Anemia Clinical Trial
Official title:
Dietary Diversity is Associated With Maternal Anemia and Key Prenatal Outcomes in a Prospective Cohort Study of Rural Ethiopia
Background: Maternal and child under-nutrition is the underlying cause of death for millions
across the globe. Anemia during pregnancy is among the leading nutritional disorders with
serious short and long term consequences to both the mother and fetus.
Objective: Examine the effect of dietary diversity on maternal anemia, nutritional status
and key pregnancy outcomes of pregnancy.
Methods: A prospective cohort study design, involving a total of 432 eligible pregnant
women, in their second antenatal care visit was conducted between August 2014 to March,
2015. The individual dietary diversity Score (IDDS) was used as the exposure variable to
select, enroll and follow the mothers. Epi-data, SPSS and STATA software are used to enter
and analyze the data. Chi-square test, independent 't'-test, and GLM are used to calculate
risk, association and differences between key variables at P < 0.05
Nutrient intake, food choices, and dietary diversity are the key determinants of nutritional
status and associated health outcomes in human beings. When people eat a variety of foods,
they are more likely to meet their needs for a wide range of essential nutrients. Yet for
many poor people across the globe, dietary diversity is very low, and the daily diet is
dominated by one main staple food. Poorly diversified monotonous foods, originating from
plant sources are typical characteristics of the diets most peoples in low income countries,
particularly the in sub-Saharan Africa.
Dietary diversity is a measure of the number of individual foods or food groups consumed in
a given time period. Particularly, the Individual Dietary Diversity Score (IDDS) is a useful
proxy measure of the nutritional quality of an individual's diet and a reflection of
nutrient adequacy. It can be triangulated with other food-related information to contribute
towards providing a holistic picture of the food and nutrition status of an individual and
can be used as a simple and quick indicator of the micronutrient adequacy of a diet.
Maternal and child under-nutrition is considered as the underlying cause of 3•5 million
annual deaths, and responsible for the overall increase in disease burden of the low and
middle-income countries. As child health and pregnancy outcomes are largely influenced by
maternal dietary practices, in nutritionally deprived populations, maternal nutrition is
identified as a strong predictor of poor pregnancy outcomes including low birth weight
(LBW), still birth and pre-term deliveries. Furthermore, not only the nutritional status,
but also anthropometric, biochemical, behavioral and other characteristics of the mother has
also been strongly associated with pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes.
Anemia during pregnancy is among the leading maternal nutritional problem associated with a
number of poor pregnancy outcomes. Globally, over 42% of pregnant women were identified as
anemic and nearly 60% of this anemia is assumed to be due to iron deficiency in non-malarias
areas, and 50% in malaria areas.(16). The prevalence, complications, severity and associated
risks of anemia among pregnant and lactating mothers in the low and middle income countries
are alarmingly high.
Ethiopia is a sub-Saharan African country with unacceptably high level of maternal and
neonatal mortality rates. The prevalence of adverse pregnancy outcomes; low birth weight,
preterm and still birth in the country are also very high. Contrarily, there is paucity of
evidence regarding the problem and solutions to undertake. Only very few cross-sectional
studies have investigated the level and determinants of maternal anemia and prenatal
outcomes. Given the dynamic physiology of pregnancy, these cross-sectional studies are
ill-equipped to address the problem occurring naturally. Hardly that the available studies
also analyzed the association between of maternal dietary diversity practices and anemia
with subsequent pregnancy outcomes. There is also inconsistency of the findings of these
studies in the magnitude and predictors identified.
Therefore; this study examined the association between of maternal dietary diversity
practices during pregnancy with anemia and subsequent adverse pregnancy outcomes: low birth
weight, preterm and still birth.
Study design and study area. A prospective cohort design was employed to select, enroll,
categorize and follow pregnant mothers from second antenatal care visit to the end of
delivery, in eight randomly selected health centers of four rural districts, in Ethiopia.
The Zone is divided into four agro-climatic areas mainly due to variation in altitude. It is
dominantly characterized by moderately cool (40 %) and cool (34 %) agro-climatic zones,
while the remaining 1/4th accounts moderately warm (20%) and cold (6%) temperature zones.
