View clinical trials related to Allergy.
Filter by:This study assessed the safety profile of short ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in participants with ragweed-induced rhinoconjunctivitis with or without asthma. The primary objective was to compare treatment-emergent adverse events (AEs) for participants treated with short ragweed allergy immunotherapy tablet (AIT) with those treated with placebo.
Insulin allergy (IA) is still observed even with recombinant human insulin and insulin analogs. Obviously, the usual attitude facing an allergy, i. e. exclusion of the allergen, poses problems in face of IA because insulin is often vital for the patient. IA is thus a complex situation in which a rigorous diagnostic procedure to identify the exact allergen is necessary to propose a therapeutic answer; the purpose of the study is 1/ to validate a diagnostic algorithm for patients presenting with possible allergy. 2/ to investigate immunogenetic profiles of patient with insulin allergy 3/ cellular mechanisms of IA.
The newborn immune system is influenced by maternal immunity through both placenta and breastfeeding. There exists a close interaction between the mother and the baby during gestation and lactation. Maternal milk contains a number of factors that protect the newborn against infections including 1) cytokines and their receptors which are also thought to play a role in the protection against allergies; 2) oligosaccharides with low molecular weight and 3) probiotic bacteria that contribute to the development of the newborn immune system. Probiotics have a potent immunogenic activity as well as an immunoprotective potential in maternal milk after administration of probiotics during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition probiotics are supposed to play a role in the increased production of sphingomyelinase.
The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate that SLIT administered pre-and co-seasonally is effective in reducing rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms during the entire short ragweed pollen season.
This study is designed to assess bioequivalence between two products used for treatment of allergy.
To assess diagnostic accuracy of flow cytometry applied to the diagnosis of allergy to neuro-muscular blockers and to the determination of the neuro-muscular blocker (NMB) which may be used for an ulterior anaesthesia in case of allergy to one given NMB.
This study will be a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study and will include subjects with ragweed-induced seasonal allergic rhinitis.
Multicentre Phase II trial, comparing two different administration routes of SLITonePLUS Birch in regard to pharmacodynamic efficacy and tolerability.
The purpose of this study is to confirm the hypoallergenicity of an extensively hydrolyzed formula with an added probiotic in children with documented milk allergy.
The purpose of the study is to try a new route for specific immunotherapy (SIT). The current treatment form for SIT is subcutaneously (SCIT), which is a long treatment with up to 50 injections subcutaneously in the upper arm. The investigators believe that there is additional effect if the allergen is injected directly into the lymph node, since it is here, the allergen presentation is happening. The trial has been performed in Switzerland with significant effect of only three injections of grass-allergen into a lymph node (; NCT00470457). The investigators would like to see what happens if the the dose is doubled, so the patients will receive 6 injections all in all, with the same amount of allergen as the earlier study (1000 SQ-U). Also the outcome measurements is slightly different as the patients will note their symptoms in a diary. The patients will be divided into three groups using allocation: 1 group with 6 injections of allergen 1 group with 3 injections of allergen and 3 injections of placebo 1 group with 6 injections of placebo. The trial will be double blinded.