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Pain and Fatigue Management in Patients With Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Colon Cancer, or Lung Cancer

Reducing Barriers to Pain and Fatigue Management

RATIONALE: Collecting information over time about patients' and health care providers' understanding of pain and fatigue and providing education about pain and fatigue management may improve quality of life. PURPOSE: This clinical trial is studying pain and fatigue management in patients with breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, or lung cancer.

NCT00900835 — Breast Cancer
Status: Completed

DeADT - Living Well With Prostate Cancer - DeADT-LW

De-implementation of Low Value Castration for Men With Prostate Cancer - Living Well With Prostate Cancer

The goal of this pilot randomized implementation trial is to compare two strategies to reduce low-value androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) use for prostate cancer care. The aim of the study is to compare implementation of the two strategies: use of a clinical reminder order check intervention versus a provider script/patient education approach, and their impacts on low-value ADT use after six months. The main goal of both interventions will be to decrease ADT overuse for patients with prostate cancer, but to do this in a way that is acceptable to the clinicians who treat these patients. Provider participants will engage with one of the interventions triggered in the electronic health record when their patients are deemed likely to be receiving low-value ADT. Provider participants receive only one intervention. The intervention is triggered for every clinic visit involving a patient deemed to be receiving low-value ADT, so provider participants may receive their assigned intervention multiple times. Researchers will compare provider use of both strategies to determine implementation outcomes and whether one was more effective in reducing low-value ADT use.

NCT06199986 — Prostate Cancer
Status: Recruiting

sEphB4-HSA Before Surgery in Treating Patients With Bladder Cancer, Prostate Cancer, or Kidney Cancer

A Pilot Study of Neoadjuvant sEphB4-HSA in Patients With Genitourinary Cancers

This pilot clinical trial studies the side effects of recombinant EphB4-HSA fusion protein before surgery in treating patients with transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, prostate cancer, or kidney cancer. Recombinant EphB4-HSA fusion protein may block an enzyme needed for tumor cells to multiply and may also prevent the growth of new blood vessels that bring nutrients to the tumor. Giving recombinant EphB4-HSA fusion protein before surgery may make the tumor smaller and reduce the amount of normal tissue that needs to be removed.

NCT02767921 — Stage III Prostate Cancer
Status: Terminated

ReIMAGINE Prostate Cancer Screening

ReIMAGINE Prostate Cancer Screening - Inviting Men for Prostate Cancer Screening Using MRI

Single site study to assess the feasibility of prostate cancer screening using an invitation for a prostate MRI scan via GP practices. This feasibility study will assess the acceptability of an MRI as a prostate cancer screening assessment and assess the prevalence of MRI defined suspicious lesions and cancer in men across a spectrum of PSA results.

NCT04063566 — Prostate Cancer
Status: Completed

Olive Oil v Prostate Cancer Foundation Diet for Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Comparing Diets for Weight Loss and Improvement in Cancer Biomarkers in Men With Prostate Cancer

This study compared a plant-based, olive oil diet to the diet recommended by the Prostate Cancer Foundation for weight loss and improvement in some laboratory biomarkers.

NCT03084913 — Prostate Cancer
Status: Completed

Care of the Prostate Cancer Patient and Prospective Procurement of Prostate Cancer Tissue

Care of the Prostate Cancer Patient and Prospective Procurement of Prostate Cancer Tissue

Background: Prostate cancer is the most common noncutaneous cancer among men in the U.S. Researchers want to study blood, tissue, and fluid samples of people with prostate cancer. This will help them understand any changes in cells and genes. These changes might lead to the development and progression of prostate cancer. Researchers think the study could lead to new treatments. Objective: To understand the changes in cells and genes that lead to the development and progression of prostate cancer. This could lead to new treatments. Eligibility: Men ages 18 and older who have or are suspected to have prostate cancer Design: Participants will be screened with physical exam and medical history. Participants will send tissue blocks of their tumor, if possible. If not, they will provide unstained slides of tumor tissue. Participants may provide samples of blood, urine, saliva, and prostate secretions. Participants may have imaging tests. They will lie in a machine that takes pictures of their body. These tests include: MRI of the prostate CT of the abdomen and pelvis Chest x-ray Participants may need a biopsy or surgery for treatment of their cancer. If so, researchers will collect tissue. Participants may answer questions about their prostate cancer and quality of life. Participants may have follow-up visits or other treatments. They may have follow-up phone calls every few months.

NCT02594202 — Prostate Cancer
Status: Recruiting

Trial of RNActive®-Derived Prostate Cancer Vaccine in Metastatic Castrate-refractory Prostate Cancer

A Randomised, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase I/II Trial of RNActive®-Derived Cancer Vaccine (CV9104) in Asymptomatic or Minimally Symptomatic Patients With Metastatic Castrate-refractory Prostate Cancer

The purpose of this study is to determine whether the new RNActive®-derived prostate cancer vaccine CV9104 prolongs survival in patients with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic metastatic prostate cancer that is castrate resistant.

NCT01817738 — Prostate Cancer
Status: Terminated

Real World Prostate Cancer Registry - RWPCR

Patient Reported Data on Prostate Cancer Diagnosis, Management, and Outcome: Real World Prostate Cancer Registry

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in men in the USA with 268,490 cases diagnosed in 2022 constituting 27% of male cancers and 34,500 deaths (11%) occurred in same year.1 Prostate cancer is a very heterogeneous disease that has different presentations, molecular and pathological features, stages, and disease biology. The treatment options are dependent on the disease stage, its features, and the patient's condition and preferences. The disease outcome also varies significantly due to the previous heterogeneity of the features in addition to other social determinants of health. Therefore, it is critical to obtain real-world data that reflects the actual patterns of prostate cancer presentation, work up, management, and outcome. Real World Prostate Cancer Registry (RWPCR) aims at compiling real world data from patients presented with prostate cancer in the tristate area. The data collection will be prospective and longitudinal including patients' demographics and disease characteristics, work up, management, and outcome.

NCT06355336 — Prostate Cancer
Status: Recruiting

Studying Genes, Environment, and Prostate Cancer Risk in Patients With or Without Prostate Cancer

Genetic Susceptibility, Environment & Prostate Cancer Risk

RATIONALE: Gathering information about genetic and environmental factors may help doctors learn more about a person's risk for developing prostate cancer. PURPOSE: This research project is studying genes, environment, and prostate cancer risk in patients with or without prostate cancer.

NCT01013129 — Prostate Cancer
Status: Completed

Determination of Baseline Levels for Prostate Cancer-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Following Local Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Determination of Baseline Levels for Prostate Cancer-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Following Local Treatment of Prostate Cancer

This study is being done to determine whether levels of prostate cancer derived extracellular vesicles from blood and urine specimens correlate with response to primary local treatment (surgery) in prostate cancer.

NCT06326216 — Prostate Carcinoma
Status: Recruiting