Arsi Zone is one of the surplus producing areas in Ethiopia, with very few food insecure
households. Recent studies has showed that majority of the rural population has inadequate
or moderate DD practices and only less than 10% of the same practiced high (3,27,28).
Sample size Sample size was calculated using a Open Epi Kelsey statistical software . The
following assumptions were taken into consideration: a 95 % two-sided significance level,
80% power, a one to one ratio of exposed to unexposed and 23% anemia among exposed (mothers
with inadequate dietary diversity) and a predicted 10% lower rate of anemia among unexposed
mothers. This yielded a total of 196 per each arm and a total of 392 pregnant women. Adding
to allow a 10% drop-out rate during the study, some 216 pregnant women per category or a sum
of 432 women as the final sample for the study was calculated.
Sampling Procedure Pregnant mothers were recruited and enrolled to the study during the
second trimester of pregnancy with gestational age ranging between 24 - 28 weeks. They were
also followed from the time enrollment to final end of pregnancy or delivery for documenting
remaining maternal and fetal outcomes. The timing for enrollment at second trimester of
pregnancy was based on previous studies in Ethiopia showed the fact that rural pregnant
mothers visit health facilities for antenatal care lately during the second or third
trimester of pregnancy. Though formal enrollment to the study is made in the second visit,
relevant obstetric, anthropometric and biochemical data from medical records for those
mothers who initiated antenatal visits earlier during the first trimester of pregnancy were
It was the maternal DD score used as a main criteria to recruit, enroll and follow these
mothers by their respective study categories. Pregnant mothers were categorized either to
the adequate dietary diversity ''adequate'' or inadequate dietary diversity ''inadequate''
groups in a one to one ratio based on the individual dietary diversity scores (IDDS).
Mothers having IDDS of < 4 were categorized to the inadequate while those having 4 - 9 IDDS
were assigned to the adequate group (Figure. 1). During analysis; however, the adequate
group was re-categorized into moderate and high dietary diversity sub-groups as it covers a
wide range of IDDS from four to nine. All classification and categorization was strictly
based on the recommendations of recent FAO's guidelines.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria To select appropriate study subjects, criteria like
selecting a pregnant women who are willing to stay in the study throughout the whole course
of pregnancy and visit same health center for the antenatal and delivery care services were
used. Additional criteria used are weather the pregnant mother has lived for at least six
months in the study area or not, if she has previous known medical, surgical or obstetric
problems were taken into account for inclusion or exclusion.
Food Consumption (Dietary intake) According to FAO's latest and revised guidelines
techniques and methods for measuring household and individual dietary diversity, a
qualitative recall of all foods consumed by the women during the previous 24-h period was
performed during two distinct seasons (pre-harvest of the main harvest season, which occurs
commonly between August to October and the peak harvest season, November - January). A total
of four 24-hours visit were completed for each mother on monthly basis starting from
enrollment to delivery.
Each woman involved in the study was asked to recall all the dishes, snacks, or other foods
she had eaten during this period, regardless of whether the food was eaten inside or outside
the compound. The woman was also asked to spontaneously describe her food consumption
without any probes. It was after collecting all spontaneous responses that she is prompted
to be sure that no meal or snacks had been forgotten. Next, a detailed list of all the
ingredients of the dishes, snacks, or other foods mentioned, was collected from either the
person in charge of their preparation or directly from the woman being interviewed.
Dietary diversity scores Dietary diversity score (DDS) was defined as the number of food
groups consumed over a period of 24h. The diet was classified according to nine food groups
as recommended by FAO, which included: (1) cereals, roots and tubers; (2)vitamin-A-rich
fruits and vegetables; (3)other fruit; (4) other vegetables; (5) legumes and nuts; (6) meat,
poultry and fish; (7) fats and oils; (8) dairy; and (9) eggs. Other remaining items such as
tea, sugar and sweets were not used in DDS calculations.
