View clinical trials related to Airway Disease.
Filter by:Non-invasive biphasic cuirass ventilation (BCV) has recently been described for ENT surgery (ref 1-2). The clinical experience is however still sparse and further study is required. The purpose of the study is to descibe 1) mounting time and fitting of the cuirass shell on voluntary participants and 2) time to visible ventilation
A majority of Fire Department of New York (FDNY) World Trade Center (WTC) exposed rescue and recovery workers developed gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a risk factor for Barrett's Esophagus (BE) and subsequent esophageal cancer. There is diminished health-related quality of life and productivity associated with aerodigestive diseases such as GERD and BE. This proposal will leverage the longitudinally phenotyped WTC exposed cohort, validate biomarkers of WTC-aerodigestive disease, and develop novel, noninvasive disease phenotyping of premalignant diseases such as BE, and identify potential targeted therapeutics to improve care.
We used a segment of cryopreserved aorta as a graft for reconstruction for long segment tracheobronchial lesion in human.
Airway pH imbalances cause numerous adverse physiological changes within the airways, including hyperreactivity, cough, bronchoconstriction, ciliopathy, decreased response to bronchodilators, bacterial growth, nitrosative/oxidative stress, neutrophilic/eosinophilic inflammation, and cell death. Airway pH is known to be low (acidic) in chronic and acute pulmonary diseases. The gold standard approach to measuring airway pH is to bronchscopically obtain epithelial cell lining fluid using protected brush sampling. The expense and invasive nature of this approach is a barrier to fully characterizing the role of airway pH in the health and disease. In this study, we will evaluate non-invasive clinical methods that can be done using equipment standard in clinical pulmonary function laboratories for measuring airway pH.