuvers. This technique has been successfully tested in abdominal surgery in particular in a study published by Futier et al.. They systematized and standardized lung recruitment maneuvers and showed a decrease of postoperative pulmonary complications in abdominal surgery. Thus, the realization of lung recruitment maneuvers, already used at the discretion of the practitioner, is now recommended by several teams of experts. The investigators propose in this "before-after" trial to evaluate variation in driving pressure due to systematic use of lung recruitment maneuvers, observed in patients operated in elective or urgent surgery. The secondary objective is to evaluate their impact on postoperative pulmonary complications.