Dietary diversity scores were calculated by a tally of food groups consumed by the
responding pregnant mothers. After the respondent recalls all the foods and beverages
consumed as described above, data collectors (midwifes at the health centers) underlined the
corresponding foods in the list under the appropriate food group writing "1" in the column
next to the food group if at least one food in this group has been consumed. If the food is
not listed in any group, it was written in the margin and discussed later with the
investigator or immediate supervisors assigned to oversee the data collection activity.
Though happened rarely, mothers were also asked about the ingredients and food substances of
which the diet consumed when a mixed diet consumption was found. This was settled based on
agreed upon classification that was selected ahead of data collection, and sometimes
consulting for investigators or supervisors.
Anthropometry The anthropometric measurements were performed using the standardized
procedures recommended by WHO. Pregnant women were weighed to the nearest 100 g on
electronic scales with a weighing capacity of 10 to 140 kg. Their height was measured to the
nearest mm with portable devices equipped with height gauges (SECA 206 Body meter) locally
calibrated and standardized. The mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) of the left arm was
measured to the nearest mm with a non-stretch measuring tape. Women with unreliable
measurements due to a physical handicap were excluded from all analyses using anthropometric
Hemoglobin : Hemoglobin level was taken twice, during the initial antenatal care visit by
the midwives in the health center to document baseline data which is part of the standard
practice. Hemoglobin levels were also collected at term (fourth antenatal care visit). It
was measured using HemoCue (AB Leo Diagnostics, Sweden) at the laboratories of the health
centers. Before potential use of the of hemoglobin levels obtained for analysis, we made
adjustments based on WHO recommendations (34) for altitudes of each district.
Gestational age: Gestational age was estimated by midwives in the health center, from the
last menstrual period (LMP) and fundal palpation during antenatal care which is also
verified at delivery. Records on gestational age were taken five times; at baseline (ANC 1),
enrolment (ANC 2), third and four ANC visits and at delivery.
Allocation to cases and controls: A mother is assigned to either the adequate or the
inadequate group based on consistency of dietary diversity practices across the four visits
considered. She will be to a group if remained to fall in that category in three of the four
visits or showed at most one shift. Otherwise, considered incomplete and eliminated from
Potential sources and controlling for Bias : Anticipating the fact that the major source of
bias could be due to key variables like major socio-demographic and economic factors and
intake /compliance to iron folic acid supplements. To control this, random allocation and
post enrollment analysis was made and to check differences across study these groups.
Controlling of these variables was also made during data analysis.
Outcome Ascertainment: The outcomes measured include: maternal anemia level, low birth
weight, pre-term birth and still birth. Maternal anemia during pregnancy was ascertained by
the hemoglobin levels at baseline and term. Birth weight recorded by the midwives
immediately after birth in the study health centers to the nearest 10g,. Still birth and
pre-term birth were also ascertained by the same professionals at birth.
Other information, data on maternal characteristics such as age, education, reproductive
history and morbidity were collected. Information on the household's composition,
expenditures and other socioeconomic, environmental and health indicators were also
Data collection Study tools (questionnaires and others) were adopted from other studies and
pre-tested on 5% of similar population but where the actual study was not conducted.
Accordingly, relevant obstetric and nutritional data were collected using these tools by
twenty four well trained midwives working permanently in the antenatal care service
provision units of respective health centers. Over two third (seventeen) of these nurses
were diploma holders and the remaining had first degree in health sciences. All of them had
at least four years of work experience in the same unit.
A five days training on participant selection process, enrollment, follow-up and data
collection tool was given to all of these midwives involved in the data collection and
supervision process. In each of the health centers selected, one supervisor (usually head of
the health center) was assigned to oversee the data collection. The investigator frequently
traveled to the health centers from enrollment to final data collection, at least once every
other week in each facility from the start of data collection to final outcome ascertainment
and completion of data collection activities.
Prior to beginning data collection, the questionnaire was adapted to the local survey
context by appropriate translation into local languages (Afan Oromo and Amharic) and
adaptation of the food lists of the standard questionnaire to reflect locally available
foods. It is also agreed on a common meaning and translation of terms used to describe key
concepts. The most appropriate food group classification were based on foods which can be
classified into more than one food groups. Mixed dishes were dis-aggregated in order to
record all of the individual components in their respective food groups.
Eligible participating women were approached by the midwives verbal consent was obtained
after proper explanation on study procedures for enrollment and follow - up. During
subsequent visit, all relevant data were collected as the data collection guide prepared by
the investigator to be used by the data collecting midwives at the health centers.
Ethical Considerations. The study was approved by Ethics Committees of both the Addis Ababa
University, College of Natural Sciences as well as the Regional Health Bureau. A formal and
official cooperative letter was written hierarchal from the region to the zonal health
office and then to , district to health centers and finally to Kebeles (villages). Prior to
undertaking interviews, written consent was obtained from all mothers.
Statistical Analysis. Data entry was performed with Epi-data statistical software. Data
quality was maintained by quality checks during both data collection and entry (double
entry) and further cleaning. All statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS Statistics
(version 20.0). Exploratory data analysis techniques were used to uncover the distribution
structure of the study variables and identify outliers or unusually entered values.
Distribution of continuous variables was tested for normality using Smirnov - Kolmogrov
test. Variables not assuming normal distribution were transformed to log distribution before
actual analysis is made. Independent 't'-test was used to test for mean differences between
the different dietary diversity groups. General linear model and Chi-square test or Fisher
exact test were used to test for independence in distribution of categorical variables
(demo- graphic characteristics, categorized nutritional variables, and dietary intake)
between study groups.
Observational Model: Cohort, Time Perspective: Prospective
Status | Clinical Trial | Phase | |
Terminated |
NCT00801931 -
Double Cord Blood Transplant for Patients With Malignant and Non-malignant Disorders
Phase 1/Phase 2 | |
Completed |
NCT02948283 -
Metformin Hydrochloride and Ritonavir in Treating Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT03341338 -
Genes-in-Action - Hepcidin Regulation of Iron Supplementation
Completed |
NCT00060398 -
Epoetin Alfa With or Without Dexamethasone in Treating Fatigue and Anemia in Patients With Hormone-Refractory Prostate Cancer
Phase 3 | |
Recruiting |
NCT05384691 -
Efficacy of Luspatercept in ESA-naive LR-MDS Patients With or Without Ring Sideroblasts Who do Not Require Transfusions
Phase 2 | |
Not yet recruiting |
NCT06309641 -
Methemoglobinemia Following Intravenous Iron Treatment
Completed |
NCT03822884 -
Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Study of 3 Subcutaneous Single Dose Epoetin Alfa Formulations in Healthy Volunteers
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT02930850 -
Spot-Check Noninvasive Hemoglobin (SpHb) Clinical Validation
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02912494 -
A Phase III Study of JR-131 in Renal Anemia Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT02888171 -
Impact of Ferric Citrate vs Ferrous Sulfate on Iron Parameters and Hemoglobin in Individuals With CKD and Iron Deficiency
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02912533 -
A Long-term Study of JR-131 in Renal Anemia Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT02384122 -
Efficacy of Octreotide on Blood and Iron Requirements in Patients With Anemia Due to Angiodysplasias
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT02603250 -
Evaluation of Hemoglobin Measurement Tools for Child Anemia Screening in Rwanda
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT02176759 -
Iron Absorption From Rice Fortified With Ferric Pyrophosphate
N/A | |
Withdrawn |
NCT01934842 -
A Study to Compare Analyte Levels in Blood Collected Using an Investigational Collection Device With a Commercial Predicate
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01922479 -
Pilot Study of Ferric Carboxymaltose to Treat Iron Deficiency in Asians With Heart Failure
Phase 4 | |
Completed |
NCT02310113 -
Transfusion and Skeletal Muscle Tissue Oxygenation
N/A | |
Completed |
NCT01693029 -
Study to Compare Safety and Efficacy of HX575 Epoetin Alfa and US-licensed Epoetin Alfa
Phase 3 | |
Completed |
NCT01432717 -
Study of ACE-536 in Healthy Postmenopausal Women
Phase 1 | |
Completed |
NCT01458028 -
Age and Gender Effects on the Pharmacokinetics of BAY85-3934
Phase 1 |